King's Business - 1922-08



S HOULD all the forms that men devise Assault my faith with treacher­ ous art, I’ll call them vanity and lies And bind this Gospel to my heart.

Take heed to yourselves, that you r heart be not deceived, and y e turn aside. —Deut. 11:16. -



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It i IS A SACRED TRUST Will a Man Rob God? » He most certainly will if he invests his money in channels

where the Lord is not strictly honored. “ Look To Yourselves That You Receive a


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MOTTO: I. theLord, do keep it, I willwater it every moment, lest any hurt it. I will http Untahtanddau " =============== = = = = Isa. 27:3 _______ PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 536-558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CAL. Entered as Second-Class Matter November 17. 1910 at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California • under the Act of March 3, 1879 Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, A ct of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1,1918 Volume XIII August, 1922 Number 8

Rev. T. C. HORTON, Editor in Chief

R ev. KEITH L. BROOKS, Managing Editor

ALAN S. PEARCE, Circulation Representative Contributing Editors




CONTENTS Editorials— The League of Laymen (769), American Bible Society (770), They n i W & M Cannot Gome (771), Shameless Specimens of Seminary skition *?, “ {’ Ra+t-)10^oi’^ 1CJ*evivala (775), Dr. Bissell Relieves His Mind (776) What Next? (777), Excess Benevolent Baggage (778). . Bible Briefs— (780)

Mixed With Mud—-By Rev. .Charles C. Cook (781) Collapse of Evolution— By Prof. L. T. Townsend (784) A Methodist Who Bolted—By W. H. Seymour, M. D. (788) The Gospel Wherein We Stand—rBy Robert S. Candlish (792) Gospel Song Accompaniment— By Robert Harkness (794) Justification—By Rev. Ben Cox (796) Bible Fundamentals— Redemption— By K. L. B. (799) Bible Institute—Evangelistic Stories— (801) Bible Institute in China—By Dr. Frank A. Keller (811) House-Cleaning Time— By K. L. B. (813) The Moabite Stone— By Prof. S. Elliott Skinner (815) Homiletical Helps, Pulpit Pointers— (817) Words With the Unsaved— (822) A Professor’s. Lovely Leaflet—By Dr. W. B. Riley (824)


International Lessons— (828) Editorial Afterthoughts— (855) Bible Institute Happenings— (858) Good Books— (860)

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Ye men of faith, God’s Word defend! In armor clad, go forth to war! Fulfill your vows, on Him depend; Proclaim your faith both near and far. ’Twas founded on God’s book; our nation, The heritage our fathers left, Must never be by us forsaken; Our children must not be bereft. Meet every foe, both high and low, In Church or School, no matter who. With Spirit’s sword strike sturdy blow; The battle’s on; It’s up to YOU! Go forth like men; be not dismayed. The battle’s His, He gave the call. Be strong in grace, be not afraid, His Word is sure! The foe must fall! —T. C. H.

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“ But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even deny­ ing the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways, by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.” (2 Pet. 2:1, 2.) “Wherefore, take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wicked­ ness in high places. Take the helmet o f salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.” (Eph. 6:12, 13, 17.) .vy'-i. J9y£i M ife m A LEAGUE OF LAYMEN There is a battle on in this country of ours,—a fight of greater signifi­ cance than any in its history. It is not between the North and the South. It is not about Prohibition, nor Women Suffrage. It is not between Demo­ crats and Republicans. It is a battle of deeper import, o'f more far-reaching influence than any of these. It strikes at the root, at the foundation of our Republic. The foe is not a foreign one; the enemy is not entrenched among the lower classes. His citadel is in the high places. His associates are the edu­ cators, the professors, the preachers. His name is Satan. He is in rebellion against the authority of Jehovah. He hates the Word. God said, ‘ |In the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die, ’ ’ and Satan said, “ Ye shall not surely die.” Satan’s'lie was believed and God’s Word verified. And from that moment, every soul has carried within itself the seal to the verity of God’s Word^-dhe soul stain which is the proof of Satan’s lie. Through a series of years, silently, Secretly, Satanically, the devil has

