Q. Do you think training in Chris tian Education should be included in a liberal arts college? A . (Bynum) Definitely, fo r this is a valid consideration in a liberal arts program. Especially is this true in a Christian college where the emphasis is on a thorough prepared ness to evaluate secular subjects. Whether as a major or an area for study, I believe it has a valid and vital place in making the student aware o f the over-riding task of the church which is basically edu cative building up o f believers, to the end o f evangelism. The field o f Chris tian education builds a sense of values based upon something far more permanent than the changing philosophies o f man, that is the Word o f God. It is not merely a “ bag o f tricks,” but involves both methods and the necessity o f under standing people. This is, o f course, a part o f the liberal arts concept. Con sequently an awareness o f others and an ability to work with and to com municate to them are all three satis fied in this major as in any other academic pursuit. Q. What vocational opportunities are open for young people in the field of Christian Education? A . (Brown) P r o b a b l y the most prominent position is that o f the director o f the Christian Education program in the church. Actually, rather than an assistant pastor, this is “ the second man” many churches are adding to their staff positions. In larger churches there Is also a need fo r those who can w'ork with the children, youth, or adult divi sions in a field o f specialization. Outside o f the church there are additional programs needing Chris- tion education workers, su ch as camps as directors and counselors. We should also mention the field of curriculum development with jour nalists to prepare materials for pub lications. Also, many schools are ask ing fo r teachers in the fields o f APRIL, 1966
the field is so extensive we encour age students, if at all possibles not to stop with a college major. We recommend that they go on to re ceive a master’s degree to obtain complete and comprehensive back ground in the field. Q. Suppose someone goes through and gets his master’s in Christian education. This will no doubt be his life work. Are there many oppor tunities for a full-time position as a Director of Christian Education? A. (Brown) From our statistics, we believe that every church, with 300 or more in average attendance today, is on the look fo r a “ second man” on the staff. Generally, they will have this position in mind. (Bynum) By both correspondence and personal contact with pastors, we cannot begin to meet the demand we have fo r Biola graduates in this field. As an example, .last summer we had seven more openings than those entering the field. Unless stu dents are challenged in the field and Christian colleges supply the educa tion, this challenging ministry will be met inadequately. Dr. Bill Bynum is a graduate of Biola Col
Christian education. There are many calls with not nearly enough ade quately trained personnel to fill them. Q. Is there a job for anyone inter ested who may have talents along this line? A . (Brown) V e r y definitely for, basically, the responsibility o f the church is that o f education. It should be her “ specialty.” The require ment fo r and the necessity o f a great many types of education work ers is becoming multitudinous. (Bynum) Of all the academic majors available today, I believe Christian education offers the broad est and widest vocational horizon o f any. It includes camps, recreational directors, missionaries as education al specialists, and club directors. Q. Could you define a “ well-trained” leader? A . (Brown) Sometimes academics are not the only criteria. Generally, however, the more education, the better qualified. This is a real pro fession in Christian service. Since
lege and California State College at Los Angeles. He is Professor of Bible and Christian Education at Biola Col lege and Talbot Theo logical Seminary, La Mirada, California.
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