King's Business - 1921-09



GET THIS VISION Rev. A. R. Copeland, a Texas minis­ ter, a little over a year ago became a very enthusiastic, supporter of The K ing’s Business. He had a burning de­ sire to get th e message of th e magazine into the lives of all m inisters in his State, many of whom have had little blessing upon th eir efforts because of their weakening theological views. At Mr. Copeland’s earnest solicitation we devoted a portion of our funds for free subscriptions to sending th e magazine to a large number of Texas m inisters. Mr. Copeland now w rites us in g reat delight th a t as a resu lt of th e invest­ m ent 25 per cent of th e num ber have become prem illennialists, which of course involves the giving up entirely of th e ir liberal views. I t is no wonder th a t Mr. Copeland h as to w rite th e words, “P raise th e Lord,” several times in his letter. Many of these m inisters, Mr. Copeland says, had heard b u t one side of th e question, and th is is the difficulty, no doubt, in th e m ajo rity of cases today. -Mr. Copeland also was able to get funds to send th e magazine to the larger p a rt of his church membership, most of whom knew nothing of dispen- sational tru th a t th e time. His delight a t the change in these people is un­ bounded and now he w ants us to pray w ith him th a t money may be available to send the magazine to 150 more peo­ ple whose lives affect others in th e most direct way. He has in m ind especially young people who are attend ing the North Texas Normal College and a large girls’ college, evolutionary doctrine be­ ing ta u g h t in both institutions. In closing his le tte r Mr. Copeland says, “Oh, if people of means could only realize th e value of such m ethods!’^ If you have money to invest in th e Lord’s work, remember th a t we can make very definite use of it in answer­ ing some of these calls. We pray th a t many others may catch th e vision Dr.

Copeland has, and may come to realize th e value of th e p rin ted page th a t is consecrated to tru e Bible study and s o u l. w inning work. isi as BRICKBATS AND BOOSTS I never gave anyone au th o rity to send me The K ing’s Business. I either ' give it to someone or throw it in the fire. I won’t pay for something I don’t believe in.— A California preacher. I do no t w rest, m isin terp ret or mis­ apply th e Scriptures. I leave th a t for you P rem illennialists to do. I do not accept th is man-made doctrine of the Lord’s second coming. The Bible does not teach it.—An Oregon preacher. I have no desire whatever; to renew my subscription to your magazine. For sp iritu al lite ra tu re I send to th e Unity School of Christianity. Your magazine is fifty years behind th e times. Move forward a h alf century.— A South Da­ kota friend. In these dark days of apostasy, for­ mality and coldness in th e churches, and th e dissem ination of unsound doc­ trine, one is full of praise to God to know th a t you, through your magazine, are doing so much for th e cause of Christ.— A m issionary in India; I w ant you to know w hat a great blessing your magazine has been to me in th is far away land. We are in a sec­ tion where th ere are only two mission­ aries of my "denomination who are preaching the tru e Gospel. Most of them hardly ever mention Jesus Christ and some of them deny His deity and resu r­ rection. You can understand w hat your blessed magazine must mean to us among such surroundings. May your circulation increase by leaps and bounds.-—A m issionary in Romania. Your magazine has been a real friend to me for I believe it has been the means of saving my soul.—-A. New York friend.

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