King's Business - 1966-04

. . . wrote of me.” Bead all o f this wonderful discourse in the fifth chapter o f John for evidence. He said also: “ I am the bread of life . . . which came down from Heaven” (John 6:35, 41, 48, 51 ) ; “ I proceedeth forth and came from God” (John 8 : 4 2 ) ; “ Before Abra­ ham was, I am” (John 8 :58 ). The man born blind whom Christ healed was asked: “ Dost thou believe on the Son o f God? He answered and said, Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on Him? And Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, and it is he that talketh with thee . . . and he worshipped him” ( John 9:35-38). A g a i n in John 10:30 Jesus declares, “ I and my Father are one.” The Greek word for one in this passage is en meaning substance or essence, and not eis, the masculine form meaning one person. Colossians 2 :9 states: “ For in him dwelleth all the fulness o f the God­ head bodily.” In I Timothy 3:16 we have the briefest, but most signifi­ cant, biography o f Christ ever writ­ ten: “ And w i t h o u t controversy great is the mystery o f godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justi­ fied in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.” Finally, Hebrews 1:8, 10 corroborates the truth o f His eternal equality with the Father. God the Father is speaking to God the Son when He says, “ Thy throne, 0 God, is forever and ever. . . . Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foun­ dation o f the earth; and the heavens are the work o f thine hands.” Here the Lord Jesus is called God, Lord and Creator; Col. 1:13-17 also bears out the truth that He was the agent in creation, the Word of John 1:3: “Without him was not anything made that was made.” One must be­ lieve not that I am he, ye shall die Jesus Himself declared: “ If ye be­ lieve not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins” (John 8: 24 ). M ID -DA Y A N D M ID N IG H T Q. Is there any significance to the facts that. Saul of Tarsus, who be­ came Paul, was converted at mid­ day; and later he and Silas sang in the jail at midnight? A. There may not be any particular meaning in those times o f day and night but it certainly makes a won­ derful illustration. We meet God at mid-day and turn our lives over to Him; then midnight comes in our lives, as it does to all: persecution, bereavement, s o r r o w , temptation, testings — and He is there as He was at mid-day. APRIL, 1966

This can be your most profitable summer!

attend f y | | ) | SUMMER SCHOOL

Invest your vacation for the Lord . . . in intensive, carefully planned classroom Bible study . . . an unusual opportunity to sharpen and deepen your know ledge of God’s Word. TWO3-WEEK SESSIONS: lune 20

July8, July 11-July29

...and 2-Week

"VACATION SPECIAL" July 11-July 22 In addition to the regular three- and six- week plan, Moody offers the two-week short-course program. Four courses avail­ able, two in New Testament, one in Old, and one on Prophecy Yet Unfulfilled. WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS June 20— July 8 M ission a ry Literature W orkshop Specially planned for missionaries on fur­ lough and missionary candidates. Three main parts; (1) Writing, (2) Publishing, (3) Distribution. Fundam entals of C hristian Broadcasting

This is for busy, active people . . . pastors, Sunday school teachers, missionaries, stu­ dents, laymen . . . people who recognize their personal need to enlarge and improve their effectiveness in Christian service. MBI makes available to you at this time, when so many Christians have free time, a staff of more than 40 competent instructors and specialists, in a field of more than 50 accredited subjects. This concentrated study, which ordinarily requires a full semester of Day School, can be combined with your plans for a fine, low-cost vacation in Chicago, famed for its many free facilities. Tuition is Free . .. board and room at the school as low as $22.50 per week. Enjoy Chicago this summer—Bible study in the mornings; practical Christian work, relaxa­ tion, sight-seeing in the afternoons and evenings.

WMBI facilities and staff July 11— July 29 Open A ir Evangelism Open Air Campaigners' staff SPECIAL WORKSHOPS July 11-15

Managem ent Sem inar for C hristian W orkers July 18-23 Church M u sic


k M A IL C O U P O N T O D A Y for F R E E C A TA LO G and A P P L IC A T IO N P A P E R S

I INTERDENOMINATIONAL • EVANGELICAL MOODY B IBLE IN S T IT U T E 820 N. L a S a lle Street, Chicago, Illin ois 60610 WILLIAM CULBERTSON, president • S. MAXWELL CODER, dean Please send me Summer School folder, catalog and application papers. Name_______________ ____________________________________ _________ Dept. 4K6

Application papers must be mailed back at least ten days before the opening of session you plan to attend.


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