King's Business - 1922-08



WORK AMONG THE JEWS James A. Vans, Supt.— Bible Classes and Personal W ork, Street Meetings and Semi- Monthly Mass Meetings for Jews o f Los Angeles.

She visited the Mission Home and was personaly dealt with there. After­ wards she attended our Jewish Bible Class where God so used the message and the testimony of Hebrew Christians that she was brought under deepest con­ viction. At the close of the class one of the workers spoke to her and asked if she would not at that time definitely receive the Lord Jesus as her Messiah, and kneeling there in prayer with the workers and with tears streaming down her cheeks, she found Him of whom Moses in the Law and the Prophets did write, “ Jesus of Nazareth, the King of Israel.” Does it not pay to follow in the foot­ steps of Paul and witness to Jews “ in the synagogue” and “ in the market daily” and “ from house to house?” WHERE GOD IS WORKING B HE above is the title of an article in a recent issue of “ The Life of Faith” , giving news of revival blessing from different sections of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Speaking of the revival campaign being conducted by Evangelist Nicholson in Belfast, un­ der the auspices of the United Com­ mittee, the article goes on to say: “This campaign has, through God’s abundant blessing, been growing in in­ terest and power. In the hearts of mul­ titudes of God’s children there has been heard the voice of a spiritual spring­ time; Christians have been quickened beyond the power of words to tell; there are multitudes in the valley of decision r and large numbers < have not only passed through the inquiry rooms, but, it is believed, have also passed into the realm of a vital spiritual experience. “ The great Albert Hall on the Shan- kill Road, the scene of many an evan­ gelistic campaign, has never been so gloriously used. It has been taxed to its capacity night after night, while the

“Nevertheless among the chief rnlers also, many believed on Him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they shonld be put ont of the syna­ gogue.” (Jno. 12:42.)

E covet tile prayers of God’s children on behalf of many in Israel who, like the chief rulers mentioned above, have

become secret believers in Jesus Christ. This is particularly true of many Jew­ ish women as well as some men. The average orthodox Jewish housewife oc­ cupies an unenviable position in her own home. In many cases she is con­ sidered little better than a servant. Her duties consist in rearing children, wait­ ing on her master-husband and “ keep­ ing kosher.” Her position and the fact that the average Jewish woman is kept in ignorance of matters pertaining to the Law, make it difficult for her to fol­ low her new convictions, and go against her husband’s wishes. * * * * In our work among the Jews we seek to follow the example of Paul, who dis­ puted with the Jews “ in the synagogue” and “ in the market daily” and “ from house to house,” and the following inci­ dent shows the wisdom of so doing. Two of our workers, while calling in the interest of our Jewish children’s work, became so interested in a Jewess whom they met that they forgot their original mission, which was to make in­ quiry concerning some Jewish children. This Jewess was busy preparing for the Jewish Passover which was near at hand, hut she admitted she had no heart for it. Her parents were strict ortho­ dox Jews, but she was not; she merely went through this Jewish ceremony to please her people. When spoken to concerning her own individual, spiritual need, she told of how some one years before had interested her in Christian­ ity.

Faith o f Young People? (See Page 863)

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