King's Business - 1966-04

There are some

who say that only a pastor needs the preparation of a theological seminary. But I must per­ sonally testify that the work of a mission­

Dr. Nevin

tor, Ray Syrstad, C. Chester Larson, moderator and Western Director for Scripture Press, and Paul Dirks. by Rev. C. Chester Larson

ary — presenting the Gospel of Christ to the lost men of this age — is the most intellectually and spiritually challenging task imaginable. Who then can find a finer seminary in this day of spiritual decay and

apostasy than Talbot Theological Seminary. Dr. Paul D. Nevin

Q. When is the best time for Vaca­ tion Bible School? A . It depends upon your unique cir­ cumstances. Certainly you s h o u l d consider the time when most pupils can come and when most o f the best leaders are available. The time se­ lected should be free from any other conflicting activities in the church or community. Many schools prefer the two weeks right after school is dismissed before families scatter on vacations. Others are held the latter part of August when summer vaca­ tion is losing its appeal and children are eager for something interesting to do. One church in Southern Cali­ fornia holds its school annually dur­ ing Easter week with very excellent results. Q. How long should Vacation Bible School last? A . The majority prefer two-week schools and m o s t curricula are planned fo r this period. Two weeks permits good consecutive teaching which pays big spiritual dividends. In other cases, circumstances make it necessary fo r them to consolidate their t e a c h i n g into a one-week school. In one church, I conducted an eight-day school, concluding with the demonstration program on the Wed­ nesday evening o f the second week. VBS is a most profitable learning experience, and whatever time can be devoted to it will greatly strength­ en the teaching program o f the church. Q. How do you finance a Vacation Bible School? A . Generally, this is not difficult, because VBS sells itself. The ideal way is for this program to be a part o f the regular Christian Education budget of your church. This can be

supplemented by a free-will offer­ ing received at the demonstration program. Additional financial sup­ port could come from individuals or groups such as adult Bible classes. Many times, they will undertake to provide the daily refreshments which can be an item o f considerable cost. Q. We have difficulty getting an ade­ quate supply of workers for Vaca­ tion Bible School. How can we solve this problem? A . There seem to be increasing de­ mands upon people’s time and a par­ ticular problem in this area is that mothers often must work. However, God always seems to use busy peo­ ple and often the more demands we put on more people, the more work­ ers we get. Enlistment should begin early in the spring and as much training as possible offered. Avoid any negative approach, and pray that the Lord will thrust forth la­ borers into this precious harvest field. Q. How can we retain our young people after they leave high school? A . Use them! Unless the church of­ fers young people a meaningful place o f service, youth will be inclined to feel that they have little vital rela­ tionship to their church. Young peo­ ple o f this age generally make ex­ cellent Sunday school teachers, camp counsellors, weekday club workers, DVBS workers and many such re­ lated ministries. Also, c h a l l e n g e young people to give a portion o f their summer in missionary service and you will find that they will be some o f your most active church workers when they return. Q. How do you get Sunday school teachers to fulfill their obligation THE KING'S BUSINESS

Moody Bible Institute Chicago, Illinois


T H E O L .O G Offering B.D., Th.M. and M.R.E: deg 13800 Biolo Ave., La Mirada, Cal. Charles L p n l - Dean, ThD., Ph.D. (TWA

UNUSUAL TOURS 1966 Program

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TOUR LEADERS: Learn how you can or­ ganize your own group. Qualified inquiries invited. Write Today— UNUSUAL TOURS, P.O. Box 524« Buena Park, California Check Information requested:

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