Deputy Director of Estates and Facilities (Development)


BCU Estates is responsible for managing one of the University’s prime assets, land and buildings with an Insurance Replacement Value (IRV) of £400m and to manage the estate in an effective way, achieving VFM in all property related activities and ensuring compliance with statutory obligations. Maintenance, Development and Investment in the estate has research proves, to be of fundamental value in enhancing the experience of both students and staff, improving research productivity, business engagement and giving BCU a clearer identify and sense of pride in itself. 80% of students consider campus facilities very important when deciding where to study (AUDE Annual Report 2015) and over one third rejected an institution because of the quality of their buildings and facilities. The physical environment is therefore crucial in BCU delivering its Strategy, operational effectiveness, developing and enhancing its culture, reputation and brand and the Estates Department in managing one of the largest budgets supports the university’s drive for efficiency. In addition to the core roles of physical planning, project management; oversight of the University’s capital development programme; buildings and grounds maintenance and minor works; the Estates Department is responsible for all aspects of real estate management; rating; sustainability and energy management.

BCU Campus Management is responsible for developing and promoting excellent quality services and manage the campuses which facilitate the delivery of the University’s Mission, Vision and Strategic Goals. Campus Management and Services aims to satisfy the changing needs of staff, students and visitors alike by being the custodians of all operational aspects of the physical environment. The Campus Management Team is made of three service areas: Campus Services includes Building Services, Digital Print Services, Post and Transport, Academic Scheduling and Space Management, Cleaning and Sports Centres. Campus Services also contributes significantly to the University’s Environmental Agenda. Accommodation and Catering Services includes oversight of the University’s Accommodation Strategy and management of the University’s Halls of Residence and Private Sector providers, and the management of the sole Catering partner, Sodexo, whom services the catering offers on all campuses. Accommodation Services also manages conferences and function facilities. Security Services cover operational management, the Security Strategy and guidance, incident and emergency management, out of hour’s pastoral care, property management, car parking, front of house receptions and telephony. Security Services is also a key player in the University’s Prevent Agenda.

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