King's Business - 1921-09

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S simple suggestion ought to be enough to set them thinking and studying and teaching. No so-called m inister of th e Gospel, clergyman, teacher or professor, who, in his m inistry, ignores any of the tru th s contained in th e Scriptures is to be trusted. He is not a tru e shepherd of th e sheep; bu t in a g reater or less de­ gree, is w hat is described as “ a wolf in sheep’s clothing;” H istory and exper­ ience show th a t th e w ith-holding (i. e. hiding) of God’s Word, or of any p art of it, is a fru itfu l source of error, grow­ ing into deadly heresies, which “ drown men in destruction and perdition.” (R. V .). The Church of Christ is very th a n k ­ ful for those colleges and faith fu l Spirit- ta u g h t men who are loyal to th e ir Mas­ ter in th is respect and to such these criticisms do no t apply. In conclusion th e need of th e day and of every day is not pulpits which grind ou t “ religion” and moral essays flavored to su it customers, packed up w ith sw^et-scented soporifics, and dis­ tribu ted once a week to thoughtless or sleepy congregations. W hat a ruined and siin cursed world does need is preachers who, w ith no uncertain sound tell of a lowly Saviour, who fed the hungry, healed the sick, raised th e dead and proclaimed His F a th e r’s love and pity; who gave H imself to death as th e world’s sin-sacrifice; who rose from th e grave, and retu rn ed from whence He came; who will soon re tu rn for those who acknowledge Him as Saviour and Lord, and then come on to ea rth again to “ tread th e winepress of th e fierce­ ness and w rath of A lm ighty God.” j, Let us all remember th e solemn w arn­ in g :— “The Lord shall judge His peo­ ple. It is a fearful th ing to fall into the hands of th e living God.” He is coming, as we are told in 2 Thess. 1:7, 8 , “w ith His m ighty angels, in flaming fire tak ing vengeance on them th a t know not God, and th a t obey not th e Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.”


THE LATTER RAINS Many studen ts of th e Bible th in k th a t „the “ early” and “ la tte r” rain s which were needed to m atu re th e harvests in Palestine,' w ill be seen in th e harvest of souls in th is present age. They, th e re ­ fore, expect to see Pentecostal gifts and blessing as Christendom draws to a close. During th e past few years, mar­ vels, in numbers and m iraculous re­ su lts have been seen in th e m inistry of certain evangelists. Recently, in De­ tro it, thousands have waited on th e m inistry of two b ro th ers working to­ gether. A b ro ther whom we have known many years, and in whose judg­ m ent we have confidence, went, to see f o r . him self w hat had been reported concerning th e meetings. He says th a t th e preaching is w ithout eloquence— th a t it very much resembles th e work of Mr. Moody in plain, earnest simplic­ ity. Yet thousands flock to th e meet­ ings, crowding th e largest halls of the city. The first night, over 50 sobbing souls came out to th e front, in response to an appeal to unsaved persons desiring salvation. In an appeal afterw ard s to those desiring healing over 100 persons came out to ano ther p art of th e room th e first n igh t of th e services. As the meetings continued n igh t afte r night these numbers were grdatly increased. The people who confessed to have been wholly, or partially healed, were count­ ed by th e hundred-—and, the work seems to have been genuine. In many cities, larg e and small, sim­ i l a r resu lts have been seen. In nearly all of these meetings, some of th e heal­ ings are undoubtedly m iraculous— ap­ paren tly such as were seen in th e days of th e Apostles. Are these th ing s th e “la tte r rain ’* in th e sp iritu al harvest? Is th is ano ther sign th a t we are near th e end of th is dispensation, and th e be­ ginning of th e new, a t th e Advent of our blessed Lord?— Dr. Robt. Cameron.

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