Sunday school, youth programs and camp. Not by-passing the young people and adults, Standard has prepared a special text entitled, Two Worlds: Christianity and Communism. Writ ten by James D. Bales, the book pro vides information designed to help the reader understand the conflicts between Christianity and commu nism. The primary goals o f the “ God Lives Today” VBS materials are to confront the students with the liv ing God, a God who has all power in creation and redemption; to point out certain characteristics of God the student can comprehend; to help the student realize that God is pres ent today to strengthen and help him; and to lead the student to wor ship and serve the Lord Jesus Christ.
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A Review of VBS Materials by Virginia Luber
favorite Christian storyteller, which are visualized with split/35 project ed pictures; a new contest in the form o f an exciting, suspenseful “ Race to Jerusalem” ; and a new filmstrip starring E th e l Barrett geared to recruit and inspire VBS teachers. “ The Case o f the Reluctant Teacher” presents a captivating lit tle “mystery case” that is interest ing fo r congregation or teacher meetings. New to the 1966 VBS course is a completely new song- book, Everyone Sings. The 140 fa miliar and new hymns and songs are arranged into two separate sec tions— fo r young children and jun ior age on up. Suggestion : See your VBS “ Travel Agent.” Christ-centered in content, teach er-centered in preparation material, and pupil-centered in activities to secure the conduct response, Stand ard Publishing offers an attractively assembled program o f VBS mate rials fo r both a 5-day school and a 10-day school. Provided in its intro ductory kit are items from the direc tor’s manual to teachers’ texts to craft paks. Not included in the kit, but available fo r the teachers o f the five y o u n g e r divisions — nursery through junior high — are Visual Teaching Paks which aid the teacher in presenting the lesson through the invaluable method o f visual aids, one o f the best methods o f present ing Christ and His t e a c h in g s . Among the various other supplies available through Standard Publish ing which range from bulletin cov ers to offering envelopes to “ appre ciation” certificates, is a little song- book prepared fo r use in the VBS, but also suggested for use in the Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, Ohio Theme: “God Lives Today"
Gospel Ljght Publications, Glendale, California
Theme: “Travel with Jesus to Bible Times” In a particular way, Gospel Light has carried out its theme to reach into every facet of VBS. The 64- page VBS Guide contains a com pletely new section o f helpful point ers giving detailed instructions on how to transform department and classrooms into miniature Palestini an villages, recipes fo r easy-to-pre- pare Bible-time refreshments, pat terns for simple costumes and even plans for receiving the children’s o f ferings in the same manner people o f the Bible brought their offering to God. The attractively-prepared and beautifully-colored pupils’ books and teachers’ manuals emphasize the theme through the lesson period. The sample kits, designed to look like a travel case, are invaluable in previewing the materials for your school. Three adult courses are o f fered, covering “ God’s Answers for L ife’s Problems,” a study in cults; and a study in missions. “ Extras” p r o v id e d by Gospel Light include missionary stories re corded by Ethel Barrett, America’s
Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis, Missouri Theme: “My Saviour and I”
Offering a completely new pro gram, Concordia’s purpose in its VBS material is that the child, by the power o f the Holy Spirit, may be led to faith in Jesus, the Son o f God and Friend o f sinners as his personal Saviour . . . be strengthened in his relationship with Christ . . . live as a redeemed child o f God in response to the Saviour’s love. Designed for the 10-day school, the materials cover a complete line from buttons to bulletins, banners to balloons, doorknob hangers to daily reports. Concordia provides complete art project packets attractively present ed in their sample kits, available for five departments, nursery through junior high. No additional projects need be purchased. The superintend ent’s manual gives complete infor mation fo r organizing, publicizing and supervising the school. Available also fo r lesson emphasis is a com plete set of full-color correlated film strips.
Scripture Press, Wheaton, Illinois Theme: “God’s Word for My Life”
Developing the over-all th em e through pupil-related topics for each
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