King's Business - 1922-08

770 THE K I NG ' S BU S I NE S S been hiding himself under the term “ evolution” , and has played the game so successfully that today the schools and many pulpits are controlled by Thank God that many ministers, and the bulk of the People, are yet ringing God’s Word, but the ministers must not be left to tight tne battle alone. Ministers are the servants of God, and the representatives of ^The laymen call the ministers; the laymen put up the funds with winch to pay the bills; the time has come for the laymen to arise and assert them­ selves. Why put money into a pool, used for the purpose of building up Satan’s kingdom? Why pay a man a salary for fooling you and your chil­ dren about eternal things? ... H H f f The church is on fire—don’t you see it?—fire from the pit! The schools are burning—don’t you smell the fire and brimstone? Your country is m peril! Your homes, your loved ones, are in danger! Cry aloud and spare not! Some of you have been listening to soft words and have been walking with a pussy-footed parson. You have been asleep, wake up ! The time has come for men to take their stand. Take the Old Book—the dear old Bi in your hand and tackle the professor or preacher who questions it. You have only to ask four questions: . . , ' • Do you believe in the inspired Word of God—verbally inspired? Do you believe in the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ God manifest m 4116 p i y o u believe that His. sacrificial blood offering made full atonement f °r Do?you believe in His physical resurrection from the grave, and that He lives in. that resurrected body now? . .... , If the preacher or teacher gives an unhesitating and unconditional “ Yes” to these four questions, put your hand m-his and give him your alle­ giance. If his answer is “ No” , tell him he is a traitor to his. country, false to his vows, and have no fellowship with him. You cannot give him God­ speed” without being a partaker of his evil deeds. Pray for him. _ The Call is to the laymen. In every church, m every hamlet m every town in every city, let there be a Laymen s League for the Defense of the Bible. This is the call of the hour. This is the call from the Bible. This is the call from the Lord of hosts,—“‘ Quit you like men; be strong ^ ^ THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY Owing to the growing competition in the manufacture of Bibles, the American Bible Society, which has been doing such splendid work for a hundred years, has gone out of the publishing business. It will still continue its good work of distribution. B h BBM IB B B B IIISB In the early days people gave gladly to the call for funds for this work and the society had missionaries in all of the large centers, visiting the people and placing Bibles in every home without one. P But times and methods have changed and naturally conditions have also, and thousands of homes and tens of thousands of children m this land have never had'a Bible or TestameUt. WILL A MAN ROB GOD?

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