TEACHERS! Get all 6 of these dynamic differences when you use Scripture Press Sunday School Materials
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Departmental achievement tests Quarterly tests are available (Junior through Adult) to help you evaluate your teaching and give your stu dents opportunities for self-analysis. Tests make pupils more alert, and whet their appetites to want to learn more. Free Teaching Tips magazine Bound into every teacher’s quarterly is a special idea- packed publication to help and inspire teachers. Per tinent articles and features, based on actual experi ences of other teachers, bring solid “how-to” informa tion you can use or adapt. A real aid for busy teachers. Powerful take-home papers Attractive take-home papers for Beginners through Adults continue to strengthen the impact of your Sun day School hour—all through the week. These color ful papers faithfully exalt Christ as the life-changing Saviour, grip readers’ interest with true-life stories to show that Christianity DOES work in the lives of people today.
Most sensible grading plan With departmental grading, each class in a Depart ment studies the same lesson on a given Sunday Exclusive Tri-Level adaptations offer a single teachers’ manual and three graded pupil’s manuals for Primaries and Juniors. This combines the best features of both group and close grading . . . lets each pupil learn on his own ability level. Departmental grading also makes possible. . . Total-Hour teaching Every activity o f the teaching hour centers around one chosen aim— from presession activities on through to a correlated application which clinches the truth. Thus the worship program, the Bible story or study, visualization, memorization, all amplify one main lesson aim. And every part of the program exalts Christ. Correlated visual aids Suede-graphs, hand puppets, missionary picture sets, accurate Bible scene picture sets in full color, maps, flash cards to teach songs, filmstrips, etc. . . . all help make the Bible stories more understandable and inter esting, and aid in driving home each lesson aim.
SCRIPTURE PRESS Scripture Press Publications, Inc. Wheaton, Illinois 60187 • Oept. KBA-46
Y E S 11want to be a better teacher and wish to consider the material checked below. Sample lesson packets for: □ Cradle Roll □ Nursery □ Be gin ne r □ Primary □ Ju n io r □ Young Teen CD Senior High CD Young AdultandAdult CD Home (extension) Also □ Camp Materials □ VB S
*"‘ruRE Total Church Program Designed to give all ages co ordinated Christian Education all through the week in other church agencies besides Sun day School, for a more posi tive, life-related ministry for Christ.
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