King's Business - 1921-09



were given aw ay and over 25,000 Gos­ pel tracts. The Men’s Bible Class of th is school during th e past year signed up 1,461 persons in the T estam ent League, gave away 2,016 Testam ents and 100,000 tracts, dealt w ith 5,869 peréons about salvation and led 1,733 persons to Christ. This class alone made a mis­ sionary offering of $943.33 and gave $340 for Testaments. The school has a Home Department of 1,358 members and each member is provided monthly w ith a copy of The K ing’s Business, from which th e Sun­ day-school lessons are studied and other helps gleaned. The church is more th a n satisfied w ith th e resu lts gained through th e use of The K ing’s Busi­ ness for its Home D epartm ent members, and letters continually pour , in to the superintendent telling of th e g rea t help received th rough th e magazine. Each teacher in th e school is also provided w ith The K ing’s Business. Needless to say, th is school is found-, ed on prayer and tru e Bible study. Its teachers m ust have a good Bible knowl­ edge and must be soul w inners, and they m ust gath er each Sunday morn­ ing before session for prayer. I t ia th e soul w inning program th a t keeps th e Sunday-school 'th riv in g , and any school, anywhere, can introduce its plans w ith th e same results. Andrew J. Johnson, 536 South Hope St., is th e enterprising superintendent cf th is work. A booklet is about to be issued telling how th is work may be carried on, and we are sure Mr Johnson would be glad to correspond w ith any discouraged Sunday-school superintend­ ents. afe» a » THE PERSON OF PRAYER A plain man once said, “Before my conversion, when I prayed in th e pres­ ence of others, I prayed to them ; when I prayed in secret, I prayed to myself: but now I pray to God.”

prophets worth equally fine texts In language adapted to th e young? We have them for adults outside of the Sunday-school. A fter one reads Dean Hodge’s fine book on “T raining Children in Religion,’’ he often wonders if the Sunday-school is no t in ju ring ra th e r th a n helping the child towards a reli­ gious cultured The g reat need in the Sunday-school course of study is th a t of having th e Bible and other religious m aterial organized from th e point of view of a ration al aim .” Mr. Duddy goes on to tell of .the organization in th e church w ith which he is connected, of a Sunday-school on entirely new lines. A systematic course of eight years is tak en by each child, and th e school is conducted for two hours each Sunday, somewhat on the day-school plan, w ith paid teachers in charge. We cannot vouch for the text books used, some of which come from Chicago University, h u t the principle a t least is novel and perhaps may lead to a revolution of Sunday-school methods in many city churches th a t are able to carry .on such a work. The plan has worked adm irably in Toledo, Ohio, and is creating much in terest in other quarters. We know of a most rem arkable work n earer a t hand, which is no longer an experiment and which anyone can re­ produce. We refer to th e Sunday- school of the Church of th e Open Door, Los Angeles. This school was organized in 1916 by “Mother” Horton. From a handful it has now grown to an enrollm ent in the main school of 1,467, and an aver­ age attendance of 1,100. N inety per cent of th e enrollm ent are members of the Pocket T estam ent League, and soul w inning is constantly emphasized. The effect of th is la tte r emphasis can be seen in th e April repo rt which states th a t members of th e school reported 1,981 persons dealt w ith and 166 brought to Christ. 701 Testaments

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