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This BRAND NEW book is indispensable for those who read and study the Bible. Here in one compact volume is a treasury of biblical truth, a companion to Bible study, an encyclopedia of information, and a comprehensive guide to understand ing the Scriptures.
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,1 K f H I8 1 f T H i ® B a c M '.R«> i ;N d tKiV ,nST{) 8 ' l ; i aments how THF. fWKEN lHt rfc !)A UNGER’S BIBLE HANDBOOK is literally a library of important bibli cal data, based on the most recent archaeological discoveries and the finest evangelical scholarship—a mountain of facts at your fingertips. Dr. Unger, author of Unger’s Bible Dictionary, spent more than five years preparing this monumental book—the culmination of decades of biblical study and teaching. This is more than a collection of miscellaneous facts. It is a carefully planned and organized commentary on God’s Word, with introduc tion, outline and discussion of the content of each book of the Bible and its relationship to the complete biblical revelation. UNGER S B IBLE HANDBOOK includes: •a comprehensive, yet concise intro duction to the Bible, including its historical and archaeological back ground •a history of the formation and pres ervation of the Bible •an outline of the intertestament pe riod with pertinent statistics • a synopsis of church history, and a survey of other religions •a wealth of charts, maps, photo graphic illustrations, drawings and indexes and interested layman. Compact, easy-to-use handbook size VALUABLE FOR EVERY C H R IS T IA N ... student, minister, teacher, ^ j f l * m 2 L 960 pages, 4 */." x VA " • 54.95 NOWAVAILABLE AT BOOKSTORES Special t Introductory Price MOODY PRESS Chicago • Illinois 60610 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home T h e K i n g © B u s i n e s s A PUBLICATION OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INCORPORATED A year's meditations in the company of Christ Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman Vol. 57, No. 4 • APRIL, in the year of our Lord 1966 • Established 1910 Articles CHRIST PLUS NOTHING — Allegra McBirney ................................. 8 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL REVIEWS .................................................. 12 IS CHRIST THE ANSWER? — Nicholas Kurtaneck ............................ 14 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION IN CHRISTIAN COLLEGES ..................... 17 TOM DEVELOPS SELF-CONFIDENCE — Gordon Chllvers .............. 20 A FLY IN THE OINTMENT — Roy B. Zuck .................................... 23 THE MORNING WATCH — R. G. Lee ................................................ 26 WORRYING IS FUN? .................................................................................... 28 PRAYER — A. J. Gordon .......................................................................... 41 THE MISSIONARY LILIES — Martha S. Hooker ................................. 42 I WAS NEVER CALLED — Dick Hlllis ................................................ 44 features MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland .............. 6 OVER THE COFFE CUP — Joyce Landorf ........................................... 10 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot .......................... 30 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ...................................... 32 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................ 33 BOOK REVIEWS .............................................................................................. 34 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert .................................................. 36 CHRISTIAN WORKERS' CLINIC .............................................................. 38 Columns PEOPLE IN THE NEWS .................................................... 4 READER REACTION ....................................................................................... 5 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE ...................................................................... 11 Cover Courtesy of Luoma Photos, Woirton, West Virginia. — All Rights Reserved — From a recognized master in the field, the Rev. R. E. O. White, comes a new and beautiful contribution to personal devotions. Brief daily meditations, which include selected passages from Scrip ture and the author's own clear and forceful prose, are organized into fifty- two weekly themes, reflecting the Holy days of the Christian calendar and the changing se a son s of the year. Five Minutes with the Master is dignified and attractive in appearance, with a deluxe leather-like cover and a convenient bound-in silk marker. It is an ideal gift choice as well as a spiritually rewarding personal companion. $3.95 S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor PAUL SCHWEPKER: Treasurer JAMES BRAMER: Controller JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager BILL EHMANN: Coordinator VIRG IN IA LUBER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker E V A N G E L IC A L PRESS A S S O C IA TIO N MEMBER ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, California 90017. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business." IK WM. B. EERDMANS PUBLISHING CO. Grand Rapids, Michigan A t your bookseller': APRIL, 1966 PeopleintheNews Mr. Vergil Gerber, co-ordinator of the Congress on the Church’s World wide Mission, is pictured below dis cussing additional plans fo r the Con gress to be held at Wheaton College this month. More than 1,000 dele gates from around the world are expected to attend the Congress. Pictured from left to right a re : Mr. Thomas M. Burton, assistant business manager, Wheaton College; Rev. Nor man Cummings, Overseas Crusades, Inc.; Rev. Wage Coggins, assistant executive secretary o f EFMA ; Rev. Louis L. King, Christian Missionary Alliance; Dr. Vernon Mortenson, gen eral director o f The Evangelical Alli ance Mission; Rev. Vergil Gerber; Rev. Gordon Beacham, North Africa M ission; Rev. E. L. Frizen, Jr., execu tive secretary o f IFMA ; and Dr. Mil- ton Baker, Conservative Baptist For eign Mission Society. Mr. Kenneth Taylor, author o f Liv ing Letters, is among the instructors fo r the 12th annual missionary lit erature workshop s p o n s o r e d by Moody Literature Mission and Evan gelical L it e r a t u r e Overseas. The workshop will be held in Chicago at the Moody Bible Institute June 20 through