King's Business - 1921-09

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


I have no doubt bu t th a t the campaign will prove to be th e basis for th e build­ ing of a magnificent plant th a t shall be modern and entirely adequate for ouj situation here. It is our hope th a t it shall be our’s to have you again, and too, I plan to have you for a Bible Conference in the near future. The fundam ental teach­ ing you. did has created a demand for such a conference. Assuring you th a t you have no t only the prayers of our en tire people, b u t also th e highest appreciation, and tru sting th e Lord shall continue to use you in the fashion He used you here and th a t you shall ever enjoy the affection and m ater­ ial support of God’s people, I am, F ratern ally , W. O. B arnett, P asto r Calvary Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas. Commencing in ,the Fall, Evangelist Ross will begin a campaign in Kentucky, tak ing in a number of towns in one neighborhood. This will no doubt con­ tinu e for several months. Inquiries from churches desiring has services will receive prompt attention. W rite to T. C. Horton, Superintendent, 536 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles. DR. DIX0N IN GEORGIA Dr. A. C. Dixon, who is affiliated w ith th e In stitu te as Special Lecturer, and who will be w ith uS dn October, Ja n ­ uary and May, w rites us th a t he lately conducted a Soul-winning Conference in Macon, Georgia, w ith four hundred B aptist m inisters in attendance and splendid in te rest and results. His serv­ ice for the last few months has includ­ ed, Danville and Bowling Green in Ken­ tucky; Greenville, Texas; Montrose, Penna. He was prevented from atten d ­ ing the World Conference on Funda­ mentals a t Denver by serious illness in his family, b u t expects, before reaching Los Angeles, to hold meetings in Cart- ersville, Ga., and Kansas City, Mo. Dr. Dixon’s many friends are antici­ pating w ith real pleasure his re tu rn to. Los Angeles, when he will occupy the pulpit of the Church of th e Open Door, during th e entire month of October. : I I DO IT NOW Alexander, being asked how he had conquered th e world, replied, “By not delaying.”

th e like, even during the 1859 revival. ,To God be the glory! H allelujah! I a m sorry to close, bu t have to cross over to Scotland for another mission.” Mr. Nicholson expects to re tu rn to America th e la tte r p a rt of August and will then he open for engagements in th is country. Communications address­ ed to Superintendent T. C. Horton, 536 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, California, regarding him, will receive prompt at­ tention. TEXAS CAMPAIGN Rev. B ritton Ross, th e latest ad­ dition to the Extension D epartm ent of the In stitu te, has ju st concluded' a very Texas, holding services in Cisco, Ennis successful evangelistic campaign in and Dallas. “The Lubricator” published by the F irs t B aptist Church of Cisco, had this to say regarding th e meetings in th a t church: “Dr. Ross has greatly endeared him ­ self to our people by his simplicity and th e directness of his messages. He stands by th e Old Book, not a p art, but all- of it. His delivery is pleasing, he is free from mannerisms, and his methods of evangelism are sane and Scriptural.” As a resu lt of the evangelistic cam- pagin conducted by Mr. Ross in Ennis, Texas, 202 additions were made to the F irs t B aptist Church, 72 by le tte r and restorations, 130 by confession and bap­ tism,— 129 adults and 73 young people, many of th is number being over fifteen years of age. A g reat many railroad men were among th e converts. The following le tte r from Rev. W. O. B arnett, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church of Dallas, tells of the resu lt of Mr. Ross’ service th e re :— May I express again my deep appre­ ciation for th e excellent work you did for our church in th e recent campaign. It is unanimous in the judgm ent of my people th a t no form er campaign is com­ parable to th e one you recently closed. Not only will the scored you brought into my church be of unmeasured worth to us, b u t the membership who have borne the burdens of th e church were led to a deeper consecration as a resu lt of th e fundam ental teaching you did during th e campaign, and in very fact practically every member of our church have throw n themselves a-new upon the a lta r of th e Lord th a t He may direct th e ir service.

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