King's Business - 1921-09

Evangelistic Department IN T E R E S T IN G STO R IE S from R E A L EX P ER IEN C E

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SPANISH WORK R ob ert Render, Supt.

SHOP WORK M. H. Reynolds, Supt.

“ Say no t ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh th e harvest? Behold, 1 say unto you, L ift up your eyes, and look upon th e fields; for they are white already to h arv est.” The world is th e g reat harvest field today. Wherever we go, we find the people hungry for the Word of God. This was very noticeable on th e eve of th e d ep artu re of over a thousand Mexi­ cans to th e ir own country. I t was our privilege to go to San Pedro, where we sang and preached to the hundreds of Mexicans who were waiting for th e de­ p artu re of the ship. We took an organ and several Mexican Christians who helped us in th e singing and for over and hour we proclaimed to them the Gospel of tSe grace of God, afte r which we supplied them w ith Gospels and tracts to read as they sailed the Pacific. E tern ity alone' will reveal the resu lt of th is seed-sowing, and we know th a t His Word will not re tu rn unto Him void. Since the ship sailed, several of our young men have also retu rn ed to th eir homes. They have m et w ith persecu­ tion since reaching there, b u t they testi­ fy th a t they have been faith fu l, and have requested us to send them tracts for distribution. Gladly Receive th e Gospel Never did we have a b etter hearing th an we do now. During these long evenings we stand in the center of a large camp. As soon as we begin to sing, many people come near while others sit in th e ir doorways to lis t^ i as we sing and preach. This outdoor meeting is followed by an indoor serv­ ice w ith Bible study in one of the believers’ homes. We praise God for evidence of a real work of grace in the h earts of these believers. When we reach one of these camps, four of th e young men come forw ard and stand w ith us while we sing. This means a g reat deal to them , for they have to face ridi­ cule and persecution from th e ir fellow workers and sometimes even loss of a job for th eir faithfulness to the Lord.

In one of th e largest shops In the city of Los Angeles, th ere is a crew of over th ree hundred men. To this group of w orkers the Gospel is being carried week afte r week. If we had th is shop alone, we would have plenty of work, bu t th e re are added to this one, some seventeen others. But despite th e many duties, it has been our privi­ lege to be w ith th is crew at least twice a month during th e past two years. We go to th is shop on F riday noon. Here th e management has erected a building, and w ith the help of th e men, made everything as com fortable as possible fo r the services. Hungry P reachers Are Fed One day th e first p art of th e month a telephone call Came, asking us to be sure to attend th e service on F riday. Two or th ree more telephone calls came w ith th e same request. So laying aside other duties, which were pressing hard, we went to th is special meeting. As we- arrived, we noticed th a t th e hall was packed and th a t everything was in readiness for our coming. Not only had the men come them ­ selves, b u t they had brought w ith them th e ir wives and sw eethearts. The Manager had b rough t th e downtown office force out, and th e V ice-President from the San Francisco office was there. We were ushered in, served w ith ice cream and cake, and afte r some special music, were introduced to th e company of people, as th e w orkers who came every F rid ay to bring th e Gospel mes­ sage to them . The Manager in his re­ m arks to th e guests, said, “We Invited you here because we appreciate what these men are doing, for us, and we w ant you to know w hat kind of company we are keeping.” Will you pray for th is work among th e men in th e shops, ninety per cent of whom will never be reached, if we do not reach them in th is practical way?

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