King's Business - 1921-09

932 I t is also expected to enlarge th e course in Biblical Archaeology. The Preparatory Course H ereafter applicants for th e Bible In stitu te will be examined upon th e ir arrival, as to th e ir ability to w rite and speak th e English language correctly and as to th e ir ability to spell and pro­ nounce words correctly and to express themselves grammatically. If th e ir knowledge of English— spelling, pro­ nunciation, gramm ar and penmanship is found defective, they will be required to atten d classes giving preparato ry work. They will also be examined in Bible Geography, th e stru ctu re of th e Bible— number of books in th e Bible, th e di­ visions and order of th e books, the Canon of Scripture etc., and if they are unable to pass a satisfactory ex­ am ination on these prelim inary ques­ tions, they will be required to attend p reparato ry classes along these lines. While tak ing th is work students will also be adm itted to such classes in the regu lar course as they are qualified for, and as can be adjusted w ith th e ir sched­ ules. The Two Year Course in Three In mhny cases studen ts must sup­ po rt themselves while studying, being thu s deprived of th e necessary tim e to make thorough p reparation for all th e required classes of th e regu lar course. In order to elim inate th is serious handicap the work has been specially arranged to allow such students to com­ plete it in th ree years instead of two. This will give additional tim e for th e stud en ts’ devotional life, for personal soul-winning work and for more th o r­ ough preparation for teaching th e Sun­ day School lesson, and preaching. A Tentative Program. As th e p resen t excellent course is the resu lt of years (over a qu arter of a century) of experience, it is to be un­ derstood th a t these proposed additions will be no t adopted as perm anent until afte r they have been thoroughly tested out. Other Christian Workers. While the new program has been laid ou t w ith Bible In stitu te g radu ates es­ pecially in mind, we will welcome to th e th ird year Christian w orkers now in th e field, but w ho feel th a t th e new studies outlined would add to th e ir ef­ ficiency. Such workers should com­ municate w ith the Secretary of th e F ac­ ulty, for fu rth e r particulars.

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S BEGINNINGS AND RESULTS Humble beginnings may lead to large results. Andrew was th e first disciple of Christ mentioned in the New Testament. He came to Jesus with John; bu t he had so little ability th a t he was dropped out of the quartet of the first four disciples, Andrew and P eter, James and John, and we read only of Peter, James and John as being in the inner circle of the apos­ tles nearest to the Lord. Andrew is nev­ er mentioned after the Resurrection. Yet he brought P eter to Christ! And in doing th a t he did a service th at is always re­ membered. You may not be of great abil­ ity, but if you lead one boy or girl to the Saviour you may be supplying the king­ dom of God with a power th a t will count for vast results, perhaps after you are dead and gone from earth. The Public Prayer. The best preparation for prayer is ex­ amination. What am I doing? Have I sins' to confess? What particular mer­ cies must I plead? What should-I ask for today in this prayer? These and many more make up the catalog of ques­ tions necessary to preparation. The man who intercedes to i ,a congregation must know th eir ;needs. Their wants must be tested and weighed in th e light of Love. The man who draws' “Amens” from his listeners must voice their needs. No man has the authority of Jesus to “th rash” the sinner while pray­ ing. Some m inisters use such moments to mention the sins they are afraid to mention in personal conversation. They u tter protects th a t should be made in person instead of waiting for a chance in prayer. God has no patience with petitions th a t are insincere. —Twentieth Century Pastor.

Us« th e Word and it becomes a sword against th e devil. Peruse the Word and it becomes bread to yourself.

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