King's Business - 1921-09



OCTOBER 2, 1921 PAUL IN CORINTH Golden Text: ' For I am determ ined no t to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. 1 Cor. 2:2. LESSON TEXT Ac. 18:1-11. (Read 1 Cor. 2 :1 -5 ;' 4 :12 ; 2 Cor. 11:7-9.)

h ead s; 1 am clean: from hen cefo rth r w ill go un to th e G entiles. (7) And he d e p arted thence; and e n ­ te re d in to a c e rta in m an 's house, nam ed Ju stu s, one th a t w orshipped God, w hose house joined h a rd to th e synagogue. ■ (8) And C rispus, the crie f ru le r of th e synagogue, b e­ lieved on th e L ord w ith a ll his house; and m any of th e C orinthians h e a rin g believed, and w ere b ap ­ tized. (9) T hen sp ak e th e L ord to . P a u l in th e n ig h t by a vision. Be n o t a fraid , b u t speak, and hold no t th y peace: (10) F o r I am w ith thee, and no m an sh a ll se t on th ee to h u rt th ee ; fo r I have m uch people in th is city. (11) And he continued th ere a y e ar and six m onths, tea ch in g th e w ord of God am ong them . thieves, covetous, drunkards. (1 Cor. 6:9-11) (1) M inistering th e W ord in Corinth. “A fter these things P au l * * * came to Corinth.”' In A thens P au l made bold to chal­ lenge the cultured A thenians in th e ir own assembly. In Corinth, th e com­ mercial center, he gave him self to pri­ vate preaching. Christian ’ Companions. P aul found two boon companions in Corinth,— P riscilla and Aquila. W hether they were converts before or a fte r th e ir meet­ ing w ith Paul, is no t stated. They were associated through th e common bond of th e ten t-m akers’ trade, for P au l had been fitted for self-support in his youth as were all th e Jew ish boys of his day. Paul, by reason of his zeal for th e spread of th e Gospel, w ent westward. Aquila and P riscilla, th rough th e edict of a cruel king, were sent eastw ard, and so— by God’s working tog ether events for good— they m et a t Corinth. Working a t th e same trad e for th eir daily bread, and working for th e same Lord in th e ir spare tim e, th e ir h earts were kn it togeth er in th e g reat h eart of Christ.

(1) A fter th ese th in g s P a u l de­ p a rte d from A thens, and cam e to C orinth; (2) And found a c e rta in Jew nam ed Aquila, born in P ontus, la te ly come from Ita ly , w ith his w ife P risc illa : and cam e un to them . (3) And because he w as of th e sam e c ra ft, he abode w ith them , and w ro u g h t; fo r by th e ir occupation th ey w ere te n tm a k e rs. (4) And he reasoned in th e sy nagogue every sab b ath , and p ersuaded th e Jew s and th e G reeks. (5) And w hen Silas and T im otheus w ere Come from M ace­ donia, P a u l w as pressed in th e sp irit, a n d testified to th e Jew s th a t Je su s w as C hrist. (6) And w hen th ey opposed them selves, and blasphem ed he shook his raim en t, and said un to them , Your blood be upon yo u r own Outline: (1) M inistering the "Word vs. 1-6. (2) M idnight Vision, vs. 7-11. Introduction: P au l’s stay a t A thens was lim ited to a few weeks, a t most. He left a stir­ ring testimony to the resurrection of Jesus Christ and moved on to Corinth. To take the journey IiESSON by land would have EXPOSITION required two days for T. C. H orton th e fo rty mile trip. To go by bo at would re­ It is possible th a t he went by w ater and th a t a t th a t tim e occurred one of the shipwrecks re­ corded in (2 Cor. 11:25) “ T h rice w a s I beaten w ith rodsj once w a s I stoned) thrice I snttered sh ipw reck; a n igh t and a d ay I h ave been In the deep.” Corinth was a Roman colony, th e cap­ ita l of th e province of Achaia, a g reat commercial city, th e center of th e trad e of th e Levant. It was a g reat reso rt for th e Jews, and contained a large Greek population. It was a wicked city and P aul w rit­ ing to them says th a t amongst them were fornicators, idolaters, adu lterers, quire bu t one day.

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