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proach their jobs and social lives as committed Christians. Out o f the criticisms which the author has for the age in which we are living, some very practical counsel is given. Amid the doctrines o f Christianity, there is the difficulty o f living the Christian life. The aim o f the book is to point out the power which the Holy Spirit gives in making God’s will possible in our lives. — 116 pages; cloth; Word Books; Waco, Tex.; $2.50. Long a favorite author o f not only T h e K in g ’ s B usiness editors, but also the entire readership fam ily, one o f the nation’s outstanding evangelists and Bible teachers, has penned this newest volume which is a welcome addition to any Chris tian’s library. Taking material which he has used over a period o f 50 years in preaching and writing, Dr. Hav ner points out that “ salvation is not a cafeteria where you take what you want and leave the rest.” There is no doubt that this country has seen few men who have had this unusual gift o f presenting spiritual truths in such a unique and penetrating manner. Having had the opportunity of being with Dr. Havner, the writer ac knowledges that here is one who walks close to the Lord. Of all o f the volumes which have been written over the past several years, we can not e n d o r s e a publication more highly than this one. — 125 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., West- wood, N .J.; $2.95. Earnestly Contending for The Faith by John R. Rice The well-known evangelist and newspaper editor writes on various subjects which are o f present-day interest in such areas as “What Was Back o f Kennedy’s Murder?” "L ife Magazine Slanders the Bible,” and “ Dear Catholic Friend,” an open let ter written to a person o f another faith. The latter has been used of the Lord to reach men and women fo r Christ. The various chapters have been taken from articles ap- Pepper 'N Salt by Vance Havner
The Amplified Bible Fulfilling an anticipated place in study Bihles used by Christian work ers, this new edition puts together the three earlier volumes covering all the books of the Bible. Larger in size, the new release carries the same helpful foot notes. Since the original release of the earlier publications the entire text has been re-examined with appropriate modifications in corporated insuring the highest de gree o f accuracy. The work truly represents many years o f extensive research by Biblical scholars. — 1485 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House; Grand Rapids, Mich.; $9.95. It was one hundred years ago that J. Hudson Taylor opened a bank ac count in the name o f the China In land Mission. He saw a nation teem ing with multitudes o f lost souls and had a fervant passion to reach them for Christ. At that time, eleven in terior provinces o f China and Mon golia had never heard the name o f the Saviour. Under his dynamic lead ership, missionaries o f the CIM (now known as the Overseas Missionary Fellowship) penetrated vast interior regions to proclaim and distribute the Word o f God. The author began service with the organization, about which he writes, in 1929. In 1951, he and his family were forced out o f the country by the Communists. This volume is certain ly an important addition to the li brary of anyone who has in his heart a zeal for the Lord’s commission to “ go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” — 128 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, Illinois; $3.50. Having counseled with Christian leaders through the years, the au thor is concerned with several perti nent personal questions. He shows that many believers do not know how to pray, how to witness to other peo ple, how to communicate with their wives and families, or how to ap A Passion for The Impossible by Leslie Eliet LyaU The Taste of New Wine by Keith MiUer
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