King's Business - 1921-09




Good Salvation stories are rare,— this is a rare one,— an exceedingly interesting I story. God’s Good News concerning His Son and what He has done for us is the theme running through it from beginning to end, but it does not in any way inter»ere w ith the plot or the characters except to enhance your interest in them. It brings the reader face to face w ith Jesus Christ, as Saviour and many souls have been born again through its reading. Put “Scarlet and Purple” into the hands of young people,— into the hands of anyone you w ant to see converted. j _ „ r - , , - ? ® Cloth; Price $1.25 Postpaid The Summarized Bible By Keith L. Brooks Gospel Solos and Duets By Herbert G .. T ovey and ‘Keith- L. Brooks W orld Renowned Hymns Compiled by Dr. R. A. Torrey

This volum e com prises a complete summary of the entire Bible, chapter by chapter. To | every book there is given a key thought, a key verse, a conclusion, and of particu­ lar interest is the pointing out of how Christ is seen in each of the Old T esta­ ment books, as well as the New. Then each chapter is analyzed separately un­ der Contents, Characters, Key Word, Strong Verses, Striking Facts, the last o f­ ten throwing a flood of spiritual light on th e .deep and som etim es obscure meaning of the chapter. The~ page, “What to Do W ith the Bible,” is a valu­ able study in itself, and gives reasons why we should read, believe, re­ ceive, taste, eat, hold fast, hold forth, preach, search, study, m editate on, com ­ pare, rightly divide, and delight in, the Word. Paper $1.25; Cloth $1.75 Studies in the Life and Teachings of Our Lord By Dr. R. A. Torrey This book is w ithout doubt the best aid to Bible study in the life of our Saviour that has ever been w ritten. It is so formed as to make the student do his own searching of the Word, and one who has gone through this book thoroughly will have a splendid knowledge of the life of our LORD. Price $2.00

In issuing this book Dr. Torrey says, “I have felt that there w as a need of a book that combined the classic h y m n s of the church w ith the m aster­ pieces of modern hymnolr ogy, and also w ith the best recent Gospel H ymns.” It contains more good sin g­ able numbers than any other sim ilar book. Sub­ stantial cloth binding. 50c postpaid Ransacking the Scriptures By Keith L. Brooks This is a book which every-Christian should pos­ sess and carry w ith him. It contains rules for Bible Study; alphabetical ar­ rangement of important Bible chapters; number of chapters in each book; key note of each book; key verse of each book; Christ in each book; outward di­ visions of the Bible; spirit­ ual conclusion of each book; important f a c t s about the Bible; dispensa- tional divisions; proofs of inspiration; index of all Bible events. It is a top i­ cal and alphabetical ar­ rangement of all Bible sto ­ ries, enabling one to turn instantly w ithout th o use of a Concordance, to any incident or i m p o r t a n t theme. Price 25c (paper)

This new collection of splendid Gospel solos and duets will be welcomed by all singers who are looking for songs w ith a Teal heart m essage,— songs of con­ viction and devotion. A wide range of topics have been selected so as to make the book of special value to regular s\ngers. There are invitation songs, funeral m essages, songs for children’s m eetings, f o r men’s m eetings, and for soul winning. Board Covers, Price $1.00 The Fundamentals This set of books con­ tains articles on the great fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith, written by the ablest Bible scholars and Bible teachers of the world, and forms in itself a veritable library of de­ fense against the false teaching of the present day. When the new con­ vert’s mind is clouded with doubt and indecision^ or when his heart is sad, he usually goes to some Chris­ tian friend. That is why YOU need the Fundamen­ tals. Q uestions arise as you deal w ith som e higher critic; or in your Sunday School, or congregation. The Fundam entals will help you answer these ques­ tions. W rite to us for free booklet, giving history and contents. Four cloth bound vo l­ umes, packed in cardboard box. Price $4.00 per set


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