770 THE K I NG ' S BU S I NE S S been hiding himself under the term “ evolution” , and has played the game so successfully that today the schools and many pulpits are controlled by Thank God that many ministers, and the bulk of the People, are yet ringing God’s Word, but the ministers must not be left to tight tne battle alone. Ministers are the servants of God, and the representatives of ^The laymen call the ministers; the laymen put up the funds with winch to pay the bills; the time has come for the laymen to arise and assert them­ selves. Why put money into a pool, used for the purpose of building up Satan’s kingdom? Why pay a man a salary for fooling you and your chil­ dren about eternal things? ... H H f f The church is on fire—don’t you see it?—fire from the pit! The schools are burning—don’t you smell the fire and brimstone? Your country is m peril! Your homes, your loved ones, are in danger! Cry aloud and spare not! Some of you have been listening to soft words and have been walking with a pussy-footed parson. You have been asleep, wake up ! The time has come for men to take their stand. Take the Old Book—the dear old Bi in your hand and tackle the professor or preacher who questions it. You have only to ask four questions: . . , ' • Do you believe in the inspired Word of God—verbally inspired? Do you believe in the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ God manifest m 4116 p i y o u believe that His. sacrificial blood offering made full atonement f °r Do?you believe in His physical resurrection from the grave, and that He lives in. that resurrected body now? . .... , If the preacher or teacher gives an unhesitating and unconditional “ Yes” to these four questions, put your hand m-his and give him your alle­ giance. If his answer is “ No” , tell him he is a traitor to his. country, false to his vows, and have no fellowship with him. You cannot give him God­ speed” without being a partaker of his evil deeds. Pray for him. _ The Call is to the laymen. In every church, m every hamlet m every town in every city, let there be a Laymen s League for the Defense of the Bible. This is the call of the hour. This is the call from the Bible. This is the call from the Lord of hosts,—“‘ Quit you like men; be strong ^ ^ THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY Owing to the growing competition in the manufacture of Bibles, the American Bible Society, which has been doing such splendid work for a hundred years, has gone out of the publishing business. It will still continue its good work of distribution. B h BBM IB B B B IIISB In the early days people gave gladly to the call for funds for this work and the society had missionaries in all of the large centers, visiting the people and placing Bibles in every home without one. P But times and methods have changed and naturally conditions have also, and thousands of homes and tens of thousands of children m this land have never had'a Bible or TestameUt. WILL A MAN ROB GOD?

THE K I N G ’ S B US I NE S S 771 The Bible has not changed; The need for God’s Word is greater than ever; but so few care. God’s arm has not shortened, hut some have taken to “ Shorter Bibles” . What difference does it make anyway if we can only have plenty of movie pictures and jazz music? Why care about the Bible? They tell us that there are plenty of men who could write a better book than the Bible anyway. Should we not thank God for the good work accomplished by The American Bible Society, and pray in its behalf for God’s richest blessing upon its ministry? —T. C. H. THEY SAY CHRIST CANNOT COME From every quarter comes the new view of our Lord’s promise to come again and of the promise and prophecy of the Holy Spirit, as revealed through the Apostles, concerning His return. They say, “ He is here! He came, according to promise., on the day of Pentecost.” “ He is in the church now.” “ He is leading the forces of righteousness for the subjection of the world.” They say there is no need of His coming in any other sense than in the spiritual sense. Now these preachers do not attempt to handle the theme Scripturally, hut, as they say, scientifically, which, being interpreted, is, “ The Bible does not mean what it says.” There are 7,957 verses in the New Testament, and one out of every twenty-four, or 331 verses, refer to the Lord’s return. Now it is quite a proposition for the deniers of the bodily return of the Lord to handle these verses,, so they do not attempt to deal with them at all, excepting to say, “ He is here now. He does not need to come.” There is one verse which is especially difficult for them,—Acts 1 :11. Of course they can say it does not mean what it says, but there is a prophecy in Zech. 14:4 which must also be taken into consideration, for it states definitely that His feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives. The same Jesus shall return to the same spot from which He was lifted up and amongst those who will come with Him’ will be the same disciples who saw Him go. But there is another question more pertinent than any other:—On the last night, the night before His crucifixion, He instituted the supper of re­ membrance, and left a farewell injunction, command or request, whichever you may choose to call it. 1 Cor. 11:26. The two outstanding themes here are His death and His coming. Now if He has come and if He is here and not to be expected to come again and not to be looked for, is not the ordinance of the Lord’s supper a meaningless thing to those who make light of the Lord’s personal return? How can the two things be separated when He has made them so definite, and how dead­ ening and formal must it be to remember that He died, if we are not to look forward for His return. On the other hand, there is nothing in of the believer so significant, nothing in the life of the church so enduringly comforting and consoling, so calculated to inspire in the heart of His dear ones a sincere love and devotion, such satisfying and holy anticipation as (SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER)

772 THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S those two great mountain peaks between which the church abides,—the cross with its sacrificial blood, and the glorious appearing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus dhrist, with the promised crown for those who look for Him. (2 Tim. 4:8.) And, by the way, if He has already come, let these critics produce their crowns! All through our land the propaganda of the ecclesiasts must be voiced by their servants, or they are threatened with decapitation. They are or­ dered to deny the return of the Lord; to make light of the doctrine; to even call it heretical, and to accuse .those who look for Him as idlers in the vine­ yard, as moon gazers, indifferent to the souls of men. We pity these poor servile servants who are driven by their masters to deny the truth of the Gospel, to rob the saints of their heritage and to deprive our Lord of their fellowship in the one thing dearer than all else to His Kingly heart the anticipation of gathering unto Himself all His dear ones. He has not come! He is not here! He sent another Comforter after His resurrection, and He, the Holy Spirit, abides in the body of every believer to glorify Christ and to fill our souls with abiding longing for Himself,—“ the same Jesus” who must come “ in like manner.” - T. C. H. . SHAMELESS SPECIMENS OF SEMINARY SEDITION - Dr. John Roach Straton, the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, New York City, in a message to his Baptist brethren of the Northern Baptist Asso­ ciation, printed in “ The Religious Searchlight” (an occasional publication), makes, some searching criticisms concerning the teaching in the schools of his denomination as they relate to preparation for Christian service at home and abroad. We are taking this opportunity of reproducing some of the published statements of these college presidents and professors, as quoted by Dr. Straton, in order that our readers may have concrete facts with reference to the great and grave perils confronting the church and the nation by rea­ son of their extremely destructive teaching regarding the Word of God. “ Dr. McGiffert, in his book on ‘The Rise of Modern Religious Ideas’, says on page 206, that the changes in theological thought today mean— as he puts it—a ‘revolution in the old conception of salvation’. And just what this ‘revolution’ is he makes plain when he says further, ‘What man requires is not regeneration in the old sense, or a change of nature, but sim'ply an awakening to what he really is.’ ” . . ~ If Dr. McGiffert really wants to know what he is, m the sight of God, let him turnto Isa. 1 :6: “From the sole of the toot, even unto the head, there is no soundness in it (him); but wounds and bruises and putrefying sores.” And to Jer. 17:9: “The heart of man is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.” “ Prof. George Burman Foster, of the University of Chicago, in his book, ‘The Finality of the Christian Religion’, says (page 87): ‘Inspiration of the Book is -untrue historically and impossible psychologically; and further (page 112): ‘The Bible has all the marks of a deliberate human composition.’ ” Then, Mr. Foster, you make Jesus Christ a liar; you make all the apos­ tles lia r s y o u dishonor the Bible and besmirch your profession; for our LET NO MAN TAKE THY CROWN!



