King's Business - 1921-09

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S of th e factors th a t Satan used to keep him from making th e g rea t decision. He tried to go to sleep and forget it all, b u t even in his sleep was greatly trou ­ bled. He said to himself, “ I shall get no peace un til I decide th is m a tte r” so he k n elt a t his bedside and prayed to God for forgiveness of sins and for the first tim e prayed in th e name of Jesus. The next morning he came to see the w riter and related the' above story. Go­ ing aside w ith him th e w riter asked if now his doubts and difficulties were all clear and he« replied th a t they were. When asked if he wanted to accept Jesus Christ then and th ere he replied, “ I believe I have already done so, for I feel my burden is gone.” It remained b u t to show him th a t having believed on Jesus Christ as his sacrifice for sin he now, on th e au tho rity of God’s Word, had forgiveness of sin and eternal life. He is now planning to w rite and tell his people th a t he has found th e Mes­ siah, though he know s-they will disown him if he does. He is eagerly looking forward to th e tim e when he will he baptized and toward giving his te sti­ mony a t th e next Jewish meeting. P raise God from whom all blessings flow. In a class where th e power of the blood was being emphasized, it was whis­ pered to th e teacher to be cautious, as th ere was a visitor present who was a Christian Scientist. The weeks sped by, and th e visitor had become a regular atten d a n t; then one day she said good­ bye, for she was a to u rist and was re­ tu rn ing home; b u t h er whole life had been transform ed, and where the very mention of th e atoning blood had before called fo rth opposition, it was now glad­ ly accepted as th e only way of salvation. One daughter has been led out of the darkness of “ Science” by th is mother, and she is hoping to win the rest of her family^ A B eal P ra y e r Circle Two weeks a fte r organizing a prayer circle in a High School Bible Class, the Lord more th a n doubled th e attendance a t our class. One girl has confessed Jesus Christ as h er Saviour, and 6 ach week she asks th e girls to pray for her unsaved sister. A large m ajo rity of the girls pray aloud, some for th e first time. The girls are receiving a new vision of th e Master through th eir circle of in- BIBLE WOMENS WORK Mrs. Lyman Stew art, Supt.

894 One day a young Jew ish man about twenty-six years x>f age came to see the w riter to inquire about work. While th ere he ’was introduced to a Hebrew Christian friend who talked to him about “ th e hope of Israel,” i. e., the coming of Messiah. Though his early train ing had been in stric t Orthodox Judaism , yet in the years since he had left his home he had wandered away from th e religion of his p aren ts and had gradually abandoned th e observ­ ance of many Jew ish rites and ceremon­ ies including his daily custom of pray­ ing (a distinct m ark of th e orthodox Jew .) Note: The orthodox Jew be­ fore praying puts on arm and forehead th e phylacteries, and drapes his shoul­ ders w ith the Talice, th a t is, th e Jewish prayer shawl. When th e w riter sought to convince him through the testimony of Moses and the Prophets and th e Psalm s th a t Jesus Christ was Israel’s Messiah and his only hope, he appeared quite indif­ ferent. When he left a t th e close of our interview we were constrained to pray th a t God would send such a con­ sciousness of gu ilt and conviction of his need of a Saviour th a t he would not have re st of m ind or h ea rt un til he settled th e question of his salvation. The Question Must be Settled Sometime later he was persuaded to attend one of our Hebrew Christian meetings which made a lasting impres­ sion upon him. A few days afte r­ w ards fu rth e r opportunity of talking w ith him was presented and the proofs of th e Mesaiahship of Jesus and the necessity of deciding so im po rtan t a m a tte r were urged upon him. In spite of our pleading he left, still undecided, saying he would he leaving th e city in a few days. A t th is tim e the Spirit of God was striving m ightily w ith him. Judge of our g reat surprise and joy on meeting him a sho rt tim e afterw ards in the corridor of th e In stitu te Building and hearing th a t he had started , as plan­ ned, to leave for San Diego bu t was h alt­ ed a t th e city lim its by th e “ still small voice” of the Spirit of God who kept repeating, “You m u st settle th is ques­ tion.” He retu rn ed to th e city and m ing­ ling w ith th e crowd tried to disregard th a t in sisten t voice, saying to himself, “ I shall go mad if th is continues.” So he w ent to his room and sa t down to th ink it all out. The thought of what his orthodox Jewish parents would say if he were to become a Christian was one

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