King's Business - 1966-04

being a child o f Satan (John 8 :4 4 ), and a member o f his kingdom into that o f being a child and son o f God (John 1 :12 ; Rom. 8:14-17), and a member o f the king­ dom o f His dear Son (Col. 1 :13 ). These and many more blessings become the believer’s at the moment o f the experience o f regeneration, and are expressed fully in the three aspects o f salvation — past, present, and future.

like faith, and rests in Him through the various experi­ ences o f life. The key to this kind o f faith is disclosed in Romans six as follows: (1 ) The believer must know o f his union with Christ (6 :1 -10 ), (2 ) the believer must acknowledge this union to be true by faith (6 :1 1 ), (3 ) the believer must present his total life to God with­ out any reservation (6:12-13), and (4 ) the believer must obey the commands of Christ (6:14-23). (3 ) Future Salvation. Redemption commences with the experience o f the new birth, continues in the ex­ perience o f present sanctification, and will consummate in the experience o f glorification (Phil. 3:10-14). Every child o f God is certain to arrive at the ultimate goal of salvation (Phil. 1 :6 ), for God has promised eternal life, and He cannot lie (Titus 1 :2 ). This is the eternal hope shining brightly in the heart o f every believer called a pilgrim and sojourner upon the earth (I Pet. 2 :11 ; Heb. 13:14). It is the supreme objective o f the experi­ ence o f salvation fo r then the saved will be transformed into the likeness o f Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:28-29; I John 3 :2 ) receiving their resurrected and glorified bodies (I Cor. 15:51-58; Phil. 3 :20-21), and will dwell forever in a state o f equilibrium and harmony wth the God­ head, the redeemed o f all the ages, and the good angels in fulfillment o f the divine plan. This tremendous, cos­ mic event will be initiated at the rapture o f the Church when the Lord Jesus Christ returns for His Bride (John 14:1-3; I Thess. 4 :13-18), and will culminate at the time o f the appearance o f the new heaven and the new earth (Rev. 2 1 :Iff.). In contemplation o f this majestic and eternal prospect, one is constrained to say with Paul, “ For I reckon that the sufferings o f this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Rom. 8 :18 ). In the light o f these irrevocable truths, we believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the answer fo r man’s needs, because He, as Creator and Saviour, is the pulsat­ ing, sustaining, integrating, and co-ordinating force of this universe and all life. Therefore, all activity, be it spiritual, natural, academic, social, political, profes­ sional, or otherwise, must center in Him and revolve around Him. It is only in this way that the living gen­ eration will be conscious o f the fact that: God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name: That at the name o f Jesus every knee should bow, things under the earth: and that every tongue o f things in heaven, and things in earth, and should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory o f God the Father (Phil. 2 :9-11).

(1 ) Past Salvation. This phase o f redemption is positional, having to do primarily with the fact o f the guilt and the penalty o f sin (Heb. 10:10, 14). Scripture declares that at the time o f the new birth, when true faith is placed explicitly in the finished work o f Christ on the Cross, a sinner is delivered completely and for­ ever from the guilt and penalty o f past, present, and future sin (Col. 1 :14 ; Gal. 1 :5 ; II Cor. 5:14-21). Re­ vealed through the doctrines o f justification and sancti­ fication (in the past tense) this truth is legal in char­ acter based on the fact that divine justice has been eternally satisfied through the sinless sacrifice o f Jesus Christ — the Lamb o f God (John 1 :29 ), and is, there­ fore, unchanging and permanent in its results. God attributes judically the righteousness of Jesus Christ to the saved (II Cor. 5 :2 1 ), and treats each believer as a righteous being since the obstacle o f sin has been blotted out (Rom. 5 :1 ). This is the “ good work” o f God begun in the life o f every believer, which will be com­ pleted in the day o f the Lord Jesus Christ (Phil. 1 :6 ). (2 ) Present Salvation. While past salvation is posi­ tional and legal in character, present salvation is practi­ cal, progressive, and experiential. It is this stage of salvation which concerns the daily moment by moment walk o f the believer in Christ (Col. 2 :6 ). Having deliv­ ered the sinner from the guilt and penalty o f sin through His death, the Lord Jesus Christ is able and more than willing to deliver the believer from the pow­ er o f the sin nature through His resurrected life. Also called present sanctification, it is in this aspect o f sal­ vation that a believer can experience the normal Chris­ tian life — sometimes called “ the victorious life” or, “ the Spirit-filled life.” I f one is experiencing progres­ sive sanctification, the result should be a moment-by­ moment possession o f the peace o f God (Isa 2 6 :3 ; Phil. 4 :5 -7 ). This peace is not necessarily always a good feeling, but rather an attitude o f life reflecting consistent confidence in God regardless o f the present circumstances. Such a life is characterized by stability, because all has been committed to the eternal God who knows what is best fo r every occasion, and who never makes any mistakes, and thus this one delights in His will, and is able to trust Him and His word with child­



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