Placing emphasis on pedestrian and traffic safety inspired DC, partners to take swift action.
A cornerstone of the resident-identified Amani Revitalization Plan is Neighborhood Safety. This year Dominican Center worked to promote safety for both pedestrians and drivers who live, work and play in Amani. DC worked with AARP Wisconsin, who brought Jonathon Stalls, author of “WALK: Slow Down, Wake Up and Connect at 1-3 Miles per Hour,” to Amani to asses safety. According to Stalls, Pedestrian Dignity events center the lived experience of all who walk, use a wheelchair and take transit as their pri- mary form of transportation. “We will move with the many gaps and opportunities facing all who walk, roll and use the bus in car-domi- nated built environments,” Stalls said. The group walked with Amani residents, Wisconsin Bike Federation, Dominican Center and Amani United. This event high- lighted the work organizations are doing in Amani to curb reckless driving. To continue this work, residents and part- ners held community meetings about traffic safety. They also coordinated a speed study of the intersection at 25th & Locust and are committed to providing speed deterrents there this year. In addition, DC partnered with WellPoint Care Network to place 50 “slow down” signs throughout Amani. The signs, used in a city- wide effort to curb reckless driving, were placed in heavily-trafficked areas.
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