King's Business - 1921-09

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S When we preach to these people, we seek to show them how th e Lord not only saves them from th eir sin, bu t will also save them from th e ir evil nabits. One young man, afte r having received the Lord as his Saviour, told us th a t the Lord had not taken away his ciga­ re tte 'h a b it. We asked him if he had asked Him to do it for him, and he said, no. Then we told him to definitely ask the Lord about it, and on our re tu rn he told us God had taken away all desire for ijt. Many of the new converts-testi­ fy to definite answers to prayer. One of them , who was suffering w ith stom­ ach trouble, also confessed to healing th rough prayer. P ra y F o r New Helpers We are overwhelmed w ith work. We are not able to visit all th e camps, and we feel the need of more helpers, so we can reach th e many who are perishing fo r lack of workers. W ill not th e read­ ers of The K ing’s Business make def­ inite prayers for helpers to be raised up? In th is way you can all have a share in th is work among th e Mexicans. Our monthly gathering of th e con­ verts a t th e Bible In stitu te is proving of g reat value to our believers, for th ere they become acquainted w ith one an­ other and have a source of m utual bene-

891 fit and fellowship. The photograph ac­ companying th is article represents only a small p art of th e converts gathered a t the Bible In stitu te from six different camps. It is difficult to get them all in from various localities, b u t th is is a sample of the fru it of our labors. Please pray for them. m m BIOLA HALL WORK David Cant, Supt. The Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles has been compared to a 'g re a t bee hive, from whence the busy bees issu e in all directions to th e ir various fields of activ­ ity. I t could well, too, be likened to a' wheel, w ith many spokes rad iating from the hub, reaching and helping “ all sorts and conditions of men.” Biola H all is one of these spokes, but it i n . tu rn could also be likened to a wheel, for it has many and various ways and means of telling out th e Gospel, chief among them being our unique en­ tran ce where our devoted workers, backed by th e dynam ic of prevailing prayer, wield th e Sword of the Spirit (which is th e Word of God) under the guiding power of the Holy Spirit, and where the blood-stained banner of our

Gathering of Mexican Converts at Bible Institute

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