July 8, offering a full cur riculum o f writing, publishing, and marketing geared to the mission field. Other instructors a re Peter Gunther, director o f Moody Literature Mission; James Johnson, executive sec retary o f Evangelical L it e r a t u r e Overseas; and John Bass, executive executive s e c r e t a r y o f Christian Booksellers Association. The course is opened to those currently engaged in literature work on the mission field or those who anticipate such work in the future. Dr. H. Wilbert Norton, professor of missions at Wheaton College and veteran missionary, will co-ordinate the tenth annual Summer Institute of Missions held on the Wheaton Col lege campus, June 7 -July 15. Some o f the course offerings are “ Mission ary Methods in Acts” taught by Dr. Merrill C. Tenney, dean of the Whea ton graduate school and “ Missionary Writing” taught by Dr. James Johnson, executive d i r e c t o r o f Evangelical Literature Overseas. Courses in the Institute are offered for both gradu ate and undergraduate credit, and earned credits may be applied to ward a graduate or undergraduate degree. Senator Frank Carlson (R., Kansas) and Lt. Gov. Fred G. Pollard o f Virginia took part in the dedication cere monies o f the George Washington Boyhood Home recently, in Fred ericksburg. The joint effort o f Youth for Christ International and the Nice Brothers, a family o f construc tion engineers, have made the proj ect possible. The building dedicated will be multi-purpose, with sleeping rooms fo r boys and houseparents. It will have a central dining room, kitchen, and administrative offices. Additional dormitory facilities will be added later. Said Senator Carlson concerning boys at the home, “ Here they will d e v e lo p t h e ir bodies through athletics, through exercise. They will develop their minds; they will sharpen their understanding. Here they will test the measure of their strength and o f their moral fiber against that o f George Wash ington. But more important than this, these boys will not be left un attended in the spiritual area of life.” Dr. Hudson T. Armerding, president of Wheaton College, recently an nounced three changes in the admin istration o f the College, effective July 1. Dr. John H. Fadenrecht, dean o f the college, has been named chair man o f the department o f education. Dr. Peter Veltman, chairman o f the de partment o f education, has been ap pointed dean o f the college; and Dr. Robert C. Baptista, associate professor o f physical education. Also recently announced, Dr. Francis Schaeffer, director o f L’Abri Fellow ship in Huemoz sur Ollon, Switzer land, will be a guest instructor at the College June 7-17. Dr. Schaeffer will lecture on “ Christianity and the Humanities” during th e college’s ten-day Inter-session term. Rev. Sung Jin Ahn, founder and di rector of the Christian Children’s Center in Seoul, Korea, is directing a team o f co-workers in co-operation with Scripture Press o f Wheaton, Illinois, is adapting, translating, and distributing lessons fo r Primaries and Juniors. Rev. and AAre. William Warner, literature missionaries with TEAM, have completed the translat ing and testing o f three years of Sunday school lessons for children in Rhodesia, Africa. T h e s e le s s o n s , based on Scripture Press materials, have been translated into the Shona language and carefully adapted for African culture. T O PROV IDE FOR R E T I R E M E N T - A N D TH E M I S S I O N F I E L D ■ IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE SU R E O F Y O U R C O N TINUING W ITNESS ON THE M ISS ION F I E L D ... IF YOU ARE A L SO INTERESTED IN SECUR ITY AND PEACE OF M IND . . . con s id e r th e advan ta g e s o f W orld V ision ’s GIFT ANNUITY PLAN . They include: • A fixed income for life for YO U • A fixed income for life for your survivor (if you choose survivor benefits). • The satisfaction of know ing your m oney is invested in the Lord's w ork, yet returns to you usually more than the current rate o f inter est, and provides freed om from investment worries. • Gives substantial savings on income tax, estate tax, probate costs, bond ing and executor's fees. AND your money can earn up to 8 % interest A N N U IT A N T S A R E M ISSIONAR IES W ITH A W OR LD V ISION Dept. KB-46 Please send a free copy of World Vision’s GIFT ANNUITY PLAN. name city date of birth M A IL TO : Stew ard sh ip Dept. W O R LD V IS ION , Inc., 919 W. Huntington Drive, Monrovia, Calif, or W O R L D V IS IO N O F C A N A D A , Box 181-K, Toronto 12, Ont. (continued on page 46) THE K IN S'S BUSINESS 4 QUESTION BOX We think THE KING’S BUSINESS magazine is one of the best on the market. We enjoy it from cover to cover and we always look for Dr. Tal bot’s Question Box. We have had many things straightened out in our minds through his answers. Mrs. John D. VanKampen, Inglewood, California OVER A CUP OF COFFEE I enjoyed your first article in THE KING’S BUSINESS, “ That Extra Touch.” We are working here in a home for Indian children, helping look after 51 children. In the rush of daily living one sometimes forgets about “that extra touch.” Mrs. Neudorf, Timber Bay, Saskatchewan I enjoyed and appreciated so much the “ new addition” to my favorite magazine. Even the title, “ Over a Cup of Coffee,” gives one a warm cozy feel ing. May our Lord use your comments, hints, and even the recipes to bring honor to Himself. We busy housewives, mothers, husband-helpers need to have our thoughts directed often to Him, Who is our strength. Mrs. Ruth Calkin’s column, “ An swering Teens” is also a needed fea ture and will be of help to parents as well as young people. LIBRARY MAGAZINE RACK Through the cooperation of the Chal lengers class at Oakland Neighborhood Church (Young Adults), every branch of the public library in Oakland dis plays your publication on their maga zine rack, in addition, of course, to the libraries in Hayward, Castro Valley, Richmond and others. Thank you for a fine job. Kell D. Schmidt, San Leandro, California APPRECIATION EXPRESSED As a result of a contest on Radio Station KPDQ, Portland, Oregon, I re ceived a free one-year Subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS. What a terrific magazine! May God bless each of you always. Mrs. Keith Eiligsen, Portland, Oregon MONEY CAN BUY A bed but not sleep. Books but not brains. Food but not appetite. Finery but not beauty. A house but not a home. Medicine but not health. Luxuries but not culture. Amusement but not happiness. A crucifix