once for all delivered unto the saints. He is merely saying that there are extremes to which liberals themselves should not go and he is concerned that some liberals have gone that far. But he has only himself and others like him to thank for this situation. They began, themselves, to repudiate and dispute the Word o f God; they sowed doubts in the minds o f those who would listen to them or read their writings; they gave up the "faith o f their fathers” and began to teach false doctrines in their stead. Alas, the logical end o f such teaching is a complete repudiation o f belief in God and everything that we hold near and dear to our hearts. The end result is humanism, pure and simple. It is the elimination o f God and the elevation o f man to the position that God rightly deserves so far as the thinking o f men is concerned. Men like Dr. Brown have invited and encouraged this very system o f unbelief. They, themselves, may not have gone as far as their fellows have gone, but their whole approach to theological thought finds its fruition in the humanistic philosophy which he now decries. Dr. Brown, according to the article, speaks o f the "appalling irrelevance o f Christianity to the vast majority o f modern men.” We would dare to suggest that it is not the Chris tianity o f the Bible that is irrelevant for modern man; rather, it is the pseudo-Christianity which he and his colleagues and their disciples have developed which is irrelevant to modern man. Their system o f theology is not having any effect whatsoever upon man’s thinking and his living. Why should it? Their ideas are not necessarily one whit better than the ideas o f the non-conformists, the beatniks and all other types o f free-thinkers. Liberals o f the last generation and the neo-liberals o f the present generation have done nothing except to discredit the truth o f God’s Word, to deny its inspiration and to create in the minds o f their hearers the idea that the Bible is nothing more than a collection o f ancient folk lore and the collective thinking o f the primitive minds o f a by-gone age. They have very successfully sowed such numerous seeds o f doubt in the minds o f countless numbers o f people in this beloved land that practically nothing o f a vital nature in the Word o f God has any authoritative value whatsoever to them. This is the great contribution (? ) which men like Dr. Brown have bestowed upon our present-day civilization. I f instead o f each man’s proclaiming his own notions, there were a mighty united effort on the part o f ministers o f the Gospel to proclaim "thus saith the Lord,” with all o f its implications, this would become very relevant in the thinking o f modern man. By so doing it might yet be possible to stem the headlong, down ward rush o f our civilization to its own inevitable destruction. What a shame that such a simple solution as this never seems to enter the cosmic consciousness o f these present-day builders o f men’s minds! Instead, they prefer to go about, blindly groping after some concept that will change the course o f human destiny. God help us who believe the Bible to be His own inspired Word to proclaim its truths fearlessly and faithfully as long as life shall last!
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f? storm ly M » season. Just so . MHpaaja’s life when the Bible as •hi$ guide, he grows strong and steadfast. Cambridge University Press has made : ’ Bibles since L59L When yon own a Cambridge Bible, yon own a book made with craftsmanship inherited through twelve generations.
APRIL, 1966
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