King's Business - 1966-04


by Nichols Kurtaneck,

Associate Professor of Bible,

Biola College

T he W ord of G od teaches clearly that the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son o f God, and the Son o f man, came to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10), and also to give the redeemed an abundant life (John 10: 10). It declares that Christ is more than adequate to meet and satisfy every spiritual ^nd natural need of redeemed man (Col. 2:9, 10; Phil. 4:6-7, 13, 19). In the light o f these irrefutable scriptural facts it is perplexing and disturbing, to say the least, to observe an apparent trend in Christendom, which is trying to restrict the value and power o f Christ’s redemptive ministry merely to the spiritual realm. Although this principle o f dichotomy is evident in many disciplines o f life it seems to be most obvious in the fields o f psychology and psychiatry — sciences devoted to the study o f human behavior fo r the purpose o f alleviating mental and emotional problems. The varied psychoanalytic technique of these schools, in the main, has no part for Jesus Christ, prayer, and Scrip­ ture in their prescribed therapy, because they operate on the assumption that mild and severe emotional diffi­ culties evolve from a natural origin, and thus require natural treatment. Such an assumption, o f course, dis­ regards the fact that man is both a physical and spirit­ ual being (Heb. 4 :12 ; I Thess. 5 :2 3 ); therefore, ab­

normal emotional disorders without an organic basis, we believe, must be o f a spiritual character, because the peace o f God is available fo r the children o f God through the Lord Jesus Christ (Phil. 4 :6 -7 ). Failure to experience this provision o f peace, if enlightened, must denote a lack o f faith, and such is called sin in the Word o f God (Rom. 14:23). The principle o f dichotomy is not new but ancient, for this cleavage between the natural and the spiritual traces its roots to the dualistic concept interwoven into the philosophy o f Plato (427-347 B.C.), and has since reappeared in different forms in the fields o f theology and metaphysics. It seems to be quite popular in this age o f outstanding scientific achievement coupled with the stress upon the role o f education in our world — both o f which are making man more independent and self-sufficient, and are consistently denying God the Father the glory which belongs to Him. To avoid misunderstanding, it must be emphasized that I am in no way minimizing the value and need of education to our society, neither am I depreciating the relevance o f the professional man in serving humanity. That God has ordained the various valid scientific dis­ ciplines to help alleviate the sufferings o f man should be apparent to all (Gen. 1:28, Heb. 2 :5 -8 ). Neither


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