but not a Saviour. A church pew but not heaven. i»ook Young (w-j) more than 22,000 boys and girls who have been orphaned in an im poverished land. But our essential purpose is to bring them up in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord.” They are taught the gospel of salvation by Bible-believing Christian Koreans and trained for lives of usefulness as well as places of future leadership. Many of our “grad uates” go into full-time Christian service, others into education, the trades, business, and some to establish Christian homes of their own. HOW CAN YOU SAY "NO" age« ms%r' TO A N E E D Y O R P H A N ? To accomplish this dual purpose we need sponsors-—individuals like you who are willing to be a “Mommy,” “Daddy,” “Big Brother” or “ Big Sister.” The cost is very small, only $10 a month (that’s just 33 cents a day), and this will provide food, shelter, clothing and medical care. Our dedicated staff will surround them with a wholesome atmosphere and will be your substitute in bringing the personal touch into their lives. Hundreds of the children in our Homes are without sponsors and their childish hearts are praying for someone who will answer their plea. To you it will mean a great blessing. You will be sent the child’s photo, case history and photo of the Home. There will follow an exchange of letters that will warm your heart. Act today to become a part of this ministry. It will be one of the most rewarding expe riences of your life. CLIP AND MAIL TODAY! »Rev. Henry L. Harvey, Pres. □ Yes, I want to sponsor an orphan. My choice is_________________________ . If already chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor a similar child. I prefer □ Boy □ Girl____________ Age. With God's help, I will send $10 a month to COMPASSION. I understand that I may dis continue any time. Please send child's picture and FULL PARTICULARS. Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ one year. □ Please select a child for me and send par ticulars at once. □ I cannot sponsor a child now, but want to help by giving $____________ _ All gifts are most welcome . . . income tax deductible. □ Please send folder "How to Sponsor a Korean Orphan." Dept. K46 7774 Irving Pk. Rd„ Chicago, III. 60634 Ph. 456-6116 Compassion of Canada, Ltd., Box 8S0, Blenheim, Ontario Name__________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________ City____________________ Stats___________________ Zip____________ APRIL, 19«« S a message from the editor ^ W BY DR. SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND ^ P R E S ID E N T , THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC. A MODERNIST’S MUSINGS ^ ) n e s e e s f r o m t i m e t o t i m e articles or newspaper accounts in which liberal theologians take to task their fellow theologues for being too far out in their theological mental meanderings. O f course one o f the basic tenets o f liberal theology is that every man thinks that which seemeth good to his own mind. There is no norm, there is no standard, by which an individual’s doctrinal position may be judged. T o the liberal the Bible is authoritative only insofar as the individual desires it to be; he may repudiate any portion he dislikes. There is no final authority except the indi vidual’s own ability to reason things out for himself. The liberal demands this liberty for himself and he is quite willing to allow the same liberty to his fellows. Indeed, that is one reason mod ernists get along so well; all they ask is that each one be given the right to hold his own ideas and opinions. These opinions can be discussed, but one’s freedom o f thought must never be denied or violated. It is interesting to note, therefore, that one o f the more prominent theologians o f today has become somewhat critical o f his fellows because, in his judgment, they have gone too far in their theological viewpoints. Dr. Robert McAfee Brown, Professor o f Religion at Stanford University, has become quite concerned over modern-day trends in Protestant theological circles. According to a newspaper article published in a San Francisco daily paper, he states, "Much o f what is going on at present in the Protestant scene gives the impression o f being willing to jettison whatever is necessary in order to appeal to the modern mentality.” It seems to be a polite way o f stating that he thinks his colleagues have gone too far in their “ efforts to strip the Christian gospel o f any doctrine which seems to give offense to skeptics.” He says, "It is not the task o f Christians to whittle away their heritage until it is finally palatable to all; faith has never been easy. . . There is a scandal to the Christian faith . . . and he who proclaims it either through what he says or what he is or what he does must be prepared to be called a fool for Christ’s sake.” This, o f course, is what Bible-believing Christian preachers have been proclaiming for lo, these many, many years. It seems too bad that as erudite a man as Dr. Brown is reported to be should take so long to discover this fact. O f course no one is naive enough to think that Dr. Brown is embracing the faith THE KING'S BUSINESS What’s going on in A FR IC A W OW ? Plenty! And the way to keep up with it all is AFRICA NOW. Fresh news reports, surveys, special features, maps, pictures, Stories— 16 authoritative pages acclaimed by teachers, pastors, mission and youth leaders everywhere. Free each quarter from the Sudan Interior Mission to encourage prayerful interest on be half of God’s work in Africa. SUDAN INTERIOR M ISSIO USA: 164 W 74th Street, Now Y m U, N.Y. CANADA: 405 Huron Street, Toronto 5, Ontario I am intorostod in praying for God's work in Africa. Ploasa put mo on your mailing list for AFRICA NOW and othor SIM matorial without obligation. HAJHK »P Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California. R E W A R D A beautiful PILGRIM’S MAP OF THE HOLY LAND, showing Hie journeys and deeds of our Lord with ¡denrifying Scripture refer ences, produced in The Carpenter's Workshops of Nazareth. In full col or, size 19"x 27". A collector's item. YOUR PART? A contribution to assist in reaching the more than 2 million Jews In the metropolitan New York area with the Gospel. New York Gospel Mission to the Jews Rer. David J. Fant, LitLD., President Ruth Angel, General Direetor Dept. K 149 Avenue B New York, N. Y. 10009 A CHRISTIAN WITNESS FOR 70 YEARS once for all delivered unto the saints. He is merely saying that there are extremes to