THE WATER IS TOO DEEP AND UNCERTAIN. FOR MOST OF US Reproduced from "Columbus Dispatch” by permission. (See Article, Page 81,3) Lord, in His resurrection body, held the entire Old Testament in His hands, and set His seal to its truth. (Luke 24:25-27.) “Then said lie unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken; And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.” Prof.. Foster says further, in “ A Guide to the Study of the Christian Religion,” page 736: “ The sum of what I have just been urging amounts to the profoundest change of thought known to history. One may say that not supernatural regeneration, but natural growth; not divine sanctification, but human education; not supernatural grace, but natural morality; not the divine expiation of the cross, but the human heroism (or accident) of the cross; not Christ the Lord, but the man Jesus who was a child of his,time; not God and His providence, but evolution and its process without an absolute goal,— that all this and such as this, is the new turn in the

affairs of religion at the tick of the clock.” (SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER)

774 THE K I NG ' S BUS I NE S S At this “ tick of the clock” Foster will get his tickekto Hades. He is worse than Ingersoll ever was, for he wears the livery of Heaven but serves the P rS ' fm . Newton Clarke, in his book on “ The Use of the Scriptures 111 T^Nowgw4’ know that they are not historical records^ and , hear no testimony nectton^e^declares ^at*th^ nSrative in6Genesisris ncdfa trustworthy'record con- ^ W er w h S e r ° fC W w b r t h y record of the origin of sin or not they testify that Adam and Eve were liars; the history of mankind verifies this statement; and Prof. Clarke surely cannot deny that he was born a liar, for this very statement proves that he was. . . HR f ,• Prof. Henry C. Yedder, of Crozier Theological Seminary, m one of h s “ lav sermons” printed in The Chester News, said: | . ‘‘M ™ theologians and preachers declare very positively that there is a place and that is just nothing at all. Of course Mr. Yedder knows that the Bible teaches that there is a Heaven, and that Jesus in His parting message said, I go o ^ place for you.” He also said of.the Vedder tribe, Where I am thither ye S e r i cte, of Union Theological Seminar, speaking of foreign missionary effort, says: . , effiort t0 rescue “ The modern foreign missionary move t forming itseif into co-operation individuals from sin by preaching. n the en)j t^at the level of the i democratic social program rather than as the rescue of a few individuals from diVinl n d ai)eInjShailer Matthews, of the University of Chicago, writing in the S“ We as trying to save brands from fte cernedyinSrescuing people than in educating them to keep out of danger. This trinity of professors have a new vision of foreign missions. They have changed the commission of the Son of God “ Go—preach the Gospe . YOU CAN INVEST $1.00 or $1000.00 They k n o w n o more about it than you or I , " “ p w ' S Km ey Sm“ I n l B B

