PEOPLE (continued from page 4) Dr. Clate Risley, secretary o f the Department of Christian Education for World Evangelical Fellowship, recently toured the African nations in the interest o f Sunday school and other phases o f Christian education. The prime purpose o f the trip was the All-Africa Conference o f Evan gelicals, held in Nairobi, Kenya. All evangelical missions in A frica were invited and practically every nation was represented with mission execu tives and national Christian leaders. The conference was the first in the history o f the African church, spon sored jointly by the mission boards of the EFMA and the IFMA. Rev. Ken Downing o f A frica Inland Mission who has been planning fo r this con ference fo r nearly two years, served as co-ordinator. Paul Mlckelson, president o f Su preme Recordings o f Glendale, Cali fornia, has announced that Corner stone Records o f Los Angeles has been purchased by Supreme. Four teen-year-old Cornerstone has a catalog o f 60 albums in mono and stereo by such well-known recording artists as Tony Fontane, Dave Grant, and many others. “ The purchase of Cornerstone marks a giant step in Supreme’s expanding program,” says Mr. Mickelson. "Mr. Russell E. Durham, president o f C o r n e r s t o n e , has worked hard to build this company. We here at Supreme hope to further his influence through these choice albums.” Recently appointed to the Supreme staff is Bob Suhr who joins them as sales representative. Dr. Arnold T. Olson, president o f the Evangelical Free Church of America, has announced that 1966 has been designated by the denomination as ¡“ The Year o f the Bible.” According to Dr. Olson, the special emphasis ion the Scriptures throughout 1966 ¡has been timed to coincide with the 150th anniversary o f the American Bible Society.
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