King's Business - 1966-04

Sunday school, youth programs and camp. Not by-passing the young people and adults, Standard has prepared a special text entitled, Two Worlds: Christianity and Communism. Writ­ ten by James D. Bales, the book pro­ vides information designed to help the reader understand the conflicts between Christianity and commu­ nism. The primary goals o f the “ God Lives Today” VBS materials are to confront the students with the liv­ ing God, a God who has all power in creation and redemption; to point out certain characteristics of God the student can comprehend; to help the student realize that God is pres­ ent today to strengthen and help him; and to lead the student to wor­ ship and serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

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A Review of VBS Materials by Virginia Luber

favorite Christian storyteller, which are visualized with split/35 project­ ed pictures; a new contest in the form o f an exciting, suspenseful “ Race to Jerusalem” ; and a new filmstrip starring E th e l Barrett geared to recruit and inspire VBS teachers. “ The Case o f the Reluctant Teacher” presents a captivating lit­ tle “mystery case” that is interest­ ing fo r congregation or teacher meetings. New to the 1966 VBS course is a completely new song- book, Everyone Sings. The 140 fa­ miliar and new hymns and songs are arranged into two separate sec­ tions— fo r young children and jun­ ior age on up. Suggestion : See your VBS “ Travel Agent.” Christ-centered in content, teach­ er-centered in preparation material, and pupil-centered in activities to secure the conduct response, Stand­ ard Publishing offers an attractively assembled program o f VBS mate­ rials fo r both a 5-day school and a 10-day school. Provided in its intro­ ductory kit are items from the direc­ tor’s manual to teachers’ texts to craft paks. Not included in the kit, but available fo r the teachers o f the five y o u n g e r divisions — nursery through junior high — are Visual Teaching Paks which aid the teacher in presenting the lesson through the invaluable method o f visual aids, one o f the best methods o f present­ ing Christ and His t e a c h in g s . Among the various other supplies available through Standard Publish­ ing which range from bulletin cov­ ers to offering envelopes to “ appre­ ciation” certificates, is a little song- book prepared fo r use in the VBS, but also suggested for use in the Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, Ohio Theme: “God Lives Today"

Gospel Ljght Publications, Glendale, California

Theme: “Travel with Jesus to Bible Times” In a particular way, Gospel Light has carried out its theme to reach into every facet of VBS. The 64- page VBS Guide contains a com­ pletely new section o f helpful point­ ers giving detailed instructions on how to transform department and classrooms into miniature Palestini­ an villages, recipes fo r easy-to-pre- pare Bible-time refreshments, pat­ terns for simple costumes and even plans for receiving the children’s o f­ ferings in the same manner people o f the Bible brought their offering to God. The attractively-prepared and beautifully-colored pupils’ books and teachers’ manuals emphasize the theme through the lesson period. The sample kits, designed to look like a travel case, are invaluable in previewing the materials for your school. Three adult courses are o f­ fered, covering “ God’s Answers for L ife’s Problems,” a study in cults; and a study in missions. “ Extras” p r o v id e d by Gospel Light include missionary stories re­ corded by Ethel Barrett, America’s

Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis, Missouri Theme: “My Saviour and I”

Offering a completely new pro­ gram, Concordia’s purpose in its VBS material is that the child, by the power o f the Holy Spirit, may be led to faith in Jesus, the Son o f God and Friend o f sinners as his personal Saviour . . . be strengthened in his relationship with Christ . . . live as a redeemed child o f God in response to the Saviour’s love. Designed for the 10-day school, the materials cover a complete line from buttons to bulletins, banners to balloons, doorknob hangers to daily reports. Concordia provides complete art project packets attractively present­ ed in their sample kits, available for five departments, nursery through junior high. No additional projects need be purchased. The superintend­ ent’s manual gives complete infor­ mation fo r organizing, publicizing and supervising the school. Available also fo r lesson emphasis is a com­ plete set of full-color correlated film­ strips.

Scripture Press, Wheaton, Illinois Theme: “God’s Word for My Life”

Developing the over-all th em e through pupil-related topics for each



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