f^he ViTversity of Chicago, says in the •

THE K I N G ’ S BUS I NE S S 775 They are going to »trengthen and purify the “ best religious and moral traits” of the natiye faiths. That will be some job. The “ religions and moral traits ’ ’ of these professors need purifying. Why not exploit this pro­ gram at home? Why not subject them to six months’ solitary confinement, and then let some one stand outside and read the Bible to them? Let them meditate upon their awful sins—denying God’s Word, deceiving the students, sowing the seed of rebellion against God’s authority, seeking to breed traitors to the faith. Perhaps such a course of treatment might save them from the awful doom pronounced in Heb. 10:28, 29: “ He that despised Moses’ law died without mercy under two or three witnesses. Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit o f grace?” We ask our readers to face this practical question: What effect do you think such teaching will have upon the minds of the young men preparing for Christian service ? What effect will the teaching of these young men, in turn (supposing that they take up Christian work) have upon the rising generation? Every honest man and woman must face these questions. —T. C. H. RATIONALISTIC REVIVALS The “ evangelism” of the new school is something fearfully and won­ derfully conceived. There comes to our desk a newspaper display adverj tisement featuring revival meetings in the Methodist Church, Chatham, N. J. Large headline—“ Hell Fire and Brimstone.” This is what follows: “ In the old days a revival meant scaring people into being good. Wild­ eyed evangelists painted lurid pictures of hell into which poor little souls of bad people were to he done nicely to a turn. ‘ Are you saved?’ was the disturbing question of these barn-storming preachers. Any decent Chris­ tian these days wouldn’t be so presumptuous as to say he .was ‘ saved’. He doesn’t know because he is too busy trying to be a worthy citizen of the kingdom of God in this world. NO ONE NEED FEAR THAT THE UNION SERVICES NEXT WEEK AT THE METHODIST CHURCH WILL BE OF THIS SORT.” Revivals without the Holy Spirit—revivals without the message of the Word of God—here we have the new order of thing?. But—will it work? This new revival stuff has already been tried out and some very promi­ nent liberalists have been letting it slip out that there is a screw loose some­ where. For instance, Dr. Douglas Clyde McIntosh, of Yale University, admits freely that “ the old Christianity was positive and vital, While the message of religious liberalism has been predominantly negative.” Dr. W. H. Pi Faunce, of Brown University, says, “ Under the old theol­ ogy there was a spirit of reverence and obedience that now seems to be totally lacking.” (SEE OUTSIDE BACK COVER)

776 THE K I N G ’ S B US I NE S S Di\ Edward Caldwell Moore is quoted as saying: #If there is always to be a superiority of Christian devotion, of a zeal for God and love for man on the side of the conservatives, if there is always to be a religious inferiority of liberals, then it will still be to the conservatives that we shall owe the best of the world’s work.” A Unitarian writer observes: “ Some people say the religious liberal is often more liberal than religious. Why is this true ? One reason is that he has lost interest in the old forms of religion without gaining enthusiasm for the new.” One has truly said of late: “ The religion of the future will becom!e in­ solvent unless its ethical product is the fruit of vital union with Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.” A revival without the Holy Ghost and the Gospel of God is a farce. The liberalists should stay out of the revival business. They will only make fools of themselves. They have no evangelistic message and they will soon come to see that definite and permanent Christian work is “ not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord.” —K. L. B. DR. BISSELL RELIEVES HIS MIND (BUT THAT’S ALL) The “ Congregationalist” features an article by Dr. Shelton Bissell, in which the doctrinal statement of Dr. Torrey’s church (the Church of the Open Door) is set in contrast with the very simple requirements of the First Congregational Church of Los Angeles, of which Dr. Carl Patton (a very pronounced liberalist) is the pastor. Dr. Bissell says that the creed of Dr. Patton’s church calls for Ohristlike living and practicing love to men, and that of Dr. Torrey’s church means simply the intellectual acceptance of a number o f doctrinal statements of purely speculative value. “ Against the position that dogmatic creedal affirmation is the test of Christian life and character,” says Dr. Bissell, “ stands the undeniable record of Christian character drawn from non-dogmatic sources of inspira­ tion.” He goes-so far as to say that “ if the way of orthodox dogma is right, then everyone who went to the stake for loyalty to Jesus was a fool.’? But wait—there are two or three things lacking in Dr. Bissell’s argu­ ment. The whole implication of the article is that the'members of Dr. Patton’s church (who are not required to believe in the authority of the Bible, the atonement of Christ, the necessity of regeneration and other things usually considered vital to Christianity), live more godly and fruitful lives than do the members of Dr. Torrey’s church (where members are required to be­ lieve something). For such an inference as that we should be furnished with some proof. Is it really a fact that practical godliness, devotion to Christ, compas­ sion for the lost, a spirit of prayer, love for God’s Word and the fruit of the Spirit is nourished in the atmosphere of liberal theology? Does liberalism really put a damper on worldliness, lust, divorce and such things ? Is it true that the members of Dr. Torrey’s church and other churches with an evan­ gelical creed are satisfied with mere “ intellectual acquiescence to doctrinal postulates” ? WE ARE COUNTING ON YOU— 20,000

