King's Business - 1957-12

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“This is the Bible transla­ tion from the language Jesus spoke. . . unique.'* — Dr. Daniel A . Poling “ Gives new and fresh meaning." —Dr. Norman Vincent Peale The Holy Bible

EILERS continued ficult. Then when he was about three more miles from town he gave up and sat down by the side of the road and covered himself complete­ ly with the blankets. He didn’t know just where he was or how far he had gone. All he knew was that he couldn’t go another step. As he sat there, he thought of his home and his family and of how foolish he had been. If only he could have another chance. How different he would be as a husband and as a father—he’d take his fam­ ily to Sunday school and to church ,too—and he’d read stories to his children and play with them like Leonard Eilers did with the Wiley children. He began to pray out loud. “ Oh God, I’ve been so foolish. I’ve been so wrong. I know I don’t deserve to be heard and don’t deserve to have any prayer answered . . . .” For a moment he was still, and then he recalled the story about Jesus and how He came to he the world’s Saviour—his Saviour, and now was his Saviour ever since he had ac­ cepted Him back there in the bunk- house. As these thoughts ran through his mind, a flood of joy came over his whole being and he continued to pray. “No, I don’t de­ serve to be heard or answered but I didn’t deserve to have Jesus die on the cross for me and You sent Him anyway. So do You think that maybe some way You could get me out of this hopeless situation and let me get back to my family and give me another chance?” It was then that I drove up. Char­ lie didn’t even hear me. I jumped out of the buckboard and put my hand on his shoulder and said, “ Charlie, Charlie, are you all right?” He threw aside the blankets and looked at me like I was a ghost. Then he exclaimed, “ Leonard! I have never been so glad to see any­ one in my whole life. Sure I’m all right, except that I just couldn’t take another step.” He had to pause for more breath. “ I was exhausted, had to sit down here, and had about given up all hope. Sort of figured I was done for but God answered my prayer.” Soon as we got to Sageville I took Charlie to the hotel where he could get warm and revived. The I

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