King's Business - 1921-09

856 T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S footing policy of the self-constituted leaders of the church who are, in fact, the greatest enemies of both the-true church and the Christ of the church, then—humanly speaking—the outlook is hopeless. The defence of the truth has never been a pleasing position. Warring for the right has always been attended with sorrow and suffering; but no true patriot ever pauses at the price to be paid; and God’s true soldiers should never shrink from service in His behalf no matter what the cost. A great and growing wrong has been wrought by the leaders of the evangelical church of this country. There can be no excuse for the pitiful condition which exists. Who is to blame that hundreds of communities are without the message of the Gospel; that thousands of Christians are with­ out the Bread of Life; and that tens of thousands of children are lacking the training demanded by the Word of God? The leaders—the men in charge of the business department of the church. What is the cause of this catastrophe ? Lack of common sense and lack of obedience to the command of Christ. Whose hands have shut the doors of the vacant churches? The hands of the ecclesiasts. Why have they done this? Because they desire to lord it over God’s heritage; because they have shut their eyes to the history of the church; shut their ears to the voice of the Book, and shut their hearts to the Spirit of God who would have the Bread broken to hungry saints and the Gospel given to the famishing multitudes. If a group of business men should attempt to run a business establish­ ment in the manner and with the methods used by the lofty leaders of the church, they would be bankrupt in sixty days. What are their methods ? Any man who has been through the college and seminary is a fit subject for ordination, whether he has any other quali­ fications for a successful minister or not. On the other hand, a layman who has not had college and seminary advantages, but who knows the Word of God, is successful in preaching and teaching and has practical business ex­ perience, is denied authority to preach. And because of this, churches are ' closed, the saints are neglected and the cause of Christ suffers. Almighty God will never bless the program. It is unscriptural; it is unbusinesslike; it is the old game of the Pharisees; and there is a long, loud call for God’s laymen to assert their rights and demand that the church buildings—God’s business houses—shall be opened and that practical men shall be put in charge and the business run in a practical manner so as to produce practical results. The Gospel of the grace of God must be given to the people. The precious food of the Word must be given to the saints. The children must be taught the Way of Life. Do you, fellow-believer, see the point? Then, act!* Agitate! Agitate! Agitate'! Until the men who are blocking the wheels of progress stand aside and allow the chariot of God to go on its God-appointed course. T. C. H.

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