THE K I NG ' S B US I NE S S 777 This would be an interesting study, but Dr. Bissell has no inclination to furnish statistics. At this time, when some prominent radicals have avowed themselves greatly perplexed over this very question, Dr. Bissell might have jnade himself useful. For instance, there is Professor George Albert Coe, of Union Seminary, who has recently said that “ liberalism makes for ethical clarity and breadthsbut easily fails of ethical fervor. Dogmatism seems to produce a religious intensity that has power with men, whereas the liberal thinker tends to become an onlooker rather than a doer.” And again—Professor William Adams Brown, of Union Seminary, says: “ What is to become, we are asked, of Sunday-observance, church-going, family worship, the habit of Bible-reading and of daily prayer, if no firmer basis can be provided for their support than the generalities of the new theology? And we ourselves, when we consider the easy-going religion which is all about us, often share this feeling, and wish now and again that we could recover the unquestioning faith o f an earlier age, even at the price of some of its intolerance and narrowness.” As to “ the undeniable record of Christian character drawn from non- dogmatic sources. ’ ’ we are at a loss to know where to look for it. Then about those men “ who went to the stake for loyalty to Jesus”—did they not be­ lieve the Bible? Were they ignorant of the atoning character of Christ’s death, or did they look upon Him as a mere man, the illegitimate child of a Jewish woman? Name us just a few of the rationalists who have gone to the stake for loyalty to Jesus. We believe Dr. Dinsdale T. Young, Britain’s great. Methodist preacher, was right when he said, “ It still remains that it is dogmatic Christianity which wins men and renews them, and affords them power to serve their generation, and furnishes them with peace and joy and radiant hope. It is dogmatic churches that succeed numerically and in every way. That is a distinct result of our observations during many years in many places and under varied circumstance^. ” K. L. B. ^¡¿£. ^ &£ WELL—WHAT NEXT? When a minister ceases to believe in the inspiration and authority of holy Scripture, what does he do ? He discourses on current topics (many of which he is not at all qualified to discuss), comments on recent literature (which many of his hearers know as much about as he does), or attempts to become a social reformer. He hobnobs with the politicians and reformers, and nine times out of ten he gets himself into the limelight through some outlandish public action. The stories which the daily papers bring to us show the trend that things will take when no longer the authority of the Bible is regarded. Allow us to mention just a few incidents as showing the extremes to which men will go when they start out upon their own programs. A Massachusetts minister publicly baptizes a poodle dog on the request of one of his parishioners. He gets his picture and that of the dog in the public press throughout the country. The rite which is the expression of having accepted Jesus Christ as a personal Saviour and having risen to NEW SUBSCRIBERS. (SEE PAGE 768)

778 T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S newness of life in Him, is here bestowed upon a dumb animal. It would be but a step further to serve ice cream on the communion table in place of the wine. ' Another minister united in marriage a nineteen-year-old girl and a man twice her age, while the couple stood in the swimming pool, clad in scanty bathing suits. The couple lived together but a few days' The .sanctity of marriage as set forth in Scripture, evidently means nothing to this minister. Here is a prominent minister who endorses-, in the daily press, “ Princess Zoraida” , a palmist and student, of the occult. His letter to “ the beautiful princess” is printed with her picture in a Florida paper. He speaks of her childlike simplicity and faith, and advises all to go and consult her. The Bible condemnation of all such dabbling means nothing to him. Here is a prominent minister who is advocating a Protestant confes­ sional. His idea is taken up by the editor of “ The Baptist” . The Bible teaching that Christ is the all-sufficient priest of His people, to whom be­ lievers are to draw nigh with all their burdens, means little to these men. They know the evils connected with the Roman confessional, but when the personality of the Father and the Deity of Christ are swept away, it is but natural that ecclesiasts should seek to usurp the place of Deity. However, the Protestant confessional without the Roman Catholic purgatory to make it effective would bring but few confessors. Here is a Minneapolis minister who advocates dancing in connection with divine worship and illustrates by dancing the Doxology at the close of the service. The spirit of Easter was executed by a resurrection dance. Thus he would solve the dance evil. A New York minister invites in a heathen priest to assist him in his morning service. The regular altar of the church was used for the “ Chris­ tian” portion of the service, and for the other, an altar copied from an ancient Parsee shrine. On this altar was an urn containing “ sacred” fire, the emblem of Deity. Another minister is advocating “ courting bees” for the young people of the churches. He says that the churches should help the young people to make proper matches in the midst of good Christian influences. Why not have a night a week for a “ spooning social” at the church? We might prolong this and record many other things that have come to us through the daily papers. A recent writer in a British paper has said, “ The old ideas of duty based on the Bible are gone and there is nothing to take its place, and so on all the most important questions touching not only the individual but the family, business, the state, religion and international duty, there is the wildest chaos. ’ ’ Are not these conditions clearly prophesied in Holy Writ as accompany­ ing the departure from the faith? (1 Tim. 4:1; 2 Pet. 2:1, 2; 3:3, 4.) —K. L. B. EXCESS BENEVOLENT BAGGAGE Dr. A. J. Gordon was one of the most princely preachers and teachers this country has ever had. Before his departure to be with his Lord he gave widespread publicity to the following, in which he asks a serious question: WILL A MAN ROB GOD?

THE K I N G ’ S B US I NE S S 779 “ Is It not distinctly affirmed in Scripture that we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that every one may receive the deeds done in the body? Why, then, should Christians so industriously plan that their best deeds be per­ formed after they get out of the body? Is there any promise of recompense for this extra-corpus benevolence?” Then he states a solemn fact : “ And, after all, these benevolences of the dead hand are usually nullified. By a strange irony of custom we call a man’s legacy his ‘will.’ It is really too frequently an ingenious contrivance for getting one’s will defeated.” We suggest a solution to this problem. Use your funds, as far as you can, for God’s glory now where they will bring the largest possible spiritual returns. Put into an annuity such an amount as you need for your own purposes now and which, after your departure, will be used to bring glory to our Lord. We will be glad to advise or serve you in any way. —T. C. H. • ^IIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllHllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^ii | THE GOOD OLD DAYS WHEN METHODISTS WERE 1 | CALLED “BIBLE BIGOTS” j | a tract'entitled “ Thoughts upon Methodism,” issued in 1786, John | | • 1 Wesley asks the question, “What is the fundamental doctrine of the | jj * Methodists?” and his answer is this: “ That the Bible is the whole i | and sole rule both of Christian faith and practice.” In a sermon entitled | = “ On God’s Vineyard” (Text: Is. 5 :4 )— Sermon No. 107 in the authorized | = edition of his sermons— in which he surveys the work of Methodism, he | - = says:— § | From the very beginning of the Methodist movement, from the | | time that four young men united together, each one of them was a 1 | man of one book. God taught them, all to make His word a lantern | | unto their feet and a light in all their paths.” They had one, and | | only one, rule of judgment, with regard to all their tempers, words, I = and actions; namely, the oracles of God. They were one and all de- | | termined to be Bible-Christians. They were continually reproached i | for this very thing; some terming them in derision Bible-bigots; | | others, Bible-moths, feeding, they said, upon the Bible, as moths do | = upon cloth. And, indeed, unto this day, it is their constant endeavor § | to think and speak as the oracles of God. . = I 1 .TiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiinuiinininiiiiiaiiiiiniiiniiiniiniiiHiiiiiiiiiinniaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiT

