Mr. Vergil Gerber, co-ordinator of the Congress on the Church’s World wide Mission, is pictured below dis cussing additional plans fo r the Con gress to be held at Wheaton College this month. More than 1,000 dele gates from around the world are expected to attend the Congress. Pictured from left to right a re : Mr. Thomas M. Burton, assistant business manager, Wheaton College; Rev. Nor man Cummings, Overseas Crusades, Inc.; Rev. Wage Coggins, assistant executive secretary o f EFMA ; Rev. Louis L. King, Christian Missionary Alliance; Dr. Vernon Mortenson, gen eral director o f The Evangelical Alli ance Mission; Rev. Vergil Gerber; Rev. Gordon Beacham, North Africa M ission; Rev. E. L. Frizen, Jr., execu tive secretary o f IFMA ; and Dr. Mil- ton Baker, Conservative Baptist For eign Mission Society. Mr. Kenneth Taylor, author o f Liv ing Letters, is among the instructors fo r the 12th annual missionary lit erature workshop s p o n s o r e d by Moody Literature Mission and Evan gelical L it e r a t u r e Overseas. The workshop will be held in Chicago at the Moody Bible Institute June 20 through July 8, offering a full cur riculum o f writing, publishing, and marketing geared to the mission field. Other instructors a re Peter Gunther, director o f Moody Literature Mission; James Johnson, executive sec retary o f Evangelical L it e r a t u r e Overseas; and John Bass, executive executive s e c r e t a r y o f Christian Booksellers Association. The course is opened to those currently engaged in literature work on the mission field or those who anticipate such work in the future. Dr. H. Wilbert Norton, professor of missions at Wheaton College and veteran missionary, will co-ordinate the tenth annual Summer Institute of Missions held on the Wheaton Col lege campus, June 7 -July 15. Some o f the course offerings are “ Mission ary Methods in Acts” taught by Dr. Merrill C. Tenney, dean of the Whea ton graduate school and “ Missionary Writing” taught by Dr. James Johnson, executive d i r e c t o r o f Evangelical Literature Overseas. Courses in the Institute are offered for both gradu ate and undergraduate credit, and earned credits may be applied to ward a graduate or undergraduate degree. Senator Frank Carlson (R., Kansas) and Lt. Gov. Fred G. Pollard o f Virginia
took part in the dedication cere monies o f the George Washington Boyhood Home recently, in Fred ericksburg. The joint effort o f Youth for Christ International and the Nice Brothers, a family o f construc tion engineers, have made the proj ect possible. The building dedicated will be multi-purpose, with sleeping rooms fo r boys and houseparents. It will have a central dining room, kitchen, and administrative offices. Additional dormitory facilities will be added later. Said Senator Carlson concerning boys at the home, “ Here they will d e v e lo p t h e ir bodies through athletics, through exercise. They will develop their minds; they will sharpen their understanding. Here they will test the measure of their strength and o f their moral fiber against that o f George Wash ington. But more important than this, these boys will not be left un attended in the spiritual area of life.” Dr. Hudson T. Armerding, president of Wheaton College, recently an nounced three changes in the admin istration o f the College, effective July 1. Dr. John H. Fadenrecht, dean o f the college, has been named chair man o f the department o f education. Dr. Peter Veltman, chairman o f the de partment o f education, has been ap pointed dean o f the college; and Dr. Robert C. Baptista, associate professor o f physical education. Also recently announced, Dr. Francis Schaeffer, director o f L’Abri Fellow ship in Huemoz sur Ollon, Switzer land, will be a guest instructor at the College June 7-17. Dr. Schaeffer will lecture on “ Christianity and the Humanities” during th e college’s ten-day Inter-session term. Rev. Sung Jin Ahn, founder and di rector of the Christian Children’s Center in Seoul, Korea, is directing a team o f co-workers in co-operation with Scripture Press o f Wheaton, Illinois, is adapting, translating, and distributing lessons fo r Primaries and Juniors. Rev. and AAre. William Warner, literature missionaries with TEAM, have completed the translat ing and testing o f three years of Sunday school lessons for children in Rhodesia, Africa. T h e s e le s s o n s , based on Scripture Press materials, have been translated into the Shona language and carefully adapted for African culture.
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