King's Business - 1966-04

■ Over 25 million gospels and New Testaments have been distributed in Europe, Africa, South America, Asia and the United States through the Pocket Testament League’s world-wide program of Scripture distribution and evangelization. We need prayer support and help to reach those in our world who do not know Jesus Christ. POCKETTESTAMENT LEAGUE ; 49 Honeck Street, Englewood, N.J. 07631 Canada: 74 Crescent Road, Toronto 5, Ontario J. EDWARD SMITH International Director ALFRED A. KUNZ International Director Emeritus

department, Scripture Press VBS materials are edited to the learning ability o f each age-group. New from aims to applications, the mate­ rial is especially timely, in view of the fact Congress and most state governors have declared 1966 “ The Year of the Bible.” The aim o f each lesson is rein­ forced by correlation o f every activ­ ity to make the greatest possible im­ pact on the pupil. Some o f the areas o f study fo r the various depart­ ments are: Nursery — “ Loving the Lord with David” ; Beginner— “ All the Day Long with Jesus” ; Primary — “ How God Took Care o f Bible People.” The m a t e r ia l fo r the Young Teen department features "Living What I Believe.” New this year are the Student’s Handbook and worksheets, which are packaged to­ gether because they supplement

To All the World In Their Own Language

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each other. The Handbook consists o f conduct stories which reveal how teens actually dealt with prob­ lems confronting them. The work­ sheets are designed to help teens ex­ press in their own words Bible truths they learn during the day. The Scripture Press material is prepared as tw o complementary five-day units. Many times a school is set up for just one week, only to discover that at the end o f the week they feel as if they just started. With this course, the materials are in hand and the school can be con­ tinued. If, however, the school ends at five days, the material can be used fo r other Christian education activi­ ties.


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APRIL, 1966


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