King's Business - 1957-12


8,247 homes have been totally destroyed and 235 persons have lost their lives. 470 bridges have been washed out, 3,000 head of live stock killed. The roads and highways in 1,545 towns, villages and hamlets have been washed out making transportation almost impossible. Unless help is sent immediately thousands more will die from hunger and disease. With the coming of winter many more will freeze unless they re­ ceive warm clothing. The American Embassy in Seoul, Korea has issued an urgent re­ quest for full-scale flood relief. The areas marked on this map represent a partial list of the large number of people seriously hit by flash floods and typhoons. 583,185 people have had to flee their homes, losing all their pos­ sessions.

THIS IS AN EMERGENCY APPEAL! W e must rush food and cloth­ ing to Korea at once. Send your contribution o f good used clothing and money to pur­ chase food today. CHRISTIANS! Pray for these suffering people and give as unto the Lord. WOBLD RELIEF COMMISSION OF THE RATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF EVANGELICALS WENDELL L ROCKET, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 12-1* JACKSON AVENUE, LONG ISLAND CITY 1. N. Y.

SEND CONTRIBUTIONS TO: (not clothing) J. WILLISON SMITH, JR., Treasurer World Relief Commission N.A.E. 2124 Philadelphia National Bank Bldg. Phi la. 7, Pa.

SEND CLOTHING POSTPAID TO: World Relief Commission NAE 12-19 Jackson Ave. Long Island City 1, N.Y.

World Relief Commission NAE c/o Brethren Service Center 1010 9th St., Modesto, Calif.

World Relief Commission NAE c/o Brethren Service Center Nappanee, Indiana

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