which liberals themselves should not go and he is concerned that some liberals have gone that far. But he has only himself and others like him to thank for this situation. They began, themselves, to repudiate and dispute the Word o f God; they sowed doubts in the minds o f those who would listen to them or read their writings; they gave up the "faith o f their fathers” and began to teach false doctrines in their stead. Alas, the logical end o f such teaching is a complete repudiation o f belief in God and everything that we hold near and dear to our hearts. The end result is humanism, pure and simple. It is the elimination o f God and the elevation o f man to the position that God rightly deserves so far as the thinking o f men is concerned. Men like Dr. Brown have invited and encouraged this very system o f unbelief. They, themselves, may not have gone as far as their fellows have gone, but their whole approach to theological thought finds its fruition in the humanistic philosophy which he now decries. Dr. Brown, according to the article, speaks o f the "appalling irrelevance o f Christianity to the vast majority o f modern men.” We would dare to suggest that it is not the Chris tianity o f the Bible that is irrelevant for modern man; rather, it is the pseudo-Christianity which he and his colleagues and their disciples have developed which is irrelevant to modern man. Their system o f theology is not having any effect whatsoever upon man’s thinking and his living. Why should it? Their ideas are not necessarily one whit better than the ideas o f the non-conformists, the beatniks and all other types o f free-thinkers. Liberals o f the last generation and the neo-liberals o f the present generation have done nothing except to discredit the truth o f God’s Word, to deny its inspiration and to create in the minds o f their hearers the idea that the Bible is nothing more than a collection o f ancient folk lore and the collective thinking o f the primitive minds o f a by-gone age. They have very successfully sowed such numerous seeds o f doubt in the minds o f countless numbers o f people in this beloved land that practically nothing o f a vital nature in the Word o f God has any authoritative value whatsoever to them. This is the great contribution (? ) which men like Dr. Brown have bestowed upon our present-day civilization. I f instead o f each man’s proclaiming his own notions, there were a mighty united effort on the part o f ministers o f the Gospel to proclaim "thus saith the Lord,” with all o f its implications, this would become very relevant in the thinking o f modern man. By so doing it might yet be possible to stem the headlong, down ward rush o f our civilization to its own inevitable destruction. What a shame that such a simple solution as this never seems to enter the cosmic consciousness o f these present-day builders o f men’s minds! Instead, they prefer to go about, blindly groping after some concept that will change the course o f human destiny. God help us who believe the Bible to be His own inspired Word to proclaim its truths fearlessly and faithfully as long as life shall last! FOR THE TREE OF THE FIELD IS MAN'S LIFE - Deuteronomy 20.19 m ¡■wends straigli f? storm ly M » season. Just so . MHpaaja’s life when the Bible as •hi$ guide, he grows strong and steadfast. Cambridge University Press has made : ’ Bibles since L59L When yon own a Cambridge Bible, yon own a book made with craftsmanship inherited through twelve generations. AT ALL BOOKSELLERS 7 APRIL, 1966 PILLSBURY COLLEGE Owatonna. Minnesota ★ Spacious Campus ★ Sports ★ Consecrated Faculty ★ Clubs ★ Choir Write Dr. Monroe Parker, President, for Catalog *A C ollege o f Distinction” by Allegro, McBimey I r was evening ; but little Three had had a late nap so was en joying the luxury of staying up. “Mommy, could I color?” he asked. “ They’re in the back bed room, Mommy, and it’s dark in there —real dark . . .” “Don’t be afraid,” I assured him. “ Jesus will go with you.” He thought hard. “Mommy— ” he suggested, “ how ’bout if you go WITH Jesus ’n’ me?” Jesus alone — is He enough? Or is our real, underlying com fort, like Th ree ’s, in “ Jesus and— ” ?: Jesus and human as surances, Jesus and p e r fe c t health, Jesus and financial guar antees . . . Little Three, don’t rest your heart in “ Christ and ” but always in Christ only. The “ and” part may fail—but Jesus never will! . . . And may we both be will ing to go into ANY dark place, deeply satisfied with Christ plus nothing . “ Certainly,” I said. “ But my crayons— ” “ Yes?” Ives Today day! Kit for 10-day course contains: 1 Director’s Manual • 5 Teachers* Texts • 5 Pupils’ Books (one each for Nursery- Preschool, Beginner, Primary, Junior and Junior High) • 3 Craft Paks (Beginner, Primary, and Junior) • Publicity Supplies • Certificates • Songbook Order 9198 (10-day kit) $8.69 value, only $5.50 ■ Order 5900 (5-day kit) $7.54 value, only $4.75 FREE filmstrip “ WITNESS IN WEST- VIEW” for use in your church ■ Colorful filmstrip with LP record narration to help inspire congregation, VBS staff. Wonderful for recruiting workers, sparking enthusiasm. ■ Act today to order your introductory kit and reserve the filmstrip. At your dealer or fill out and mail coupon below. Here is VBS with a purpose: to pre pare your children better than ever before to meet the challenges of to day’s fast moving world. GOD Lives Today is a complete program . . . one that will make Christ a living, inspir ing force in young lives. God’s word can be more fascinat ing than the latest space flight, or atomic invention. And it is — with Standard’s 1966 VBS program— designed to inspire your children with the comfort, the armor, and the strength that comes when a young mind realizes God truly does live to- The Happy Family E ditor ’ s N o t e : Mrs. McBimey writes: "Since the time the preceding arti cle was written, Three and his three brothers and sister, his daddy and myself have left Santa Barbara, California, and daddy’s engineering profession and have gone out as faith missionaries (Canadian Sun day School Mission) into a “ dark place"; and our experience verifies the fact continually: Christ Plus NOTHING IS ENOUGH!" STANDARD PUBL ISH ING Alhambra, Calif. 91801 KB-466-m Cincinnati, Ohio 45231 Send me: □ Complete 1966 VBS Kit for 10-day course. 9198, $5.50 □ Complete 1966 VBS Kit for 5-day course. 5900, $4.75 □ Free filmstrip, “ WITNESS IN WESTVIEW.” 