King's Business - 1921-09

The Mark


of the Beast

There are but com paratively few people who understand correctly w hat the Bible teaches concerning “The Great Tribulation,”— that awful period of distress that is com ing upon this earth during the tim e when the A ntichrist will rule w ith unhindered sw ay. In “The Mark of the B east” these facts are m ost vividly portrayed in story form. So interesting is the story that many people read it through at one sitting, only to take up the book again to re-read once, tw ice, and possibly three tim es, until the true teaching of the tribulation is so fixed in their mind that^they will^never for­ get it.

Cloth, $1.25 Postpaid Jesus— the P rophet, Priest, King By Dr. R. A. Torrey This remarkable series of s e r m o n s 1 || regarded by many as the best ever preached by Dr. Torrey— gives a picture of our Lord Jesus Christ which is unique, taking up the prophetic aspect from the Old Testam ent, including H is incarnation, crucifixion a n d resurrection; t h e Priestly aspect of our Lord during the present dispen­ sation; the Kingly aspect setting forth His reign during the millennial per­ iod. Paper 35c; Cloth 65c O ld Testam ent Types By Dr. W . B. Riley No one can ever thor­ oughly understand all of the New Testam ent and its correct teaching without understanding the types and sym bolic fore-shadow ­ ings'. Riley takes up the principal types and shows their full significance in a very clear, yet exceedingly simple w ay. Every Chris­ tian who desires to know his Bible should have this helpful book. (Paper bound) Price 40c Postpaid r h e T ime of th e End, as Seen by Daniel B y W . E. Caperton A very well w ritten book dealing w ith tw o important prophecies, Daniel 7:1-28 and Daniel 9:24-27. It

Key W ords fo the King’s Treasury By C. E. Paxson B usy people, who find lit­ tle tim e for $ searching study of God’s word, will find this little book helpful as clustering divine truth about a single word which may be carried in the mind am idst all the cares of work and thus afford hid­ den manna to the soul. Price 15c; purple boards Key W ords and Watfch W ords Combined By C. E. Paxson A splendid little gift volume for old or young,— especially appreciated by busy women folks. Price 25c; purple boards W atch W ords fo r the King’s Servants By C. E. Paxson A companion volum e to Key Words, only that the Scriptures a r e grouped around w atch-w ords. A very helpful little booklet in which to many the Word contained therein has proved itself in the power of the Spirit of God to be that Word which is “able to make w ise unto salva­ tion through faith which is in Christ Jesus.,T Price 20c; purple boards Sanctification By W . C. Stevens Entirely independent and distinctive. Embraces and harmonizes the various, often conflicting phases and theories on a vital subject. Price 5c each

Doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church Examined By Keith L. Brooks A brief and comprehen­ sive study of Rome’s prin­ cipal teachings, as com ­ pared w ith Scripture. Price 10c per copy Victory Those who have heard, or read after Dr. Dixon, know him as a prince among expository preach­ ers. This booklet is a classic on the V ictorious Life. 10c each; $1.00 per dozen; $7.00 per 100 Destructive Criticism vs. Christianity By Dr. A. C. Dixon An able presentation of the fundamental claim s of Christianity , compared with w hat so-called “higher criticism ” has to offer mankind. Price 10c each The Trinity By Keith L. Brooks Must we believe in the Trinity? If so, why? And how are we to believe in it? We are quite positive that you have no questions put up to you that are as hard for you to sa tis­ factorily answer as those in regard to triune Nature of God. Knowing this to be true Mr. Brooks has prepared this splendid lit­ tle booklet giving ample Scriptural data from which you can correctly answer any and all questions that can ever be asked you. . Price 10c each

makes a splendid introduc­ tion to the study of the Revelation. You will find it very helpful indeed. Price 25c Biola Book Room, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.



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