Annual Black History Education Conference Publication

A ndreal Davis is a wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, cousin, aunt, friend and the former Statewide Culturally Responsive Practices Coordinator in Wisconsin. She is also CEO and Founder of Cultural Practices that are Relevant Consulting Firm whose signature event is the annual Black History Education Conference. She received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education in 1986 and a Master of Science Degree in Curriculum and Instruction in 1995 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She also holds a certificate in Educational Administration from Edgewood College in Madison, Wisconsin. Convinced of the importance of family and community in a child’s education, Andreal has been instrumental in forming family- school-community relationships ever since she began her teaching in 1986. She has served in various capacities in the public education arena including but not limited to an Elementary Educator, Title I Reading Instructor, Parent Involvement Coordinator, Instructional Resource Teacher for Cultural Relevance, Assistant Director of Equity and Family Involvement and the nation’s first Director of African American Student Achievement with the Madison Metropolitan School District in Madison, Wisconsin. She was formerly co- director, along with her husband Arlington, of the African American Ethnic Academy, an academic and cultural enrichment program that convened on Saturday mornings. As a product of the research she did while serving as co-director at the African American Ethnic Academy she was propelled by her own three sons and countless other under-served children across the country and devoted her life’s work to researching best practices and models around Culturally Responsive Practices that speak to the unique identities and world views of these children. Reflecting on her own educational experiences as a child and those she has had as a classroom teacher and mother, she has held deeply in her heart the people, purposes and passions that shaped and have had a profound effect on the educational leader she is today. Many of these experiences remain in her institutional memory and call her to create and share this Andreal Davis FOUNDER OF CULTURAL PRACTICES THAT ARE RELEVANT CONSULTING FIRM & CULTURAL PRACTICES THAT ARE RELEVANT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION

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