9199 (You will be billed $3.50 which will be cancelled when film is returned on date speci fied.) Reservation date---------------- Return date---------------- □ Free 1966 VBS Planbook (included in kit). Name. Position in church. Church name. Address. ■ THE KING'S BUSINESS in returns on new annuity agreements 1§£ MOODY BIBLE INSflTUTE (depend ing on your age) ¡KrfSUfjn. Since its inception almost 60 years ago, the Moody Bible Institute Annuity program has afforded Christians an opportunity to invest and share in the many soul-winning ministries of the Institute . . . providing dependable, generous returns—coupled with utmost security. Not once has a single annuity payment ever been missed, regardless of economic conditions. Now, the Institute is pleased to announce that returns on all new Annuity Agreements have been increased—rates ranging from 3.63% to 9.09% (de pending on your a ge ). You, too, can experience the peace of mind and satisfaction that Moody double-dividends provide. For more complete information on Moody’s new higher annuity rates and tax benefits available to you in the annuity plans. . . MAIL COUPON TODAY 4 ^ Department of Stewardship M O O D Y B I B L E I N S T I T U T E 820 N. LaSalle Street • Chicago, Illinois 60610 Please send me, without obligation, information on new higher annuity returns and a copy of double dividends , story of Moody Annuity Plan. DATE OF NAME_____________________________________________________________ BIRTH_______________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________________ -__________________________ CITY_____ STATE___________________ ZIP CODE. Because of an inhibited child hood, my husband has many in securities. Although I give him no reason to mistrust me, he often searches through my purse and opens my mail. I am an noyed by his suspicions. What can I do? rL.M. Dear L .M .: Try leaving a short note in your purse saying something like th is: “ Honey, I love you dearly and I am trying to be the wife you want and need.” Or place a few o f your letters on his desk with a brief note saying, “ Thought you might enjoy read ing these.” Perhaps the reassur ance o f a love that cares and shares is what your husband needs most. Above all, be a chan nel fo r God’s love. He is our security! Dear Ruth: I want to be faithful to Christ, but / am so involved in church activities that my head whirls. I am not doing any of the jobs adequately, yet I feel guilty when I say “no” to another des perate plea for help. Is my at titude wrong? J.B. Dear J.B. : A sanctified no may often be more in keeping with God’s will than a pressured yes. God asks us to give what we have, not what we haven’ t o f time, talent, energy and money. If you are sincerely giving the best that you have and are, you certainly need not carry a false guilt. Pray instead fo r the awakening o f the many unconcerned Chris tians who are doing so little— who could be doing so much. (made by forcing through a ric- er. It’s a small amount o f trouble but worth it). Make bunny ears with split almonds. Use cloves for eyes, paprika fo r nose and mouth, and make cotton-tail from pimento cheese softened with a little cream. Garnish with a tiny carrot and parsley fo r a top. Serve with mayonnaise. Serves six. there is nothing wrong in that. Do not the trees the same? They deck with green lace the branches that were bleak, bare and ugly.” The middle ground is to be dressed in good taste, to reflect the loveli ness o f spring and to emphasize our Lord’s resurrection. Whether or not you buy a hat, wear an old one, or none at all, the spirit o f Easter, the message o f hope, should fill our Sun day with an overwhelming joy ! COM ING UP: MOTHERS DAY A reader, Mrs. Raymond Edwards o f Calvary Bible Church in Berne, Indiana, writes about a darling idea for mother and daughter banquets, or teas, that will be soon in arriv ing. Would your readers be interested in knowing how easy it is to make the fancy crepe paper nut cups? Cut strips across the flat rolls of paper, a little wider than the height of nut cup to be used. Using your narrow pleater sewing machine at tachment, sew each strip a little off center the length of strip. One can also use a two-color combination, running both strips through the machine at once. Cut the pleated strips into lengths to fit around nut cups, glue or staple in place. If two colors are used, cut the top strip a little narrower, to show both pretty colors. TO BUY A HAT OR NOT TO BUY A HAT O nce - upon - a - time there were two women. Once every year, at the people to see exactly what they had chosen to wear. One woman not only bought a hat but also a dress, purse and shoes to match! The other woman dropped hints, phoned and generally s p r e a d it around that she would not buy any thing new. In fact, she let it be known she would wear her oldest dress and her oldest hat. Easter, they came to church fo r all Now on Easter Sunday morning both came to church. Both looked down their noses at each other. And both missed every single word o f the this Easter? The two women were extremes: the one, with her new outfit, never gave o f her life, time or talents to the Lord all year long. The other continually reminded people o f how “ spiritual” she was because o f her old dress and hat. What about us This Easter? It was Peter Marshall who said, “What is this mysterious, strange, joyous influence which seems to per meate everything this time o f year? We have different ways o f express ing Easter. Some o f us don new clothes with brighter colors. Surely BU NN Y SALAD 1 package lime jelio, set firm 6 pear halves 4 Tablespoons cottage cheese Mayonnaise Lettuce 6 almonds Soft pimento cheese Parsley For each salad fill pear half with cottage cheese. Invert on lettuce leaves which have been covered with shredded lime jelio From : Mrs. 0 . W. Jenkins, Plainview, Texas in MEAL S FROM THE MANSE. 10 THE KINO'S BUSINESS can anolder woman nava security? . . . a talented performer, experi enced in dramatics, as a composer, pianist-vocalist, and as a recording artist. Joyce Landorf also finds com plete satisfaction in her role as an enterprising housekeeper, mother, and wife of a successful business- EVERY MAN'S NEED OF A HIDING PLACE And a man shall be as an hiding- place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land (Isaiah 32:2). I. Every Man’s Need of a Hiding Place 1. From the displeasure of God. All have sinned and God is holy. 2. From the accusations of his own conscience. Conscience sometimes sleeps but it never dies; the time of awakening comes. 