FORM O F BEQU EST TO THE B IB LE INSTITUTE iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiuiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiHiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiliHiiniiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHii

I djive and bequeath to Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, incorporated under the laws o f the State o f California __________......_________ Dollars, and I direct that the release o f the President o f the Board o f Directors o f said Bible Institute o f Los Angeles shall be sufficient discharge to my executors in the premises.








The Acts, revelation of the Holy Spirit, takes away our hardness of heart. The Epistles, the revelation of the T r in ity - see 2 Cor. 13:14. The Old Testament opens with five books of history. The New Testament opens with five books of history, Matthew presents Jesus as the Royal Saviour; Mark, as the Servant of man; Luke, as the Son of man; John, as Son of God. 250 titles are given Jesus in the Bible. The name “ Jesus” occurs 973 times. The title “ Christ” occurs 556 times. The title “ Lord” occurs 730 times. In Matthew we find 120 Old Testa­ ment quotations from 20 Old Testament books. David is the first man mentioned in the New Testament, also the last. Christ is referred to as “ Son of David” nine times in Matthew’s Gospel. Matthew emphasizes this as he is writ­ ing for Jews whose first question would be as to the divine lineage of the Mes­ siah. , Six dreams are referred to in thè New Testament: Matt. 1:20; 2:13, 19, 22, 12; 27:19- References to the virgin birth of Christ: Gen. 3:15; Isa. 7:14; 8:8, 10; Mie, 5:2, 3; Matt. 1:18-20'. The only person ever born with refer­ ence to the sins of the human family. See Matt. 1:21. The name “ Jesus” means literally, “ Cod who is salvation.”

Three men were providentially thrown into Gentile courts for educa­ tion, each becoming wiser than any other as interpreter. 1. Joseph (Gen. 39:1-6; 41). 2. Moses (Ex. 2:1-10). 3. Daniel (Dan. 1:17). Many a man is fooled by the music. See Dan. 3:16. Safety first is God first. Dan. 6:10. The best way to have your integrity cleared up- See Dan. 6:22. “ Son of man”— applied to Daniel, "Ezekiel and Christ only in Scripture. Christ is “ the” Son of man. Names applied to anti-christ: Prince (Dan. 9:26, 27; 8:8-11, 23; 11:21, 36). Little horn— man of sin— son of perdi- tion— lawless one (Isa. 11:4; 2 Thess- 2:3-8). Beast (Rev. 13:4; 17:8-11). Antichrist (1 Jn. 2:18). A wrestling match in the spirit realm. See Dan. 10:13. Cf. Eph. 6:11-18- Look out for a pastor that is too much of a “ mixer” . See Hos. 7 :8 .. He is a “ cake not turned”— dough on one side, black on the other— the world sticks to him and he blackens the church. Many a preacher has attended the "fish theological seminary” and learned some valuable lessons. See Jonah 1:17. The Old Testament closeb with the promise of the rising of the “ sun of righteousness” (Mai. 4 :2). The New Testament closes with the promise of the rising of the “ morning star” (Rev. 22:16). One promise is to Israel, one is to the church. The morning star rises ahead of the sun. The Old Testament, the revelation of God the Father, takes away our in­ fidelity. The Gospels,' the revelation of Christ the Son, take away our sins.

“ Bethlehem” means “ Ifouse of bread” and the “ Bread of God” was born there. It was noted for a well of water ( 2 Sam. 23:15). We come to Christ for the water of life. . . GOD WILL HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE!

