and responsibilty to th e Sunday school? A . The ministry o f Sunday school teaching is a high calling and one’s performance will be directly related to his vision o f this calling. The worker’s responsibility is to God, and our main motivation tool is con stantly to challenge him in this re sponsibility and the part he can have in changing lives for eternity. Writ ten standards which a group of workers establish fo r themselves can also be a helpful motivating factor. A . The majority of youth leaders and workers today say it’s much bet ter that teens stay with their own Sunday school class. But in many churches today young people are taking teachers’ training and there fore they have been used in a limit ed way. One good way to give teens an opportunity to teach is to use them in the summer Vacation Bible School, or on an alternating month ly basis in Children’s church. “ Use ’em or loose ’em !” is only too true. Q. Should teen-agers teach in Sun day School ? Q. Can you suggest an organization al plan for our Sunday Evening High School group? A . Someone has said that organiza tion is only a means, not an end. It is only a means toward a worthy ob jective. This is true in a youth group. The objective is to see your young people maturing in Christ. How can this best be accomplished? Here are some organization sugges tions : First — select only the officers you need. This will probably include: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and possibly Song Lead er, and Pianist. Second —divide the members into planning groups. This will help you to get the maximum results for training individuals. Each group should have its own leader or chair man and from three to eight mem bers. Each group is responsible for planning and putting on one pro gram during the month. Third — the planning groups may have a second purpose. One group may have the responsibility o f plan ning a social each month. Other spe cial activities which may be assigned to the planning groups are: Out reach, Missionary, Publicity, Proj ects, etc. Remember, keep your or ganization simple, plan your work, then work your plan. APRIL, 1966
Special Y O U T H Seminar! W ha t? — On Christian Education Vocations W h en ? — Saturday, April 23, 1966 W here ? — Arizona Bible College, Phoenix, Ariz. W h o ? — For H igh School and College-Age Youth W h y ? — To introduce youth to the many excit ing vocational opportunities in Chris tian education Wherefore? — For m o re in fo rm a t io n , write Rev. Ronald Chadwick, Youth Seminar Reg istrar, 3025 W. McDowell Rd.( Phoe nix, Arizona 85009. * * * * Co-sponsored by Biola College and Scripture Press Foundation
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