3. From the - power of sin within. No man is able in his own strength to overcome the evil within. 4. From the power of Satan. 5. From the wrath of God. Many in this day do not believe in the wrath to come. a. The Bible teaches it and it is safe to depend upon the Bible. b. Common sense also teaches it. II. Christ and Refuge Every Man Needs 1. Christ is a refuge from the dis pleasure of God (John 3:36). 2. Christ is a refuge from the accu sations of conscience. 3. Christ is a refuge from the pow er of sin within (John 8:36). 4. Christ is a refuge from the pow er of Satan. Satan is too strong for us but he is not strong enough for Christ (I John 4:4). 5. Christ is a refuge from the wrath to come (I Thessalonians 1:10). Common sense teaches that the Christ who can save us from the power of sin here can save us from the consequences of sin hereafter. — R. A. Torrey THE WATER OF LIFE I. What It Is 1. Living (John 4:10). 2. Clear (Revelation 22:1). 3. Pure (Revelation 22:1). 4. Abundant (Ezekiel 47:1-9). 6. Free (Revelation 21:6). II. For Whom It Is Provided 1. The thirsty (Revelation 21:6). 2. Whosoever will (Revelation 22: 17). Yasl American Bible Society Annuities have provided unfailing income since 18431 Every woman needs a safe invest ment with an unchanging liberal in come to supplement Social Security payments and other income. When income is received from stocks, divi dends may change as well as the value o f the stock. Savings are de sirable for emergencies, but bank in terest rates are limited by law and may vary from year to year. Annuity payments derived from a Christian purpose close to her heart are often the answer. They give her a secure income with immediate and annual tax advantages and the satis faction o f watching a vital Christian work grow. An American Bible Society gift- annuity is an ideal investment for a Christian man or woman. It pro vides a regular lifetime income that never runs out. It can even include a survivor. Rates are now higher than ever—up to 8% depending on age. This year, the 150th anniversary o f the American Bible Society, is a good time to start your annuity pro gram. Yon will receive great spiri tual satisfaction from helping the peoples o f the world receive G od’s W ord, each in his own tongue. 1816 ■ 150th Anniversary ■ 1966 440 Park Ave. So., N.Y., N.Y. 10016 I Please send me without obligation new I annuity rates and free booklet "A Gift that I Lives. I I City------------------------------------------------------ I • Date of ^ Month Day Year I I do □ do not □ have an A.B.S. Annuity I -Aridraw American Bible Society KB-46 You'll enjoy sharing a few moments daily with Joyce as she opens her notebook to . . . Household tips . . . Favorite Recipes . . . Children . . . Inspirational verse . . . and, of course, MUSIC. LISTEN TO "HERE'S JOYCE" Monday through Fridays Los Angeles 10:30 AM KBBI 107.S San Diego 10:15 AM KBBW 102.9 Sponsored by participating Southern California Maytag dealers M monthly copy of 9 Joyce's Notebook A e e §J Mail Coupon tfTnvf i i t ir i'i n i ri i 11fi i ai i i t i i l i i l i HERE'S JOYCE 558 S. Hope St. Los Angeles, California 90017 III. The Way to Obtain It 1. Come (Revelation 22:17). 2. Take (Revelation 22:17). WHAT SIN MEANS Romans 3:23-24 Name ..................................................... ........ Address .....................................................«............ 1. I am failing. 2. I need help beyond my own strength. 3. I must seek the power of God. .City _____................ 11 APRIL, 1966 Sunday school, youth programs and camp. Not by-passing the young people and adults, Standard has prepared a special text entitled, Two Worlds: Christianity and Communism. Writ ten by James D. Bales, the book pro vides information designed to help the reader understand the conflicts between Christianity and commu nism. The primary goals o f the “ God Lives Today” VBS materials are to confront the students with the liv ing God, a God who has all power in creation and redemption; to point out certain characteristics of God the student can comprehend; to help the student realize that God is pres ent today to strengthen and help him; and to lead the student to wor ship and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. 0 1 1 « * \ v B S \ A Review of VBS Materials by Virginia Luber favorite Christian storyteller, which are visualized with split/35 project ed pictures; a new contest in the form o f an exciting, suspenseful “ Race to Jerusalem” ; and a new filmstrip starring E th e l Barrett geared to recruit and inspire VBS teachers. “ The Case o f the Reluctant Teacher” presents a captivating lit tle “mystery case” that is interest ing fo r congregation or teacher meetings. New to the 1966 VBS course is a completely new song- book, Everyone Sings. The 140 fa miliar and new hymns and songs are arranged into two separate sec tions— fo r young children and jun ior age on up. Suggestion : See your VBS “ Travel Agent.” Christ-centered in content, teach er-centered in preparation material, and pupil-centered in activities to secure the conduct response, Stand ard Publishing offers an attractively assembled program o f VBS mate rials fo r both a 5-day school and a 10-day school. Provided in its intro ductory kit are items from the direc tor’s manual to teachers’ texts to craft paks. Not included in the kit, but available fo r the teachers o f the five y o u n g e r divisions — nursery through junior high — are Visual Teaching Paks which aid the teacher in presenting the lesson through the invaluable method o f visual aids, one o f the best methods o f present ing Christ and His t e a c h in g s . Among the various other supplies available through Standard Publish ing which range from bulletin cov ers to offering envelopes to “ appre ciation” certificates, is a little song- book prepared fo r use in the VBS, but also suggested for use in the Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, Ohio Theme: “God Lives Today" Gospel Ljght Publications, Glendale, California Theme: “Travel with Jesus to Bible Times” In a particular way, Gospel Light has carried out its theme to reach into every facet of VBS. The 64- page VBS Guide contains a com pletely new section o f helpful point ers giving detailed instructions on how to transform department and classrooms into miniature Palestini an villages, recipes fo r easy-to-pre- pare Bible-time refreshments, pat terns for simple costumes and even plans