King's Business - 1921-09

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


says, “Please play ‘Jesus Loves Me,’ ” and so the rich and poor, high and low, stand listening, as we th a n k God and leave th e resu lt w ith th e Lord of the Harvest. Concrete Results L ast month we gave you th e. exper­ ience of a man who had been brought to Christ th rough reading th e pamphlet “T ru th and E rro r” which had been post­ ed up in th e window. ■ How th a t man has grown! At first he purchased “H ave'You H eard ?” trac ts by th e hun­ dreds. Then, came orders for John ’s Gospel; then, money to invest in souls: now he has w ritten th e story of his con­ version and has had ten thousand of them printed. Every day you will find him a t Biola Hall testifying, praying, w itnessing everywhere th a t God has saved such a sinner as he. a ¡p | j m m HARBOR WORK Oscar Zimmermann, Supt. Among th e special opportunities last month were four vessels on which we had th e privilege of preaching th e Gos­ pel. The first was a Mexican tran spo rt coming in for nearly 1500 Mexican men, women and children. W hat a Slight it was to see these poor d estitu te refugees w aiting on th e dock and la ter filling every available space on th a t steam er sailing to th e Southern Republic. W ith th e help of th e Superintendent of the Spanish D epartm ent of th e In stitu te we endeavored to reach these hundreds coming from all parts of Southern Cal­ ifornia and neighboring states to be scattered abroad in Mexico. A meeting was held among th e crew of th e tra n s­ port one day, and while th e dock was crowded w ith th e passengers and visit­ ors, a big meeting was held by Mr. Bender and th e helpers, they preaching to several hundred people. Going from one end of th e boat to the other, Gospel lite ra tu re was placed in th e hands of nearly all present. ‘ I t was indeed a day of good tidings and the ship left w ith th e precious cargo of souls in pos­ session of (th e Scriptures on th e trip to th e Catholic country. Never before did th e need seem so g reat for prayer for the blessing of God on His. Word. Would it be too h ard for Him to raise up men to preach th e Gospel and touch lives in all Mexico because of th e seed sown in these hearts? Canadian Vessels V isited The th ree other vessels, flying the flag of Canada, gave us a fine oppor-

Lord Jesus Christ is constantly display­ ed. A P lace of P ray er W ere you to drop into Biota H all any day or 1 night you would find th e very a t­ mosphere perm eated w ith prevailing, continuous, effectual prayer. Many a business man, oppressed by care, drops into our little prayer room for a few , m inutes, and goes on, his way streng th ­ ened .and fortified for th e conflict be­ cause “A little 'ta lk w ith Jesus makes it righ t, all rig h t.” There is never a day a t Biola H all b u t th a t h e a rtfe lt thanksgivings go up for th is oasis in th e desert of Main S treet— th e noon-day prayer meeting. Ju st the simple, continuous breaking of th e Bread of Life is a potent factor in draw ing men. The Question Box Then th ere is our little question box nailed ju st outside th e door, soliciting queries and prom ising a reply by mail. This spoke is much used. We find it ' necessary to dig deep in to th e Book for hidden treasu re in answering these questions, for we never reply w ithout telling th e W onderful Story. The Window Display Another and very im po rtan t spoke is th e Window display, for men, women and children g ath er day and n igh t to see it, and th is gives us a fine chance for tra c t distribution, th e per­ sonal touch, th e invitations to ‘‘step in­ side,” and then— best of all— leading a soul to th e final decision to settle th e most im po rtan t question in life then and there. The V ictroia Music is still ano ther spoke in our Biola H all wheel which God certainly uses. We roll our V ictroia to th e en­ tran ce and sta rt it going. J u st th e dear old hymns th a t everybody loves anil how they stop and listen: “The young h earts ho t and restless, The old, subdued and slow.” We p u t on one of those gripping “m other’s” ' hymns and a young man stopped to listen and bu rst into tears. We took him into our little room, spoke to him of Jesus, b u t th e song had al­ ready done its work. A little tired woman living in a ro jm - ing house almost a block from th e Hall said: “ I never can tell you w h at those songs have m eant to me, as they have come floating up to my little room .” An old, seedy man asks for “The Home Over There.” The poor old woman who sells papers on th e corner

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