العدد 9 - فبراير/شباط 2021

| 162

. 164 ) فيركلف، اللغة والسلطة، مرجع سابق، ص 20 (

(21) Flusberg et al, “War Metaphors in Public Discourse,”: 3. (22) Michael Karlberg and Leslie Buell, “Deconstructing the “War of all Against all”: The Prevalance and Implications of War Metaphors and Other Adversarial News Schema in Time, Newsweek, and MacLean’s,” Peace and Conflict Studies, 12(1), (25): 22–39. (23) Flusberg et al, “War Metaphors in Public Discourse,”: 12. (24) Musolff, Political Metaphor Analysis Discourse and Scenarios, 11. (25) Flusberg et al, “War Metaphors in Public Discourse,”: 2. (26) Lori Hartmann-Mahmud, “War as Metaphor,” Peace Review, 14(4), (22): 427. . 38 ) سيمينو، الاستعارة في الخطاب، مرجع سابق، ص 27 ( (28) Sontag, Illness as Metaphor. Brigitte Nerlich, Christopher Halliday, “Avian Flu: the Creation of Expectations in the Interplay between Science and the Media,” Sociology of Health and Illness, 29(1), )27). . 382 ) سيمينو، الاستعارة في الخطاب، مرجع سابق، ص 29 ( (30) Brendon M. H. Larson et al, “Metaphors and Biorisks: The War on Infectious Diseases and Invasive Species,” Science Communication, 26(3), (25), 26. (31) Flusberg et al, “War Metaphors in Public Discourse,”: 1 . 382 ) سيمينو، الاستعارة في الخطاب، مرجع سابق، ص 32 ( (33) Hartmann-Mahmud, “War as Metaphor,”: 427. (34) Lesley F. Degner et al, “ANewApproach to Eliciting Meaning in the Context of Breast Cancer”, Cancer Nursing, 26(3), (23): 169. (35) Sontag, Illness as Metaphor. Susan Sontag, AIDS and Its Metaphors, (NewYo- rk: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1989). (36) Reisfield and Wilson, “Use of Metaphor in the Discourse on Cancer,”: 426. (37) Natasha M. Wiggins, Stop Using Military Metaphors for Disease, BMJ, 345:e476, (212). Frank V. Cespedes, “Stop Using Battle Metaphors in Your Com- pany Strategy,” Harvard Business Review, December 19, 214, “accessed February 12, 22”. https://2u.pw/kFFlB. Reisfield and Wilson, “Use of Metaphor in the Dis-

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