King's Business - 1922-08

774 THE K I NG ' S BUS I NE S S At this “ tick of the clock” Foster will get his tickekto Hades. He is worse than Ingersoll ever was, for he wears the livery of Heaven but serves the P rS ' fm . Newton Clarke, in his book on “ The Use of the Scriptures 111 T^Nowgw4’ know that they are not historical records^ and , hear no testimony nectton^e^declares ^at*th^ nSrative in6Genesisris ncdfa trustworthy'record con- ^ W er w h S e r ° fC W w b r t h y record of the origin of sin or not they testify that Adam and Eve were liars; the history of mankind verifies this statement; and Prof. Clarke surely cannot deny that he was born a liar, for this very statement proves that he was. . . HR f ,• Prof. Henry C. Yedder, of Crozier Theological Seminary, m one of h s “ lav sermons” printed in The Chester News, said: | . ‘‘M ™ theologians and preachers declare very positively that there is a place and that is just nothing at all. Of course Mr. Yedder knows that the Bible teaches that there is a Heaven, and that Jesus in His parting message said, I go o ^ place for you.” He also said of.the Vedder tribe, Where I am thither ye S e r i cte, of Union Theological Seminar, speaking of foreign missionary effort, says: . , effiort t0 rescue “ The modern foreign missionary move t forming itseif into co-operation individuals from sin by preaching. n the en)j t^at the level of the i democratic social program rather than as the rescue of a few individuals from diVinl n d ai)eInjShailer Matthews, of the University of Chicago, writing in the S“ We as trying to save brands from fte cernedyinSrescuing people than in educating them to keep out of danger. This trinity of professors have a new vision of foreign missions. They have changed the commission of the Son of God “ Go—preach the Gospe . YOU CAN INVEST $1.00 or $1000.00 They k n o w n o more about it than you or I , " “ p w ' S Km ey Sm“ I n l B B

f^he ViTversity of Chicago, says in the •

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