King's Business - 1921-09

O lie Last Message of Jesus Studies in tke Book of Revelation, a Message^ Especially for the Present Times "


HO would not be interested in prophecy, when nearly three- fou rth s of the inspired Word of Ged is given to it? This

sion of John, linked w ith his own ro­ mance, th a t inspired Dante w ith th a t epic -of th e unseen, which has formed Italy in to a nation. To th is vision, B ernard of Clairvaux, like Blake, owes his noblest rhymes. W ithout th is vi­ sion, Milton could never have composed his “P aradise Lost.” This vision is th e climax of Bunyan’s allegories. Wed­ ded to harm ony it sounds in th e chor­ uses of Handel and in anthem s and hymns innum erable. Wedded to color, it shines glorious on th e canvas of Raphael and Michael Angelo and a mul­ titu d e of p ain ters.” The simplicity of th e Book of Revela­ tion. The words are all common words of our every-day conversation, b u t they express a depth of thought, th a t is Divine. We preachers and teachers ta lk about eschatology and physical re­ search, and post and pre-m illenarian- ism, bu t John w rote of lamps, crowns, a sword, a cloud, a key, horses, stars, trum pets, sefpents, robes, rivers, brides, trees, grass, ivory, gold, streets, gates, walls, etc. Every word is common form in nu rsery and fairy tale. This book is so tru e to every day life. I t is so practical in spite of its mysterious­ ness. Its appeal is urgent. We must read it; yea, we must study it. It is so im portant in its message, th a t a curse is pronounced upon the one who tam ­ pers w ith its sacred words. Nothing shall be added and nothing shall be taken away from it. 22:18, 19. If one shall presume to add or sub tract, "God shall tak e away his p art from the Tree of Life and out of th e Holy City.", But beyond and above all other reasons for studying th is book, is the

one fact makes th e Bible dif­ feren t from all o t h e r religious w ritings. Who ever h e a r d of th e prophecies of Confucius or Maho­ met? The Bible is a unique book in th is respect. According to th e Apostle P eter, prophecy is illum inating and helpful. He said (II Pet. 1:19, 20) “And we have the word of prophecy made more su re; whereunto ye do well th a t ye take heed, as unto a lamp shin­ ing in a dark place, un til the day dawn, and th e day-star arise in your h ea rts.” Prophecy is a ligh t in a d ark place. Daniel said when he heard the words of prophecy from th e angel, “ I was streng thened .” Perhaps more Chris­ tian s would be strong for God in these days, if they heard more teaching on prophecy. It stim ulates soul-winning. It deepens consecration. It quickens m issionary activity. It separates the church from th e world. It saves the church from doctrinal error. I t de­ velops progress and stim ulates hope in th e church. It also promotes an in­ telligent understanding of the whole Word of God. This last book of th e Bible is th e only prophetic book of th e New Testa­ ment. It should be read because it is Jesu s’ last message given from the glory afte r He ascended to the rig h t hand of God, th e F ath er. A blessing is pronounced upon those who read, hear, and kedp the sayings of th is book. Mr. P. Whitwell Wilson says it should claim atten tion because, “I t was th e vi­

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