King's Business - 1922-08

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STUDENTS— Kindly communicate with Miss Elfreda Stein, B. I., the compiler of these notes. Many letters are being received con ­ taining words o f appreciation regarding the broadcasting o f the Sunday sermons at the Church o f the Open Door through the radio installed at the Institute. Church congregations in various places are re­ ceiving the benefit o f the sermons by this means, as w ell as those who because of. illness or other circumstances are unable to attend church' services. Dr. Ralph Atkinson, Assistant Dean of the Institute, left Los Angeles May 16th for the General Assembly o f the United Presbyterian Church, which met in Cam­ bridge, Ohio, May 24th, and in which he took part. He and Mrs. Atkinson expected to sail from New Y ork June 8th for L iv­ erpool. They are also planning to visit -Belgium , Prance, Ireland, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. During his stay in Europe Dr. Atkinson w ill supply pulpits and is planning to deliver some lectures on the w ork o f the Bible Institute of Dos Angeles. They- w ill leave Europe fo r the United States the last o f August, arriving here in time fo r the opening o f the In­ stitute in the fall. An earnest group o f local Christians under the name of Evangelistic Bible In­ stitute, are steadily bearing w itness in Fresno. Their main efforts are directed to street preaching, although they hold a daily noort-day prayer meeting, and have some Bible study and a testimony meeting in the rooms in the Temple Bar Bldg. This building overlooks the Court House Park, and frequently Mr, E. R. Kale, a former B. I. student, who .is the leader of this work, sounds out a series o f gospel texts to those seated under the trees. A recent report states that one Sunday afternoon some 200 listened to the message; 37 attended the after m eeting and two boldly to o k their stand fo r Christ. During the month they distributed 3,000 tracts, 120 John’s Gospels. They need the prayers of God’s people, both for courage and that their need o f supplies o f Gospels and tracts should be met in increasing quantities. Charles A. Henry graduated on May 24th from the Southwestern Baptist Th eolog­ ical Seminary, Seminary Hill, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Urban, ’17, of Aru, Congo Beige, announce the arrival of Lucy Loree Urban, January 29th, 1922. A daughter was born in May to Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Collard of Barton, Oregon. Mr. Collard is pastor o f a Christian and M issionary Alliance church there. W ord has been received from A frica that a little girl, A lice Isabel, was born to Mr. and M rs.-W ill Kendall in March, as a companion to the boy, Bobbie.

A son, Robert Windell, was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. K ilw inski, o f Van Nuys, Calif., on May 28th, 1922. Miss Martha K line was married on May 31st to Mr. Kearney Jones. They w ill make their home at Elgin, Oregon. Harry P. Herdman is returning shortly on furlough from K ijabe, B. E. Africa, to his home in Zanesville, Ohio. Miss Christine Frandsen, Dec. ’21, has gone to Denmark, expecting later to spend some time in England in preparation for service in the A frica Inland Mission field. Mrs. Besse McAnlis, ’17, Secretary of the P ocket Testament League, has been making an extended visit at the Bible In­ stitute. Mrs. Besse Nurmingpr sailed from San Pedro on June 9th, for Guatemala City, Guatemala, where she w ill have charge of a hospital and training school, having been sent out by the Church o f the Open Door. Miss Mabel Jordan, ’20, has been ap­ pointed by the Presbyterian Board of F o r­ eign Missions to the Harriet House School for Girls in Bangkok, Siam. She is sched­ uled to sail from Vancouver on September 7th, and requests prayer that the Lord may heal her and send her out strong to do His bidding. Franklin G. Huling, ’19, writes from Pendleton, Oregon: “I graduated from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, on May 2nd, and Mrs. Huling and I are here w ith the First Baptist Church of Pendleton for three months, with a view o f taking the pas­ torate. This is the county seat of Uma­ tilla County, and the city and country a' beautiful. It is a live, w orldly young city of over 8,000, but the Lord has His own. here and there is a big- opportunity for the Lord to do something in Pendleton.” Fred W. Hoffman, '21, writes from Nor­ mal, K entucky: “I have been here as a supply since last August, but on April 27th I was ordained to the Gospel m inistry and installed as pastor o f the Normal Presbyterian Church of Ashland, Kentucky. It. is a hard field, but the Lord is blessing* our w ork and conditions are im prov­ ing steadily. W e have a grow in g Sunday school, with an average attendance now of about 160, and we are planning for a Daily Vacation Bible School this summer. There is a splendid opportunity here among the children and young people. Pray fo r our work. A few days ago, while attending the State C. E. convention at Lexington, I met and had a pleasant visit w ith Herbert Scott, another B. I. gradu­ ate, located at Whitesburg, K y.”

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