What Comes o f Building with Untempered Mortar. Some Modern Mixtures Reviewed By BBIf COOK Bloomfield, N. J.

tion, and yet is merely a representation of an oft-repeated occurrence in the Word of God; so common indeed are similar cases both in the life of na­ tions and in that of individuals as to make specific mention unnecessary'. Is there a present-day application of this object lesson? If so, where is it to be found? The answer is instant, for everywhere today is to be seen the identical wall, with a far greater host of daubers than of old, busy at their unhallowed pur­ suit. Amid all the multiplied intricacies of thought and teaching in these modern days there is perhaps none that is so universal and popular as that which predicts Peace to a world that is ripen­ ing for judgment. In the face of seething, world-wide unrest, many actual wars, and many more threatening, including the im­ pending class, wars in every land, in­ volving the war of the starving for bread; the shocking lawlessness that is literally shaking the pillars of society; the immorality that is surely poisoning the springs of social life; the problem» which despite centuries of effort to solve have proven insoluble,— notwith­ standing all these conditions the multi­ tudes, following their leaders, are still deluding themselves with hopes of peace in point-blank opposition to God’s Word, in which, there is not a single passage or hint that this age is to end in peace and blessing, but which on the contrary abounds in predictions and descriptions of judgment; and these not in enigmatic-

T Is no light thing to disagree with God, for disagreement usually leads to opposition and and for that, if continued, there Is only one ending, viz- condign punishment! The judgment upon those of whom we read in Ezekiel 13:10-16, who dared this attitude of opposition, was destruc­ tion by being crushed in the *mud of the wall of their own construction. It is one of the most graphic portray­ als in the Bible,— that Book of dramatic scenes. A company of prophets build­ ing— as a refuge— a wall of untempered mortar, i. e. lies! because contrary to the clear revelations which God had been pleased to give them. HJis unap­ peasable wrath is exhibited under the figures of an overflowing shower, great hailstones, and a strong wind. Under this triple assault: the torrent soaking, the hail pounding, the wind rending—- the wall disintegrates, sloughs off and falls to the earth carrying the head­ strong builders with it to a shameful death! False Message of Peace Their particular sin, or rather crime, lay in giving the false message of Peace as to Israel’s future, whereas God had decreed and declared judgment upon the nation for its many unrepented transgressions. It was a novel scene of intense ac- *“ Mud” is what cement-workers in some localities call their mixture. And this is what it |is in reality when they forget ( !) to put in the required amount of cement, which is frequently the case judging by the appearance of much of the work to be seen. (SEE PAGE 863)



noticeable object to be seen in the moral world. It is a stupendous landmark encircling the globe. Perilous State of Society The Pope of Rome describes the moral conditions of the world in his five specifications, viz:— 1. The unprecedented challenge to authority. 2. An unprecedented hatred be­ tween man and man. 3. The abnormal aversion to work. 4. The excessive thirst for pleasure as the great aim of life- 5. A gross materialism which denies the reality of the spiritual in human life. Yet, he judges, the case is not hope­ less, but can be effectually remedied by the world’s return to his authority, though the middle ages when the Papacy was supreme can hardly be cited in proof! When a famous lawyer graphically and with undeniable facts portrays the sordid and perilous state of society caused by “ The Spirit of Lawlessness” (the title of his lecture), he also— in­ stead of voicing God’s declaration of judgment, and so warning humanity,—- with a hopeless perversity asserts his faith in “ the inextinguishable spark of the Divine which is in the human soul,” and finds his “ Bulwark (wall) in the Constitution” which is “ as the Rock of Gibraltar.” . This sounds well, but it has one fatal defect in that it is not the dictum of God. Judgment for disobe­ dience Is His unchanging decree! This noted and seemingly well-inten­ tioned lawyer (and he must be given credit for at least truly describing the conditions) at the conclusion quotes Scripture, a n d singularly enough chooses a passage that is strikingly^ appropriate in the way it can be used against himself. Here is his perora­ tion: “ Let us then, as its (the Con­ stitution’s) interpreters and guardians

al language but clear and positive, yes, even lurid in its realism, as though specially designed to guard against mis­ conception, the very strongest of these expressions coming from the lips of Him who is the infallible authority. Be­ sides which there is the unalterable principle which observation and expe­ rience should induce even those who re­ ject the Scripture testimony to deem conclusive, viz: There can be no Peace without Righteousness! That the foun­ dation of righteousness now exists who will claim? False and Deadly Optimism “ One built up a wall, and lo, others daubed it with untempered morter.” Who the first modem builder of this in­ secure refuge against the threatened destruction was it is hard to determine, nor is it needful, the expression likely simply refers to the imitative spirit of the foolish laborers. The pernicious and persistent folly has come down from ancient time,— it is in tiie blood of the unregenerate of all ages; yet there has been a modern impetus dating back to the initial higher criticism of Astruc, the evolution theory of Darwin, and of course the atheism of the eighteenth century. All these combined with the pride engendered by success in inven­ tion, discovery and intellectual progress have made humanity insanely drunk with a false and deadly optimism which looks to a culmination of universal peace and contentment. Poets have descanted on it; statesmen, though har­ ried and harassed by crushing cares, have predicted it; modern theology, denying the inerrancy of God’s Word, has taught it; and all the new system# of “ religion” have embodied it until the world is dimly illuminated by this all- pervading ignis fatuus, with a poison gas quality added. As the Chinese wall is the most prom­ inent artificial structure on earth, so is this wall of mud the greatest, the most



