King's Business - 1921-09



showed you th e let- ters and told you th e names of each one, and then a fte r you had learned th e

once told a p articu lar favorite, “Ask w hat thou w ilt, and I will give it unto th ee.” He though t, “ If I ask to he made General, I shall readily obtain it. If for half of th e kingdom, he will give it to me. I will ask for something to which all these things shall be added.” So he said to the king, “ Give me thy daugh ter to wife.” This made him heir to all th e wealth and honors of the kingdom. So choosing Christ makes us heir to all th e w ealth and glory of th e F a th e r’s Kingdom. Golden T ext Illu stration s.—We are natu rally , as Burke said, “religious animals.” We have a n atu re th a t de­ mands a religious faith. The body needs food, air, action; the mind needs knowledge, training, though t; th e iie a r t needs love, sympathy; so .th e soul needs God. As Augustine said, “Thou, O God, h ast made us for Thee, and our h ea rt is restless till it rests in Thee.” There is no re st in sin or in unbelief. We have no peace or rest till our minds find certain ty of conviction and our h earts find satisfying affection in God. One of th e g reat wonders of the world was th e Egyptian Labyrinth. H erodotus tells us about it, and says th a t th ere were th ree thousand cham­ bers in it, and when anyone got in, it was very h ard indeed to get out. This is a picture of what your life will be w ithou t God. Life is an unknown and difficult way you have to travel. God knows every step of the way; th ere­ fore it is wise to begin to live your life by His help and guidance. P au l Telling The People About God. Acts 17:16-30. Memory Verse.-—“He is no t far from each one of us.” Acts 17:27. R. V. Approach.— How many of you boys and girls know how to read some? Clara, did you learn all by your self, or did some one teach you? Yes, some one


names of them all, they told you how to pu t certain letters together to make w ords; then afte r you had learned how to do th a t, you began to read some of those words p u t tog ether in little lines or sentences, and th a t is how you learn­ ed to read, b u t you would have never known how to read if some one had not shown you how in th e first place. Did you ever stop to th ink th a t people will never know our Jesus th a t we love so much, if some one does not tell them? Prayer. Lesson Story.— E arl, will you tell us about a wonderful m idnight prayer meeting we heard about in our story last week? We know from the way E arl has told us this wonderful story th a t he listened well while it was being told, and I am sure Jennie, who was absent last week is glad to have E arl tell it so nicely. Let us see if you can listen as well to-day, for you do not know which cne may be asked to tell it for us next Sunday. A fter P au l left th e prison he visited a number of places, and always wherever he went he told th e people about Jesus. Our story happened in a city called Athens. P aul waited here for two men to come from another place to help him. While he waited he went about in the city and everywhere he looked he saw idols. It made P a u l’s h ea rt very sad to see all these people worshipping idols because they did not know anything about the one tru e God, and His Son Jesus. P aul saw one altar w ith some words printed on it reading, “To The Unknown God.”. Then Paul told these people he would tell them all about the God whose n am e'th ey did not know. P aul then told them how Jesus was th e tru e God, and how He made the world and all the things in th e world, and th a t it was Jesu s Who

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