for receiving the children’s o f ferings in the same manner people o f the Bible brought their offering to God. The attractively-prepared and beautifully-colored pupils’ books and teachers’ manuals emphasize the theme through the lesson period. The sample kits, designed to look like a travel case, are invaluable in previewing the materials for your school. Three adult courses are o f fered, covering “ God’s Answers for L ife’s Problems,” a study in cults; and a study in missions. “ Extras” p r o v id e d by Gospel Light include missionary stories re corded by Ethel Barrett, America’s Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis, Missouri Theme: “My Saviour and I” Offering a completely new pro gram, Concordia’s purpose in its VBS material is that the child, by the power o f the Holy Spirit, may be led to faith in Jesus, the Son o f God and Friend o f sinners as his personal Saviour . . . be strengthened in his relationship with Christ . . . live as a redeemed child o f God in response to the Saviour’s love. Designed for the 10-day school, the materials cover a complete line from buttons to bulletins, banners to balloons, doorknob hangers to daily reports. Concordia provides complete art project packets attractively present ed in their sample kits, available for five departments, nursery through junior high. No additional projects need be purchased. The superintend ent’s manual gives complete infor mation fo r organizing, publicizing and supervising the school. Available also fo r lesson emphasis is a com plete set of full-color correlated film strips. Scripture Press, Wheaton, Illinois Theme: “God’s Word for My Life” Developing the over-all th em e through pupil-related topics for each n THE KING'S BUSINESS ■ Over 25 million gospels and New Testaments have been distributed in Europe, Africa, South America, Asia and the United States through the Pocket Testament League’s world-wide program of Scripture distribution and evangelization. We need prayer support and help to reach those in our world who do not know Jesus Christ. POCKETTESTAMENT LEAGUE ; 49 Honeck Street, Englewood, N.J. 07631 Canada: 74 Crescent Road, Toronto 5, Ontario J. EDWARD SMITH International Director ALFRED A. KUNZ International Director Emeritus department, Scripture Press VBS materials are edited to the learning ability o f each age-group. New from aims to applications, the mate rial is especially timely, in view of the fact Congress and most state governors have declared 1966 “ The Year of the Bible.” The aim o f each lesson is rein forced by correlation o f every activ ity to make the greatest possible im pact on the pupil. Some o f the areas o f study fo r the various depart ments are: Nursery — “ Loving the Lord with David” ; Beginner— “ All the Day Long with Jesus” ; Primary — “ How God Took Care o f Bible People.” The m a t e r ia l fo r the Young Teen department features "Living What I Believe.” New this year are the Student’s Handbook and worksheets, which are packaged to gether because they supplement To All the World In Their Own Language M W — ■ ■ ■ ■ I WÈÊÊÈÊÊÊHWÊQfa WHEATON COLLEGE I1 IncreasesAnnuityRates A higher rate structure for Wheaton College Annuities now provides guar anteed returns from 3.63% to 9.09% (depending on your age). Here are reasons why hundreds of Christian men and women have chosen Wheaton College Annuities since 1898 when the program was established. . . 1. Satisfaction in the support of Chris tian education. 2. Strong and well-established finan cial policies. 3. Guaranteed lifetime returns. 4. Favorable tax treatment. 5. Worry free— no management prob lems. to more than 9 % ON NEW CONTRACTS (depending on your age) Ask about higher rates on single life or joint and survivorship annuities each other. The Handbook consists o f conduct stories which reveal how teens actually dealt with prob lems confronting them. The work sheets are designed to help teens ex press in their own words Bible truths they learn during the day. The Scripture Press material is prepared as tw o complementary five-day units. Many times a school is set up for just one week, only to discover that at the end o f the week they feel as if they just started. With this course, the materials are in hand and the school can be con tinued. If, however, the school ends at five days, the material can be used fo r other Christian education activi ties. D«pl.K46 WHEATON COLLEGE Wheaton • Illinois Please send me, without obligation, detailed information on in creased annuity rates and booklet, “ Pleasant Tom orrows." _Sex_ _A ge. N am e___ “For Christ and His Kingdom" __ Since 1860 A d dre ss -Zlp. City___ State- APRIL, 1966 13 IS CHRIST THE ANSWER? by Nichols Kurtaneck, Associate Professor of Bible, Biola College T he W ord of G od teaches clearly that the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son o f God, and the Son o f man, came to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10), and also to give the redeemed an abundant life (John 10: 10). It declares that Christ is more than adequate to meet and satisfy every spiritual ^nd natural need of redeemed man (Col. 2:9, 10; Phil. 4:6-7, 13, 19). In the light o f these irrefutable scriptural facts it is perplexing and disturbing, to say the least, to observe an apparent trend in Christendom, which is trying to restrict the value and power o f Christ’s redemptive ministry merely to the spiritual realm. Although this principle o f dichotomy is evident in many disciplines o f life it seems to be most obvious in the fields o f psychology and psychiatry — sciences devoted to the study o f human behavior fo r the purpose o f alleviating mental and emotional problems. The varied psychoanalytic technique of these schools, in the main, has no part for Jesus Christ, prayer, and Scrip ture in their prescribed therapy, because they operate on the assumption that mild and severe emotional diffi culties evolve from a natural origin, and thus require natural treatment. Such an assumption, o f course, dis regards the fact that man is both a physical and spirit ual being (Heb. 4 :12 ; I Thess. 