BOOKS (continued from page 35) anxiety, boredom, regret, nerves, prejudices, handicaps, weariness, futility, and death. JOURNEY INTO MALAYA by Amy McIntosh; 63 pages; paper; Good News Publishers, West chester, III.; $.50. Condensed from the book originally published by the China^ Inland Mis sion oescribing the missionary activities of those who had to stand up against forces of idolatry, materialism, and communism. The book shows the final triumph through the birth of the church and the ministry which is carried on to serve the true and living God. THE ANSWER by Howard W. Ferrin; 63 pages; paper; Good News Publishers; Westchester, III.; $.50. A fine series of devotional messages deal ing with the universal appeal of Christ. Con densed from the volume ''Unto A ll" originally published by Zondervan. THE MINISTER'S MANUAL (DORAN'S) com piled and edited by M. K. W. Meicher; 35/ pages; cloth; Harper and Roe Publishers, New York.. N.Y.; $3.95. The 41st annual edition of this helpful publication for busy ministers in cludes such things as sermon outlines for every Sunday, seed thoughts and illustrations, poems for worship, funeral meditations, inter national Sunday school lessons, and other ex cellent helps. Compiled with ready reference, the volume is an excellent publication for any pastor to enjoy. It provides the added "salt to season a good sermon. SOMETIMES I FEEL LIKE A BLOB by Ethel Barrett. 190 pages; paper; Regal Books, Gospel Light Publications, Glendale, Calif.; $1.00. Tak ing her cue from a comment made by a teen ager on a confidential questionnaire, the popular "story teller" answers many of the problems commonly faced by youth today. She is frank to tell her readers that while she does not have all the answers, the Lord does. There is a great deal of practical Christianity in this book for adults to consider as well. The book is the start of a series of projected, popularly- priced paper-backs by the well known Christian education publication firm. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGIOUS QUOTATIONS, edited and compiled by Frank S. Mead. 534 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N.J.; $11.95. An obvious result of many years in research, cataloging, analyzing, and careful checking, the book is a handy digest of short and pertinent thoughts on a multitude of specific subjects. Nearly 12,000 quotations are given. Any pastor, Bible teacher, or Christiari THE VISION WHICH TRANSFORMS by George Allen Turner. 348 pages; cloth; Beacon Hill Press, Kansas City, Mo.; $3.95. The professor of English Bible at Asbury Theological Seminary examines the doctrine of Christian perfection through the Biblical and subsequent period to John Wesley. The material is reworked from a Ph.D. dissertation. TWENTY-SIX YEARS ON THE LOSING SIDE by Conrad Jensen. 83 pages; cloth or paper; Ameri can Tract Society, Oradell, N.J.; $1.50 for the cloth. Story of a veteran New York police officer who looks at our declining moral structure and spells out some clear Scriptural solutions. THE UPLIFTED CHRIST by R. A. Torrey. 104 pages; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. Stimulating messages concerning one aspect of Christ's person and work by the first dean of Biola. THE CHURCH IN THE COMMUNITY by Arthur E. Graf; $3.95; 207 pages; cloth, William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Every Christian must face the question why church growth does not keep pace with the rapid expansion and explosion of the population of the world. The author, who is professor of Practical Theology at Concordia Seminary in Springfield, Illinois, seeks to point out ways to develop evangelism through the local assembly. His conviction is that it was not God's inten tion that preachers alone should carry on this tremendous task and divine commission. THE TWENTY-THIRD PSALM by John McNeill. Fleming H. Revell. Westwood, N.J.; $1.95. Re print of an old classic by the Scotch preacher who for a while served the Church of the Open Door in Los Angeles, and taught at The Bible Institute. Recommended, books are available from the Biola Book Room , 5 60 South Hope Street , Los Angeles; and on the La Mirada Campus , 13800 Biola Avenue. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request. APRIL, 1966
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