Ten Home Techniques To Improve ThumbHand Arthritis And Carp…

W hether you are suffering from carpal tunnel or thumb arthritis it is better to seek treatment before the numbness and tingling is constant in the hand and the pain in the thumb is unbearable. Therapy services would include modalities that help to decrease inflammation and pain, exercises that restore motion and strength, learning joint mechanics and positioning to relieve stress on the joint and nerve, and learning techniques that you can implement at home to help prevent or control pain and numbness. At Synergy Rehab and Wellness, we are specialized to help treat hand injuries. We have one of the only board Certified Hand Therapist in the area on staff with over 6 years of direct experience with the hand and 15 years experience as a Physical Therapist. Watever your hand problem, you are not alone.We treat peoplewith your hand and thumb condition every day and help them with the use of their hands for the activities you are likely struggling with performing. Don’t suffer needlessly or consider surgery until you have tried our research proven methods first. Call today to schedule, or if you have questions and would like to speak to one of our doctors of PT first.


Phone # - 540-416-0503 Email - information@synergyrehabandwellness.com

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