5 :2 3 ); therefore, ab normal emotional disorders without an organic basis, we believe, must be o f a spiritual character, because the peace o f God is available fo r the children o f God through the Lord Jesus Christ (Phil. 4 :6 -7 ). Failure to experience this provision o f peace, if enlightened, must denote a lack o f faith, and such is called sin in the Word o f God (Rom. 14:23). The principle o f dichotomy is not new but ancient, for this cleavage between the natural and the spiritual traces its roots to the dualistic concept interwoven into the philosophy o f Plato (427-347 B.C.), and has since reappeared in different forms in the fields o f theology and metaphysics. It seems to be quite popular in this age o f outstanding scientific achievement coupled with the stress upon the role o f education in our world — both o f which are making man more independent and self-sufficient, and are consistently denying God the Father the glory which belongs to Him. To avoid misunderstanding, it must be emphasized that I am in no way minimizing the value and need of education to our society, neither am I depreciating the relevance o f the professional man in serving humanity. That God has ordained the various valid scientific dis ciplines to help alleviate the sufferings o f man should be apparent to all (Gen. 1:28, Heb. 2 :5 -8 ). Neither « * 4 * -i 14 THE KING'S BUSINESS am I even suggesting that the oft-quoted, “ Christ is the answer,” is an automatic cure-all for man’s ills. My criticism is not leveled against education or professional therapists. To the contrary, we praise God fo r all valid and constructive humanitarian disciplines, but the issue concerns the true believer who knows that Jesus Christ is the Sovereign Lord o f life and the universe and yet is relegating His person, power, and presence exclu sively to the spiritual realm. molecular substance. Atomic cohesiveness, said to be a mysterious power by the physicist, is here revealed to be the power o f Christ. He is the supplying and sus taining force o f all life and this universe. Second, He brews 1:3 discloses the astounding fact that Jesus Christ, since the beginning o f creation, has been and shall continue to hold together the molecular structure o f all things, and is simultaneously moving all the ages o f history with their many events toward the pre determined goal o f God. What a tremendous, herculean, astronomical feat! Only God could perform it, and Christ is God (John 1 :1 -2 ; Col. 1 :15 ; 2 :9 ; Heb. 1 :3 ). (3 ) Jesus Christ is the consummator of all things. It follows logically that the One who creates and con tinues all things is also the One who consummates all things. This truth, in addition to Hebrews 1:3, is also revealed in the statements that “ all things were cre ated by Him, and for Him” (Col. 1 :16 ), and “ fo r thy pleasure they are and were created” (Rev. 4 :1 1 ). The main theme o f the divine plan, to be sure, is the fact of redemption, but it is equally true that the ultimate objective o f this plan is to glorify God the Father (John 5 :30 ; 7:17-18). This transcendent goal is the rationale for creation, and the Lord Jesus Christ as the sovereign creator, continuer, and consummator o f all things guar antees its achievement through His own glory and pre eminent exaltation (Phil. 2 :9 -11 ), for it is indeed true that he who honors the Son honors the Father (John 5 :23 ). We believe that the comprehensive work o f Christ in creation is sufficient reason to justify our conviction that He must always remain in the center o f all human activity, and yet to further strengthen this position there is His more than adequate work as Saviour (Luke 2 :11 ; II Cor. 5 :14-21). God’s Word teaches clearly that Jesus Christ has provided a perfect redemption fo r the believer through His once-for-all substitutionary death. While this truth is evident in every book o f the New Testament, it is most prominent in the book o f Hebrews (cf. 1 :3 ; 2:1-4, 9-18; 3:1, 6, 14; 4:14-16; 5 :9 ; 6:19-20; 7 :25 ; 8 :1 ; 9:11-28; 10:10, 14, 19-29; 12:1-4; 13:10- 15, 20-21). It is my conviction that in these days of skepticism and unbelief during which the vast majority in the world are doing their utmost best to obscure the reality and value o f the Lord Jesus Christ that every child o f God and every God-ordained institution dedicated to the purpose o f serving Him should be proclaiming con sistently and courageously in love, without any mental reservation, the fact that He is the Sovereign Lord of life and the universe. Thus, instead o f leaving Christ out o f any sphere o f life, He must always constitute the center and circumference and the total sum and sub stance o f life (Phil. 1 :21). This means that He, to whom all power has been given in heaven and in earth (Matt. 2 8 :18 ), must always comprise the integrating and co ordinating dynamic of life fo r the redeemed. Beyond shadow o f doubt, the Lord Jesus Christ is the all-suffi cient crystallizing, cohesive, and completing force of life. I believe this truth is scripturally supported by the fact o f Christ’s work as Creator and Saviour. In His work as Creator, the Word o f God teaches clearly that: (1 ) Jesus Christ is the creator of all things. This fact is revealed in John 1:1-3, Ephesians 3:9, Colossians 1:16, Hebrews 1:2, 10-12, and Revela- tion 4:11. From among these texts Colossians 1:16 presents in the most concise form the full extent of Christ’s work as Creator fo r it declares that “ by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones or dominions, or principalities, or powers : all things were created by Him and for Him.” No amount o f exegetical gymnastics, apart from denying its clear meaning, can change the interpretation o f this text. It is stating in language simple and clear that Jesus Christ created this complex universe and all forms o f life. (2 ) Jesus Christ is the continuer of all things. In addition to being the creator o f all things, Scripture teaches that “by Him all things consist” (Col. 1 :1 7 ), and that He is “ upholding all things by the word of His power” (Heb. 1 :3 ). Two precious truths are dis closed by these profound statements: First, Colossians 1:17 declares that Christ is the cohesive force o f all » ' ' l i- * The experience o f salvation is a crisis—* supernat ural, miraculous act performed exclusively by the Holy Spirit resulting in the new birth (John 3:3, 5 ; Titus 3 :5 ; I Peter 1 :23 ). It is through this unique and glori ous experience that a sinner passes out of the state o f death into that o f everlasting life (John 3 :16 ; Eph. 2 :1 -1 0 ); out o f the position o f condemnation into that o f justification (Rom. 5 :1 ) ; out o f the sphere o f dark ness into that o f light (Eph. 5 :8 ) ; out o f the position of ^ ► APRIL, 1966 15
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