pearing in the author’s publication. — 361 pages; cloth; Sword o f the L o r d F o u n d a t io n , Murfreesboro, Tenn.; $3.50.
possession and presents a splendid, serious work concerning the prob lems which Christians must face to day.— 229 pages; cloth; Kregel Pub lications, Grand R a p id s , Mich.; $4.95. The Wonder Book of Bible Stories retold by David Kyles Using more than 30 color plates along with 100 illustrations, this pub lication, in time for Christmas giv ing, b a s e s scriptural quotations upon the Authorized (King James) Version. More than 100 different stories are presented in large type and easy-to-understand language so that early readers will enjoy sharing the book at devotional times.— 264 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N .J .; $2.95. Presenting the companion publica tion to the author’s “ New Testa ment Survey,” this book covers the period from the Maccabean Revolt to A.D. 138. Dr. Tenney deals with the three prime cultural tensions which had their effect upon the newly- formed church: Judaism, Roman Imperialism, and Hellenism. Replete with illustrations, maps, charts, and exhaustive indices, the book is cer tain to be a key text for the study o f early church history. It contains e x c e lle n t background information serving fo r a helpful interpretative understanding o f the New Testa ment and early church history.— 396 pages; cloth; William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., G r a n d Rapids, Mich.; $5.95. New Testament Times by Dr. Merrill C. Tenney BOOK ENDS______ (A Review of Current Publications) SHADOWS OF ECSTASY, and MANY DIMEN SIONS by Charles Williams; 206 - 269 pages; paper; William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; each $1.95. These are novels written some years ago by the author who passed away in 1945. Mr. Williams was an English author who had the ability of graphical ly describing the deterioration of the human soul as well as the victory which comes through salvation. THE ANATOMY OF ANTI-SEMITISM by James Daane; 84 pages; paper; William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.45. The book deals with the author’s opinion that "the deepest cleavage between men" is that found between Jews and Gentiles. He believes that even if God has turned his back upon the Jews, salvation of the Gentile was depen dent upon the Jew. There is a strong warning to Christians to realize the untenable position which they hold when they show contempt of or reject God's chosen people. CONQUERING by Wesley H. Hager; 110 pages; cloth; Wiljiam B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. In pointing out that the Christian's life is never static, the author deals with the way in which one may conquer such personal problems as failure, (continued on page 37)
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Out o f his experience in counsel ling young people at Wheaton Col lege th r o u g h these years, the school’s Chancellor has prepared a new book which deals with pene trating s u b je c t s concerning the Christian life and ministry. His phi losophy, “ It’s always too soon to quit,” typifies the messages which are contained in this helpful publica tion. The volume abounds in per sonal testimonies and reveals clearly the unmistakable leading o f the Lord when one’s life is wholly dedi cated to Christ. There are a num ber o f beautiful photographs and poems which the author has collected from various sources through the years.— 214 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, G ran d R a p id s , Mich.; $3.95. Having visited over 40 countries of the world in his ministry with youth, the author deals with the sub ject o f encouraging young people to lead a Christ-centered life. The basic premise is the spiritual development or maturing o f the individual only through the Lord. Bernard Bras- kamp, chaplain of the United States House o f Representatives, writes the foreword. Looking at the problems of mediocrity which many people face today, the author strives to point the way toward the desired spiritual goal o f victory as one com mits his life wholly to the Saviour.— 98 pages; cloth; Word Books, Waco, Tex.; $3.00. The n o ted German theologian, minister, evangelist, and author of some 36 books and booklets, deals with the Satanic warfare constantly being waged against the people of God. He recognizes the natural ex planations which are often given by psychologists and psychiatrists to day, showing their insufficiency in many areas. Fascinating case histo ries are described as a result o f the author’s experiences in Europe. He deals with various types o f demon Discover Your Destiny by Dave Breese Christian Counselling and Occultism By Kurt E. Koch, Th.D.
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