a message from the editor ^
A MODERNIST’S MUSINGS ^ ) n e s e e s f r o m t i m e t o t i m e articles or newspaper accounts in which liberal theologians take to task their fellow theologues for being too far out in their theological mental meanderings. O f course one o f the basic tenets o f liberal theology is that every man thinks that which seemeth good to his own mind. There is no norm, there is no standard, by which an individual’s doctrinal position may be judged. T o the liberal the Bible is authoritative only insofar as the individual desires it to be; he may repudiate any portion he dislikes. There is no final authority except the indi vidual’s own ability to reason things out for himself. The liberal demands this liberty for himself and he is quite willing to allow the same liberty to his fellows. Indeed, that is one reason mod ernists get along so well; all they ask is that each one be given the right to hold his own ideas and opinions. These opinions can be discussed, but one’s freedom o f thought must never be denied or violated. It is interesting to note, therefore, that one o f the more prominent theologians o f today has become somewhat critical o f his fellows because, in his judgment, they have gone too far in their theological viewpoints. Dr. Robert McAfee Brown, Professor o f Religion at Stanford University, has become quite concerned over modern-day trends in Protestant theological circles. According to a newspaper article published in a San Francisco daily paper, he states, "Much o f what is going on at present in the Protestant scene gives the impression o f being willing to jettison whatever is necessary in order to appeal to the modern mentality.” It seems to be a polite way o f stating that he thinks his colleagues have gone too far in their “ efforts to strip the Christian gospel o f any doctrine which seems to give offense to skeptics.” He says, "It is not the task o f Christians to whittle away their heritage until it is finally palatable to all; faith has never been easy. . . There is a scandal to the Christian faith . . . and he who proclaims it either through what he says or what he is or what he does must be prepared to be called a fool for Christ’s sake.” This, o f course, is what Bible-believing Christian preachers have been proclaiming for lo, these many, many years. It seems too bad that as erudite a man as Dr. Brown is reported to be should take so long to discover this fact. O f course no one is naive enough to think that Dr. Brown is embracing the faith THE KING'S BUSINESS
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