King's Business - 1922-08

The “Best” Books

—Your Vacation Be sure to take enough good books along with you this year, get the most out of every minute of your time. In the Twinkling of an Eye Scarlet and Purple By Sydney Watson

The Lure of the Leopard Skin By Jospehine H. Westervelt A stirring story of ad­ venture centered around experiences of a young American who goes into Africa chiefly in search of adventure. This he finds in good . measure and something else besides. He has encounters with wild animals—-has narrow es­ capes from death and tropical diseases — but better still, while in the wilds he comes upon a m i s s i o n station and through daily contact with the missionaries he comes to know their Saviour and becomes im­ bued with their spirit. A delightful romance is in- terwoven which holds the reader’s attention from beginning to end. Cloth, $1.75 A most gripping story with a vivid spiritual truth. From beginning to end it capti­ vates, and will prove a de­ light to old and young alike. In its appeal for real­ ity, it deals with church life and worship, truly delineat­ ing the subtle temptations of ‘‘The Church Social” and the ‘‘Chartered Choir” intertwin­ ing therewith a love story that is irresistible. Illustrated, 187 pages, Cloth, $1.00 The First Soprano By Mary Hitchcock

By Sydney D. Watson The Second Coming of the Lord is a very precious truth to many Christians, and would be to many more if they only understood. Some are adverse to studying their Bibles just to learn this par­ ticular truth, but, everybody will „read and enjoy a good, well written story. In the Twinkling of an Eye is an exceedingly interesting story in which the doctrine of the return of the Lord is so in­ timately interwoven that the reader absorbs it, utterly unconscious that he is being taught,— so thoroughly does he become absorbed in the story. It is just the book to put into the hands of young Christians, careless Christians, nominal Chris- tions. Read it for yourself, and then you will understand what we mean. Price $1.25, cloth The Mark o f the Beast By Sydney D. Watson There are but compara­ tively few people who under­ stand correctly what the Bible teaches concerning “ the Great Tribulation” ,-^— that awful period of distress that is coming upon this earth during the time when the Antichrist will rule with unhindered sway. In “ The Mark of the Beast” these facts are most vividly por­ trayed in story form. So interesting is the story that many people read it through at one sitting, only to take up the book again to re-read once, twice and possibly three times, until the true teaching of the tribulation is so fixed in their minds that they will never forget it. Price $1.25, cloth

Good salvation stories are rare,— this is a rare one,— an exceedingly interesting story. God’s Good News concerning His Son and what He has done for us is the theme running through it from beginning to end, but it does not in any way in­ terfere with the plot or the characters except to *enhance your interest in them. It brings the reader face to face with Jesus Christ, as Saviour and many souls have been born again through its read­ ing. Put “ Scarlet and Pur­ ple” into the hands of young people,— into the hands of any one you want to see converted. Price $1.25, cloth The Dance of Death — Should Christians Indulge? By Rev. John Roach Straton, D. D. A re .the modern dances a sign of degeneracy in the human race? Are they a serious menace, physically, mentally, and morally to the rising generation? Should the -church today relax its attitude of opposition to such worldly indulgences? This is one of the strong­ est books on the dance that has yet been issued. Its ar­ guments are unanswerable. This book should be put into the hands of every father and mother as well as into the hands of every young person. Price 25c; 12 for $2.50

If money does not accompany order goods will be sent C. O. D., unless otherwise specified. If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M institute 1Y1 LOS ANGELES


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