King's Business - 1957-12

two authors this year E ROADMAN COMMENTS, 1958 E. F. H A IG H T - gives the lesson outline and scriptural exposition. DUKE K. M cCALL— applies the lesson to life today Use this well-established evangelical commentary on the Inter­ national Sunday School lessons, featuring a concise explanation of the lesson in the Bible, and a penetrating interpretation of this biblical message as it relates to everyday life. An index of previous Broadman Comments from 1953 is includ­ ed, enabling you to use the wealth of information contained in these earlier books. Appropriate audio-visual aids are sug­ gested for each lesson. $2.50 POCKET—SIZE CONVENIENT FOR EVERY CLASS MEMBER POINTS FOR EMPHASIS, 1958 by CLIFTON J. ALLEN This compact little book, a favorite for years, gives a short in­ troduction to the lesson Scriptures and explains their meaning, shows how the lesson has significance for Christians today, and suggests practical "truths to live by." 75^

Associate prof, of History, Biola Bible College

The defendant told Magistrate T. Vincent Quinn of Brooklyn “he was a bishop devoted to healing the sick and troubled in Washington, D. C.” He offered as a credential a photostatic copy of what he said was an ordination certificate from the “ Eastern Star Spiritual Temple in Chicago.” According to charges against the accused, “ for $135.00 he gave a client a candle and told her to stick it in a dish of sugar and water, light it and play 439 in a numbers game. It didn’t win.” To another client, “ for $110.00, he ad­ vised her to trace her husband’s right heel on a paper bag with red crayon and to wear it in her shoe for a week.” He also suggested that she take “ a bath in blue ink.” All in the name of religion. What is more incredible is how he could find people who would be taken in by such tactics. Ten Commandments for Teen-agers A New Jersey newspaper pub­ lished a list of commandments for teen-agers that might be applied profitably to teen-agers everywhere. They are: 1) Thou shalt have good clean Christian fun—lots of it. 2) Thou shalt have many friends. 3) Thou shalt think of thy body at 15 how it shall be at 50. Treat it ac­ cordingly. 4) Thou shalt attend church regularly. It shall be as oil on thy troublesome youthful waters. 5) Thou shalt not call thy parents “ squares” for thou art only removed a few years from parenthood thy­ self. 6) Thou shalt keep thy face toward school for it will make thee wiser than thy unschooled fellows. 7) Thou shalt lift up thy voice against all evil; it will make a real man of thee. 8) Thou shalt keep from becoming a slouch or a fashion plate. The Lord disliketh both. 9) Thou shalt mix Christian principles more with thy daily life. 10) Thou shalt not bow the knee to “Elvis” (Presley) or “ Frankie” (Sinatra) or “ Tab” (Hunter). God alone is worthy of thy worship. END. The King's Business/December 19£7

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