throw will be as inevitable as was the Deluge, the destruction of Babylon and the massacre of Jerusalem! Not one word in the Scriptures leads to the hope (much less belief) that peace Will be the outcome of the disturbed condition of the world, rather everywhere is judgment described. God seems to have exhausted all ef­ forts to instruct men. By the voice of Prophets, the testimony of Christ, -the teaching of the Apostles, by analogy (every former age has ended in judg­ ment) by parable, by beseeching appeal has the message been given. The very attitude of men at the end-time has been graphically pictured: “There shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts and saying, Where is the promise of his coming?” (2 Pet. 3:3, 4.) “ For when they shall say, Peace and safety: then sudden destruction cometh upon them” (1 Thess. 5 :3). • What a finale! When theological professors, famous poets, doctors of di­ vinity, great statesmen and all who have exalted human opinion and philosophy against the Divine decrees, are, with their dupes, overtaken by ignominious rout and ruin! Seeking to construct a refuge against coming disaster, their very device for protection is made the instrument of their destruction. Their wall of mud overthrows and smothers them. They are suffocated and covered with shame by their own lies! , If it were only a temporary discom­ fiture that befalls these enemies of truth it would be ludicrous enough to see them — gowned, mortar-boarded, frocked and robed— crawling out with mouth, ears, eyes and hair filled with mud, their finery bedraggled and bespat­ tered, 7 —poor discredited gentlemen; but their end being shameful and utter de­ struction, there is left no room for laughter, rather only for sorrow pro­ found.

— and as such the civilian soldiers of the State— do all that In us lies to pre­ serve this inspired vision of the Fathers, for again the solemn warning of the wise man of old recurs to us: ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law [evidently he makes this apply to our civil law ], happy is he’.” This passage from Proverbs 29:18 is to him only the words of “ the wise man of old.” Its use as he employs it is pitifully misapplied and inadequate. Over against it we set “ the word of the Lord” which “ came unto” Ezekiel “ say­ ing (v. 2, 3), Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel that prophesy, and say unto them that proph­ esy out of their own hearts^ Hear ye the word of the Lord: Thus saith the Lord Ood; Woe unto the foolish proph­ ets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing,” * * *,(v. 9) “ mine hand shall he upon the prophets that see vanity and that divine lies.” God’s Only Deliverance The speaker referred to utters not one word about man’s attitude toward God, his treatment of the crucified Re­ deemer, the necessity of repentance, confession and the submission of his will to God, hut leaves mankind in its wickedness, with faith in “ the inex­ tinguishable spark of the Divine nature which is in the human soul,” a senti­ ment which ,is denied on nearly every page of the Bible. How clear is God’s deliverance: “ There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked” (Isaiah 57:21). And the words of our Lord: “ As it was in the days .of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man * * * the flood came and . destroyed them all. Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot * * * it rained fire and brim­ stone from heaven and destroyed them all” (Luke 17:27-29). Reader, believe it, the sequel of over­

Collapse of Evolution Some Selections from a New Edition o f Booklet by Above Title, Showing Break in Scientific Ranks By PROF. L. T. TOWNSEND H r OF. L. T. Townsend has just issued a revised edition of his well-known booklet, “The Col­ lapse of Evolution,” which The following quotations from emi­ nent scientists are selected from the many in Prof. Townsend’s book:

Dr N. S. Shaler, professor of geology in Harvard University, eminent as a scientist: “ It begins to be evident to naturalists that the Darwinian hypo­ thesis is still essentially unverified. Not­ withstanding the evidence deTived from the study* of animals and plants under domestication, it ië not yet proved that a single species of the two or three mil­ lions now inhabiting the earth had been established solely or mainly, by the ope­ ration of natural selection.” Professor O. C. Everett, also of Har­ vard: “ If in toe Past those ranks of beings ever rose and moved in proces­ sion along the upward slope, each pass­ ing, by no matter how slow a step, out of its own limitations, and in itself, or in its posterity entered upon a larger life, it was before the eyes of man were opened to them. No searching of his awakened powers can detect, even among the remains of unknown an­ tiquity, any glimpse of the great move­ ment while in progress of accomplish­ ment. All, as he looks upon it, is as fixed as .the sphinx that slumbers On the Egyptian sands- All this story of transformation and activity is a dream. The late Professor Agassiz, who still ranks second to no man in his mastery of the scientific method: “ As a paleon­ tologist I have from the beginning stood aloof from this new theory of toe trans­ mutation of species now so widely ad­ mitted by the scientific world. Its doc­ trines in fact contradict what the ani-

should he given the widest possible cir­ culation among Christians at the pres­ ent time. Single copies are but 20 cents, or by the dozen, $2.25. “ Prom what is heard repeated over and over again,” says Prof. Townsend, “ one might be led to think that scholar­ ly men, men of science and the world s philosophers, are all evolutionists, and that those who question the hypothesis are afflicted ‘with the leprosy of incom­ petence,’ or are ‘the mental slaves of effete traditions,’ or, ‘a howling pack of antedulivians,’ terms of reproach that have been flung by evolutionists at those who do not agree with them- “ The saying that the scholarship of the world is arrayed on the side of evo­ lution we do not hesitate to brand as a falsehood whether spoken by a canon, professor or clergyman. Yet this say­ ing is the bugaboo that has made more men duck than almost any other words spoken. Those who speak such things a r e , however, amazingly belated, though holding high positions in church - and college. Hence from the assertion that scholarly men and others of high standing are all evolutionists, we not only dissent but affirm that the exact opposite is nearer the truth, The most thorough scholars, the world’s ablest philosophers and scientists, with few ex­ ceptions, are at the present time not supporters, but many of them are as­ sailants of evolution.”

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