King's Business - 1921-09

Would You Like To Invest In a College With These Ideals?

T h a t real Christian training should be offered all stu­ dents by sound teaching of the fundamentals of the faith and by encouragement and opportunity in definite Christian service. T h a t the expenses should be so moderate that young people of limited means could enjoy them. T h a t the training in all college branches should be as thorough as anywhere in the educational world. Such an institution is located a t W heaton, Illinois. It has representatives from all the great Bible schools of our country. It has sixty in its Volunteer Band. It has more than three hundred fifty students in attendance this year. It needs money for current expenses. It has not rooms enough for its students. Persons who believe in such a college are invited to share in its work. Please address P resident Blanchard, W heaton College, W heaton, Illinois.


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