King's Business - 1922-08

The “Best” Books

isrYour Vacation


The Book of Mission­ ary Heroes Basil Mathews This^book tells stories of the thrilling adventures and daring acts of the great heroes of sea and land who have faced perils among wild beasts and wilder men, to tell them of the love of God. Every story is not only his­ torically true, but tne narra­ tive is accurate in detail. Cloth, $1.50 Children’s Missionary Story-Sermons Hugh T. Kerr Dr. Kerr has written a book which is excellent. He has gathered stories about individuals, focussing the lessons in the personalities of the men and women about whom he writes. Fathers and Mothers, Pastors and Sunday School Teachers will find this book of great serv- Cloth, $1.25 New Acts of the Apostles Dr. A. T. Pierson This book very clearly de­ picts the marvels of modern missions. It compares the Christian Church in the nineteenth century with the church of the first ^century, especially in their missionary aspects, and brings out the features of resemblance and of contrast between them. No student of missions can afford to be without this book. Cloth, $1.50

Chinese Heart Throbs Jennie V. Hughes A charming tender series of sketches and stories writ­ ten by one who has a rare insight into and sympathy with the people of China among whom she has labored many years as a missionary/. Cloth, $1.50 Pastor Hsi, one of China’s Christians Mrs. Howard Taylor This is a very unusual life story of a man who was one of China’s scholars, but who, through the opium habit, descended to the lowest depths that it would seem possible for a human to go, and then, Christ came into his life, it was transformed and he became an outstand­ ing figure for God. One of China’s great Christians. Cloth, $2.00 Chinese Diamonds for the King of Kings Mrs. Jonathan Goforth^ This book gives definite answer to the questions, “ Do Missions Pay?” and “ After all, are there any real Chris­ tians in China?’’ The con­ crete examples given of men cleaned, restored, established in righteousness evidence as nothing else can the truth of the Bible. A splendid book to put into the hands of unbelievers. Cloth, $1,00

Sadhu Sundar Singh Mrs. Arthur Parker The marvellously interest­ ing story ¡of one .of India’s most remarkable native Christians. His story, ably told by Mrs. Arthur Parker, reads like a book of Apostolic ad­ venture. Rejected by his family he has become India’s foremost evangelist. By all means buy, read and circulate this splendid book. Cloth, $1.25 The Bells of the Blue Pagoda Jean Carter Cochran This book is, by many, re­ garded as the best story of the life in China that has been put out thus far. It is true to life, to every phase of life you ,touch. Nothing is overdrawn. All the charac­ ters are true to what has happened in recent years. Cloth, $1.75 A Prince of the Church in India J. C. R. Ewing A remarkable record of the life of Rev. Kali Charan Chatteryee, who was for forty-eight years a mission­ ary at Hoshyarpur, India. Dr. Ewing has drawn a no­ ble picture of a rich and de­ voted life. He has made no missionary argument for one such man is wdrth any ex­ penditure. Cloth, 75c

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