Biennials & Spring Perennials 2021-2022 | UK

Rocky shelf life and garden performance tests

Shelf life test at Flowerwatch, Roelofarendsveen (NL)

transport simulation and a 12-day shelf life test in a retail environment. All plants came from the same source and were treated the same. FlowerWatch used cameras and physical inspection to monitor the plants. The FlowerWatch report shows that Rocky is an all-round performer when it comes to shelf life. Rocky provides you a comprehensive colour-range with a reliable shelf life!

The Rocky series includes great colours supplied by our main Viola breeders, which befits the series performance. When a new colour is added to the Rocky series, not only is it tested on growth performance, but also on shelf life performance. In cooperation with FlowerWatch, we tested our Rocky series by comparing it to other series available on the market. The shelf life test included a 2-day

Rocky Golden Yellow

Rocky Deep Blue

Main competitive equivalent

Main competitive equivalent

Garden performance test at Syngenta Trial Field, De Lier (NL)

Netherlands, for a period of 9 weeks. Each of the colours gives you the standard garden performance you expect from a small-flowered series. Rocky brings a wide range of rich flowering colours!

The special colours within the Rocky series certainly attract consumers on the shop floor. But are these special coloured varieties also performing in the consumer’s garden? We have tested this at our trial field in the

Rocky Light Marina Imp

Rocky Sunny Side Up

Main competitive equivalent

Main competitive equivalent

Rocky Golden Blues


Viola cornuta F1


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