in returns on new annuity agreements
(depend ing on your age)
¡KrfSUfjn. Since its inception almost 60 years ago, the Moody Bible Institute Annuity program has afforded Christians an opportunity to invest and share in the many soul-winning ministries of the Institute . . .
providing dependable, generous returns—coupled with utmost security. Not once has a single annuity payment ever been missed, regardless of economic conditions.
Now, the Institute is pleased to announce that returns on all new Annuity Agreements have been increased—rates ranging from 3.63% to 9.09% (de pending on your a ge ). You, too, can experience the peace of mind and satisfaction that Moody double-dividends provide. For more complete information on Moody’s new higher annuity rates and tax benefits available to you in the annuity plans. . .
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Department of Stewardship
M O O D Y B I B L E I N S T I T U T E 820 N. LaSalle Street • Chicago, Illinois 60610 Please send me, without obligation, information on new higher annuity returns and a copy of double dividends , story of Moody Annuity Plan. DATE OF NAME_____________________________________________________________ BIRTH_______________________
STATE___________________ ZIP CODE.
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